dtr是什么意思 dtr的中文翻译、读音、例句

dtr是什么意思 dtr的中文翻译、读音、例句

DTR 通常代表 "Define the Relationship(定义关系)",是一种用于在约会期间明确双方关系的行为。以下是英语老师从五个方面对 DTR 进行的说明:

1. 用途:DTR 用于确定两个人之间的关系,包括恋爱关系、友谊关系等。


- Have you had the DTR with your boyfriend yet? (你和你男朋友有过 DTR 吗?)

- We really need to have a DTR about where our friendship is going. (我们真的需要关于我们友谊走向的 DTR。)

2. 时间:DTR 通常在约会一段时间之后进行,一般是在双方已经有了一定的了解之后。


- It's been a few months now, I think it's time to have the DTR. (现在已经几个月了,我觉得应该是时候进行 DTR 了。)

- We've been seeing each other for a while now and I'm ready to have the DTR. (我们已经在一起一段时间了,我准备好进行 DTR 了。)

3. 呈现方式:DTR 可以以各种方式进行,包括面对面交谈、电话通话、文字聊天等。


- I think we need to have a face-to-face DTR. (我觉得我们需要面对面进行 DTR。)

- He had the DTR with me over the phone, which I thought was a little weird. (他通过电话跟我进行了 DTR,我觉得有点奇怪。)

4. 结果:DTR 可能会导致两个人决定继续前进,也可能会导致他们决定结束关系或者保持友好关系。


- After the DTR, we decided to keep dating exclusively. (DTR 之后,我们决定继续独占约会。)

- The DTR didn't go well and we decided to just be friends. (DTR 进行得不太顺利,我们决定只保持朋友关系。)

5. 相关术语:DTR 还可以涉及到许多与约会和关系有关的术语,包括“独占约会”、“交往关系”、“开放式关系”等。


- We had the DTR and decided to be in an exclusive relationship. (我们进行了 DTR 并决定建立独占约会关系。)

- He didn't want to be in a serious relationship, so we agreed to keep it casual and have an open relationship. (他不想建立认真的交往关系,所以我们决定保持轻松,建立开放式关系。)

dtr是“Data Terminal Ready”的缩写,是一种串口通信中的控制信号,表示终端设备已准备好。在串口通信中,收发双方需要通过控制信号来进行数据的传输和控制。dtr信号表示终端设备已准备好,可以发送数据。dtr的中文翻译为“数据终端就绪”,读音为[dɑ:tə]。


1. Make sure that the DTR signal is properly configured before attempting to establish a connection.(确保在建立连接之前正确配置DTR信号。)

2. The DTR signal is used to indicate when the device is ready to send or receive data.(DTR信号用于表示设备何时准备好发送或接收数据。)




例句:But with DTR, you can also replicate sources between repositories in different locations. (DTR可不一样。它可以对处于不同物理位置的库之间进行复制。)


例句:It's just a Yanko Design concept by Adam Ohearn at the moment, but the DTR looks quite stylish for a convertible Tablet PC. (这现在只是一个叫亚当·赫恩的美国人的设计理念,但DTR在双用平板电脑里似乎相当时髦。)


例句:The DTR is the switching fabric the connects the C-Ports within DTR concentrator. (dtr是一种交换结构,在dtr集中器内把c口连接起来。)



dtr一般作为名词使用,如在DTR([计] 数据终端设备就绪)、DTR/NL([=deep tendon reflexes within normal limits]正常范围内的深层腱反射)等常见短语中出现较多。

DTR[计] 数据终端设备就绪
DTR/NL[=deep tendon reflexes within normal limits]正常范围内的深层腱反射


1. The DTR is the switching fabric the connects the C-Ports within DTR concentrator. (翻译:dtr是一种交换结构,在dtr集中器内把c口连接起来。)

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