performers是什么意思 performers的中文翻译、读音、例句

performers是什么意思 performers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 解释和定义:


2. 句型和用法:

(a) The performers took the stage, and the audience cheered as the show began.


(b) She's been a performer for over twenty years and has won numerous awards.


(c) The circus performers amaze us with their acrobatics and daring stunts.


(d) The famous singer's tour was a huge success, with sold-out shows and adoring fans, but the performer was exhausted.


(e) The theater group includes actors, musicians, and dancers, all talented performers in their own right.


3. 类似词汇:

在英文中,除了performers,还有一些类似的单词可以描述表演者,包括actors, musicians, dancers, singers, artists,等等。

(a) He's a talented actor who has appeared in numerous plays and films.


(b) The musician's concert was sold out, and the audience was blown away by his incredible talent.


(c) The ballet company is known for its graceful dancers and beautiful performances.


(d) The famous singer's voice is so amazing that she can bring an entire audience to tears.


(e) The artist's paintings are exhibited all over the world, and she is considered one of the greatest painters of our time.




1. The performers on the stage were amazing last night. (昨晚舞台上的表演者非常棒。)

2. There are many talented performers in this city. (这个城市有很多才华横溢的表演者。)

3. The circus performers amazed the audience with their acrobatic skills. (马戏团的表演者以其杂技技能惊艳了观众。)

4. The orchestra consists of talented performers from all over the world. (该管弦乐团由来自世界各地的才华横溢的表演者组成。)

5. The dancers were the star performers of the show. (舞者是这个节目的明星表演者。)




例句:But PP-governed Murcia is one of the worst performers. (但人民党管治的穆尔西亚是表现最烂的之一。)


例句:Like all great performers, you saved your piece de resistance for the end: (像所有伟大的演员一样 你把好戏留在了最后头)


例句:Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric IQ scores. (一些在课业上表现很好的学生 并不具有非常高的IQ分数。)


例句:Kristina Rose agrees and thinks producers need to work harder at screening their performers. (翻译:KristinaRose同意这个观点,她认为制片方在物色演员时应该付出更多努力。)


performers一般作为名词使用,如在performers' rights(表演者权利)、street performers([网络] 街头艺人;街头演出)、performers' protection act(表演者保护法)等常见短语中出现较多。

performers' rights表演者权利
street performers[网络] 街头艺人;街头演出
performers' protection act表演者保护法


1. Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric IQ scores. (翻译:一些在课业上表现很好的学生 并不具有非常高的IQ分数。)

2. Kristina Rose agrees and thinks producers need to work harder at screening their performers. (翻译:KristinaRose同意这个观点,她认为制片方在物色演员时应该付出更多努力。)

3. He joins right in with the performers, playing his guitar, ukulele or harmonica. (翻译:他完全投入到表演中,无论是弹奏吉他,夏威夷四弦琴还是吹奏口琴。)

4. Next, frequent repetitions with allotted breaks are common practice habits of elite performers. (翻译:其次,优秀的表演者往往会懂得 合理的分配休息的时间。)

5. Cirque du Soleil was established in Quebec in 1984 by some local street performers. (翻译:太阳剧团是由一群在魁北克当地的街头艺人于xx年创立。)

6. Special thanks to the support provided by the City of Naperville and the families of all the performers and production staff. (翻译:和所有演员以及工作人员家属们所提供的大力支持和帮助。)

7. When radio and records were invented, theywere pretty bad news for the performers of the day. (翻译:收音机和唱片的发明对当时的表演者来说无疑是个极大的打击。)

8. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patronage and support of this outstanding group of performers. (翻译:各位女士先生 她是舞林高手 感谢莅临并支持这群杰出表演者)

9. Daniel Ogden surveys the places, performers, and techniques of necromancy as well as the reasons for turning to it. (翻译:丹尼尔奥格登调查的地方,演员和技术清道以及原因谈到它。)

10. Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. (翻译:许多招聘人员表示,对于表现出色的人来说,过去的耻辱正在消失。)

11. The performers, in costume and makeup, were walking up and down backstage. (翻译:演员们穿着戏服化着妆,在后台走来走去。)

12. She's soliciting for stalls and street performers... for a fertility celebration on Easter Sunday. (翻译:她在征求摊贩和街头艺人 竟然在复活节周日办一场庆典)

13. The characters are the fantasy lives of the performers in it. (翻译:那就是肥皂剧 所以 里面的人物是些在幻想的人 他们是陷入其中的扭曲了的自我)

14. Performers can't fool me. They're deceitful, ambitious and ruthless. (翻译:那些表演者骗不了我 他们狡诈无情 野心勃勃)

15. The performers are changing their clothes in the changeroom. (翻译:演员们正在更衣室换服装。)



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