cilium是什么意思 cilium的中文翻译、读音、例句

cilium是什么意思 cilium的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:cilium是指微小的纤毛,它们是细胞表面的运动器官,能够产生运动和传递信号。

2. 分类:cilium可分为短纤毛和长纤毛。短纤毛存在于许多细胞表面,例如呼吸道和消化道上皮细胞。长纤毛只存在于某些细胞中,例如在人类内耳和男性生殖系统中。

3. 功能:cilium的功能有很多,包括帮助呼吸道和消化道上皮细胞排出污物、促进精子运动、帮助内耳感应听觉等。

4. 疾病:cilium的缺陷可能引起一些疾病,例如纤毛运动不良综合症和多囊肾等。


1. Cilia move in a coordinated fashion to help clear mucus from the respiratory tract.(纤毛协调运动,有助于清除呼吸道中的黏液。)

2. The beating of cilia moves the egg along the fallopian tube towards the uterus.(纤毛的摆动将卵子沿着输卵管向子宫移动。)

3. Cilia in the inner ear help sense sound waves by detecting movement in fluid.(内耳中的纤毛通过检测液体中的运动来感应声波。)

4. Defects in cilia can cause polycystic kidney disease.(纤毛的缺陷可能引起多囊肾病。)

5. Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetic disorder that affects the movement of cilia.(原发性纤毛运动不良综合症是一种影响纤毛运动的遗传性疾病。)




1. 微生物的运动主要依靠鞭毛和纤毛的摆动。

Microorganisms move mainly by the swinging of flagella and cilia.

2. 鼻子里的纤毛有助于防止细菌进入身体。

The cilia in the nose help prevent bacteria from entering the body.




例句:The unit membrane of the cell continues up over each cilium. (细胞膜向上突起延续构成纤毛的表面。)


例句:Sepals and petals 4 or 5, persistent after anthesis, sepals free, entire to gland fringed, petals entire or with apical glandular cilium. (萼片和花瓣4或5,花后宿存,萼片离生,全缘到具流苏状腺体,花瓣全缘或具顶端具腺纤毛。)


例句:An inner mucous membrane has cilia (see cilium) that project inward to trap particles. (内层的黏膜有纤毛,向内突出以挡住微粒。)


例句:The expression of axonemal dynein gene DNAI in bronchial tissues of smoker significantly decreased, which may be one of the reasons for the decrease of cilium movement caused by smoking. (翻译:纤毛轴动力蛋白基因DNAI在吸烟者支气管组织中的表达明显降低,可能是吸烟造成纤毛运动功能下降的原因之一。)


cilium一般作为名词使用,如在frontal cilium(前纤毛)、lateral cilium(侧纤毛)、olfactory cilium(嗅[纤]毛)等常见短语中出现较多。

frontal cilium前纤毛
lateral cilium侧纤毛
olfactory cilium嗅[纤]毛
peritrichal cilium周生纤毛
primary ciliumun. 初级纤毛\n[网络] 初生纤毛;原纤毛
tactile cilium触纤毛


1. An inner mucous membrane has cilia (see cilium) that project inward to trap particles. (翻译:内层的黏膜有纤毛,向内突出以挡住微粒。)

2. The expression of axonemal dynein gene DNAI in bronchial tissues of smoker significantly decreased, which may be one of the reasons for the decrease of cilium movement caused by smoking. (翻译:纤毛轴动力蛋白基因DNAI在吸烟者支气管组织中的表达明显降低,可能是吸烟造成纤毛运动功能下降的原因之一。)

3. Connecting cilium and accessory outer segment are present in both rods and cones. (翻译:视锥和视杆均含有连接纤毛和辅助外段。)

4. The cilium therefore represents a nexus for signalling pathways during development. (翻译:纤毛因此代表了在开发过程中的信号通路的关系。)

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