meshgrid是什么意思 meshgrid的中文翻译、读音、例句

meshgrid是什么意思 meshgrid的中文翻译、读音、例句

'meshgrid' 是一个计算机科学领域中的函数,用于生成网格矩阵。它是一个名词,常作为函数或方法名使用,没有具体的词组搭配。发音为/mɛʃ ɡrɪd/,拼写为meshgrid。


1. We used a meshgrid to generate a 2D grid of points for our simulation.

我们使用 meshgrid 为我们的模拟生成了一个二维点网格。

2. Meshgrid is a common function used in image processing and computer graphics.

Meshgrid 是在图像处理和计算机图形学中常用的函数。

3. The meshgrid function is often used in mathematical modeling to create grids for data analysis.

Meshgrid 函数在数学建模中常用于创建数据分析网格。

4. Using meshgrid, we were able to plot a 3D surface from our data points.

使用 meshgrid,我们能够从数据点绘制出三维表面。

5. Meshgrid allows for easy manipulation and analysis of data in a grid format.

Meshgrid 允许以网格格式轻松处理和分析数据。

6. To create a contour plot, we first need to generate a meshgrid of our data points.

创建等高线图,我们首先需要生成数据点的 meshgrid。

7. Meshgrid is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing data in a gridded format.

Meshgrid 是在网格格式下可视化和分析数据的强大工具。



1. 我们可以使用meshgrid函数生成二维平面上的网格坐标。

2. 在Matlab中,meshgrid函数可以很方便地生成二维矩阵。


The Chinese translation of 'meshgrid' is 网格坐标生成函数. Its pronunciation is /mɛʃɡrɪd/.


1. We can use the meshgrid function to generate grid coordinates on a two-dimensional plane.

2. In Matlab, the meshgrid function can be used to easily generate two-dimensional matrices.




例句:You are not protected behind steel mesh. (You are not protected behind steel mesh. 挑战更加严峻,现在你已经离开了铁丝网的保护)


例句:Nubuck upper with mesh overlays for added breathability. (磨砂鞋面以增加透气性的网状覆盖。)




例句:Or if the grid is scrolled to the bottom , or if only a few rows are contained in the grid . (翻译:未显示任何表、网格滚动到底部或网格中只包含几行时可见。)


:// (翻译://

2. Or if the grid is scrolled to the bottom , or if only a few rows are contained in the grid . (翻译:未显示任何表、网格滚动到底部或网格中只包含几行时可见。)

3. Is she still off the grid? (翻译:还是没有她的行踪吗? Is she still off the grid?)

4. Based on the grid middleware used by scientific computing grid, the GRM was implemented. (翻译:以科学计算网格的中间件为基础,实现了GRM。)

5. High wire mesh mesh size, can achieve a clear patterns of the edge, at the request of lines quite strickle. (翻译:丝网纲数矮,能到达图纹边际纯晰,线条挺刮的给求。)

6. The improved mesh generator can be applied in initial mesh generation and remeshing for the rigid-plastic FE. . . (翻译:实例表明该方法适用性强,可以用于有限元网格的初始划分和网格重分。)

7. Compared with the characteristics of gird, Petri net can be combined with grid computing and study grid as a tool. (翻译:它与网格有很多相似的特性,故可以把它同网格计算结合起来,作为研究网格的工具。)

8. This security grid model ensures that the legal user can access grid resouces; (翻译:此安全模型保证合法的用户可以访问网格资源; )

9. Check this out: Here's a grid, nothing special, just a basic grid, very grid-y. (翻译:看看: 一个网格,无特别之处,只是个网格,很网格的。)

10. Description Apply to a MESH. Activates or Deactivates a specific Channel of the Mesh. Activate Channel. cmo (翻译:其分类描述适用于模型网格结构触发或取消激活网格的一个特殊通道)

11. Grid 354 West 234 designation, tracking modified. (翻译:他正朝正门方向逃跑 推测方位GRID354 WEST234 提供追踪)

12. Mesh underlays for breathability and comfort. (翻译:网状透气性和舒适衬垫。)

13. Most likely the storm wreaking havoc with the power grid. (翻译:- Is that me? - Most likely the storm 破坏了电网 wreaking havoc with the power grid.)

14. The grid of tomorrow is no grid, and energy, clean efficient energy, will one day be free. (翻译:未来的电网不需要电网 清洁高效的能源 也将被解放出来 )

15. No, but I followed it through the CCTV grid. (翻译:没有 但是我用监控摄像头网络跟踪了它 No, but I followed it through the CCTV grid.)

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