gasol是什么意思 gasol的中文翻译、读音、例句

gasol是什么意思 gasol的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Gasol是个名词,指的是一种汽油,特别是高级汽油。

2. 词性:Gasol是个名词。

3. 词组搭配:gasol pump(汽油泵),gasol engine(汽油发动机)

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:[ɡəˈsɒl]


1. The price of gasol is rising rapidly these days.


2. The gasol pump at the gas station is out of order.


3. The car uses a lot of gasol since it has a big engine.


4. The gasol we use in our cars nowadays is much cleaner than before.


5. He had to stop at the gas station to fill up with gasol before heading out on the highway.



gasol的读音为 [ɡə'sɔːl]。


1. Pau Gasol是西班牙篮球运动员,曾效力于洛杉矶湖人队和芝加哥公牛队。

2. 加索尔兄弟都是优秀的篮球运动员,分别代表西班牙国家队参加过奥运会和世界杯等重要比赛。




例句:Gasol seems to be faring fine on the court this month, but Bryant has looked fatigued at times, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. (加索尔这个月在球场上看起来进展的很顺利,但是布莱恩特每次看起来都很疲劳,湖人教练菲尔·杰克逊说。)


例句:Is there room in the frontcourt for both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum ? (加索尔和拜纳姆在一起的前场有足够的空间给他们两人发挥么?)


例句:ATLANTA -- The bottom line on the Lakers' 86-76 loss today to the Atlanta Hawks was that they didn't get the ball to Pau Gasol often enough. (亚特兰大——湖人今天以86-76大败于亚特兰大老鹰队,是因为他们命中率不高。)


例句:I don't care if Gasol is playing for Spain, Nowitzki and Kaman for Germany, or Ming for China. (翻译:我不介意加索尔是否为西班牙打球,德克和卡曼为德国队打球,或者姚明为中国队打球。)


1. ATLANTA -- The bottom line on the Lakers' 86-76 loss today to the Atlanta Hawks was that they didn't get the ball to Pau Gasol often enough. (翻译:亚特兰大——湖人今天以86-76大败于亚特兰大老鹰队,是因为他们命中率不高。)

2. I don't care if Gasol is playing for Spain, Nowitzki and Kaman for Germany, or Ming for China. (翻译:我不介意加索尔是否为西班牙打球,德克和卡曼为德国队打球,或者姚明为中国队打球。)

3. A year ago, Pau Gasol had never played in the NBA finals, so he was excited just to be there. (翻译:xx年前,加索尔还从未参加过NBA总决赛,他太兴奋了,因而导致发挥失常。)

4. But don't get tangled: Gasol's a key player, one of the most adept power forwards in the league at scoring nattily and moving the ball. (翻译:但是不要为加索尔在总决赛中的表现耿耿于怀了:加索尔本身就是一名关键的球员,一名可以快速得分和转移球的联盟中最灵活之一的大前锋。)

5. Gasol was just thankful Odom recently had a manicure, saving him from incurring potential scratches on his eyeball. (翻译:加索尔庆幸奥多姆最近有修剪指甲,避免了他的眼珠子受到可能性的擦伤。)

6. Best of all, at least for Kupchak's legacy, was the trade he engineered when Bynum went down: Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton and a couple of draft picks. (翻译:但是,库普切克的最佳杰作就是在拜纳姆受伤后,他用布朗、克里坦腾和两个选秀权换来了加索尔。)

7. Now that Gasol is out with a sprained ankle and not expected to play Tuesday, Bryant said he'll have to carry even more of the offense. (翻译:现在加索尔右脚踝扭伤,有可能无法在周二的比赛中出场,科比说他将会在进攻端承担更大的责任。)

8. Bryant hit a sweet 6-foot jumper, Gasol sank a free throw and Vladimir Radmanovic swished a 3-pointer, forcing the Nuggets to call timeout. (翻译:科比在六步远跳投命中,加索尔罚球命中一球,拉德马诺维奇投进一个3分,掘金不得不叫了暂停。)

9. Gasol and Bynum have obliterated front courts that have consisted of Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer, and Kevin Garnett. (翻译:加索尔和拜纳姆都已经在有德怀特霍华德,斯塔德迈尔,卡洛斯布泽尔和加内特组成的前场上占尽风头了。)

10. Pau Gasol had 13 points and 10 rebounds, but the Lakers failed to gain control of the contest. (翻译:加索尔拿下了13分和10个篮板,但是湖人在场上无法掌控大局。)

11. Pau Gasol (hamstring) and Luke Walton (back) went through a limited workout, but they were said to be doubtful to play against the Warriors. (翻译:枷锁和沃顿进行了限制性的赛前训练,但他们是否会参加和勇士的比赛现在还不确定。)

12. Gasol: Sushi. I love doro, I love sea urchin, I love salmon . . . All kinds really. (翻译:加索尔:寿司,我爱doro,我爱海胆,鲑鱼…所有的我都喜欢。)

13. Gasol was an All-Star once before in 2006 with Memphis, but it was not such a grand time. (翻译:当年在孟菲斯,xx年前,枷锁一直都是一名全明星球员,但对枷锁来说,那不是一段美好的时光。)

14. The Lakers sent Brown Javaris Crittenton Aaron McKie and the draft rights to Marc Gasol to the Memphis Grizzlies for Pau Gasol in February 2008. (翻译:湖人在xx年xx月用夸梅布朗,克里腾顿,艾伦迈可和对马克枷锁的选秀权从灰熊队换来保罗加锁。)

15. Gasol routinely had a large height advantage over the man bodying him, be it Ben Wallace, Anderson Varejao, JJ Hickson or Lorenzen Wright. (翻译:加索尔有绝对的高度优势,无论是大本,瓦莱乔,JJ希克森或是赖特。)

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