rave是什么意思 rave的中文翻译、读音、例句

rave是什么意思 rave的中文翻译、读音、例句

here are 3 aspects to explain the word "rave":

1. Definition: "Rave" can refer to a large party or celebration that typically involves electronic music, dancing, and bright lights. It can also be used to describe someone who is overly enthusiastic or excited about something.

2. Origin: The word "rave" originated in the 1950s in the United Kingdom, where it was slang for "wild party." It became more widely used in the 1990s to refer to the electronic music and dance culture that emerged.

3. Variations: "Rave" can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective, and it can be combined with other words to create new phrases such as "rave culture," "rave party," or "rave music."

Here are 5 example sentences using "rave" in context:

1. I went to a rave last night and danced until the sun came up.

2. She's always raving about her new job and how much she loves it.

3. The club was decked out in neon lights for the Halloween rave.

4. He spent all weekend raving with his friends and didn't get any sleep.

5. The DJ played some classic rave tracks that had everyone on the dance floor.

'Rave' 不是一个国家的语言,它是英语中的一个词语。它的中文翻译可以是“狂欢、狂热、喧闹”的意思。

'Rave' 是一个与音乐、舞蹈、派对等相关的英语词汇,在西方国家比较流行。它通常被用来描述一种高强度的音乐派对,许多参与者在此跳舞和享受音乐。在一些情况下,'rave'可能还涉及药物的滥用和非法行为。


1. I went to a rave last night and the music was amazing.(我昨晚去了一场狂欢派对,音乐非常棒。)

2. She wore neon clothes to the rave and looked really cool.(她穿着霓虹色的衣服去参加狂欢派对,看起来非常酷。)

3. The police shut down the rave because of noise complaints.(警察因噪音投诉关闭了狂欢派对。)

4. He got arrested at the rave for drug possession.(他在狂欢派对上因持有毒品被逮捕了。)

5. Do you know any good rave DJs?(你知道有哪些好的狂欢派对DJ吗?)

6. I've never been to a rave before, but I'm curious.(我以前从未参加过狂欢派对,很好奇。)

7. She took a lot of drugs at the rave and ended up in the hospital.(她在狂欢派对上服用了很多药物,最终住进了医院。)

8. The rave lasted all night and the sun was coming up when it ended.(狂欢派对一直持续到天亮才结束。)

9. They played a lot of techno music at the rave and it was perfect for dancing.(狂欢派对上播放了很多电子音乐,非常适合跳舞。)




1. He went to a rave last night and had a great time. (他昨晚去参加了一场狂欢派对,度过了愉快的时光。)

2. The music at the rave was so loud that my ears are still ringing. (狂欢派对上的音乐太吵了,我的耳朵还在嗡嗡作响。)




例句:The sensuously curved wand is made of hard, clear Lucite which provides the firm stimulation that our many users rave about! (弯曲棒的感觉上是由硬,明确璐彩特公司提供了刺激,我们的许多用户倾倒!)


例句:Woodstock, rave parties, Sade, Rimbaud, Morrison and Castaneda! (胜过伍德斯托克和性派对 Mieux que Woodstock et les rave 伍德斯托克是目前世界上最著名的系列性摇滚音乐节)


例句:'Cause I'm gonna let you know the brothers down at the pen, they rave about my sweet tea every Sunday at my Bible reading. (因为你得知道 我的那些在监狱的弟兄们 他们每个星期天 在我读圣经的时候 都为我这美味的茶而倾倒呢)


例句:And God bless you for it. But you're starting to rave. (翻译:上帝会因此保佑你的但你开始有点胡言乱语了)


rave一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在no rave(不是什么巨大的成功,不怎么样)、fave rave([英国俚语];(名人的)经历,职业;对最喜爱明星的痴迷,名演员迷)、rant and rave(咆哮,破口大骂)等常见短语中出现较多。

no rave不是什么巨大的成功,不怎么样
fave rave[英国俚语];(名人的)经历,职业;对最喜爱明星的痴迷,名演员迷
rant and rave咆哮,破口大骂
rave about如痴如醉地谈起,愤愤不平地说;大肆吹捧,对…赞不绝口
rave against抱怨,对…埋怨不迭
rave hook侧帘挂钩
rave iron[网络] 刮缝刀;刮缝刀刮缝凿
rave it up加入狂欢,参加热闹的聚会
rave out大声诉说,咆哮到…
rave party〈英〉喧闹的狂欢舞会


1. 'Cause I'm gonna let you know the brothers down at the pen, they rave about my sweet tea every Sunday at my Bible reading. (翻译:因为你得知道 我的那些在监狱的弟兄们 他们每个星期天 在我读圣经的时候 都为我这美味的茶而倾倒呢)

2. And God bless you for it. But you're starting to rave. (翻译:上帝会因此保佑你的但你开始有点胡言乱语了)

3. And then at night the idea is that it would be used as kind of a rave situation, where the people could cut loose, and the music and the lights, and everything. (翻译:晚上时, 它用来做锐舞派对, 人们可以放松下来, 听听音乐,欣赏灯光,很多事情。)

4. Baby's first rave! Baby's first rave! (翻译:宝宝的第一场电子乐派对 宝宝的第一场电子乐派对)

5. TaeGukGi is getting rave reviews around Asia and breaking box office records, congratulations! (翻译:《飘扬的太极旗》在全亚洲引起了如火如荼的评论,并且打破了票房纪录,恭喜你! )

6. And then at night the idea is that it would be used as kind of a rave situation, where the people could cut loose, and the music and the lights, and everything. (翻译:晚上时, 它用来做锐舞派对, 人们可以放松下来, 听听音乐,欣赏灯光,很多事情。)

7. I rave about this book because it did a lot to help me take control of my own personal finances. (翻译:我大力推荐这本书,因为它给我对控制自己的财务状况带来很大帮助。)

8. We're going back into the Rave Club, sort out Tattoo and his gang, move up the food chain, get O'Fagan and Hackett. (翻译:我们得回雷夫俱乐部去 把那些小混混都揪出来 直到逮到奥法根和哈克特为止)

9. There is a spring and summer across the autumn of this cold winter, there is nothing to rave festival this? (翻译:越过了有一个春夏秋,到了这严寒的冬季,有什么可狂欢的节日呢?)

10. But finally, the words began to flow. Four years and countless revisions later, Getting Things Done came out in 2001 to rave reviews. (翻译:终于在xx年的反复修改之后,“尽管去做”这个标题在xx年被确定下来,并且受到了广泛的好评。)

11. I rave: perhaps at this moment he is watching the sun rise over the Pyrenees, or on the tideless sea of the south. (翻译:也许此刻他在比利牛斯山或者南部风平浪的的海面上规赏着日出呢。)

12. We received rave reviews, toured, won awards and were written about in over 27 languages. (翻译:我们得到了热烈的赞美, 进行了巡演, 拿了奖,我们的表演还被 翻译成27种语言进行报道。)

13. You want to go to a rave, party man? (翻译:我们又不是去狂欢。You want to go to a rave, party man? 你想去狂欢,派对狂人?)

14. Your father does nothing but rave about you, you know. (翻译:你父亲什么都不做,但 狂欢约你,你知道的。)

15. The play received rave reviews. (翻译:该剧获得了许多热评。)



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