any minute是什么意思 any minute的中文翻译、读音、例句

any minute是什么意思 any minute的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:any minute表示即将发生或不久之后会发生的事情。也可以用来表示某个事件或状态的发生时间已经非常接近了。


词组搭配:常与be about to / be on the verge of等表示即将发生的词组连用。

短语:any minute

发音拼写:/'eni 'minit/


1. The bus will arrive any minute, so we'd better hurry up. (巴士随时都会到达,所以我们最好赶紧走。)

2. You should leave now, your mother could be here any minute. (你应该现在离开,你妈妈随时会到这里。)

3. Any minute now, the fireworks will start. (现在随时会开始烟火表演。)


5. I'm expecting an important phone call any minute now. (我现在随时都可能接到一通重要电话。)

6. The sun is about to set any minute now, it's a beautiful sight. (太阳现在随时都会落下,真是美丽的景象。)

7. She had the feeling that something extraordinary was going to happen any minute now. (她有一种感觉,随时都可能发生一些非凡的事情。)

any minute的意思是“随时、马上”。


读音:[ˈɛni ˈmɪnɪt]


1. I expect her to arrive any minute now.(我预计她随时会到达。)

2. The plane could take off any minute, so please take your seats.(飞机随时可能起飞,请就座准备。)

3. He's been waiting for the call from the hospital any minute for the past hour.(他已经等了一个小时,随时等待医院的电话。)

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