initiative是什么意思 initiative的中文翻译、读音、例句

initiative是什么意思 initiative的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义和用法


2. 相关短语

除了单独使用外,initiative的相关短语还有:take the initiative (采取主动行动)、lose the initiative (失去主动权)、show initiative (表现出主动性)、with initiative (富有主动性)、lack of initiative (缺乏主动性)等。

3. 在语境中的含义



1. She took the initiative to organize a charity event.(她主动组织了一次慈善活动。)

2. The teacher praised the student for showing initiative in solving the problem.(老师表扬了学生,因为他在解决问题时表现出了主动性。)

3. The company’s success is due to the employees’ initiative and innovation.(公司的成功归功于员工的主动性和创新精神。)

4. He realized that he had lost the initiative in the negotiation.(他意识到在谈判中已经失去了主动权。)

5. I was impressed by her lack of initiative and enthusiasm for the project.(我对她对项目缺乏主动性和热情感到印象深刻。)



1. The company took the initiative to reduce its carbon footprint. (这家公司采取了倡议,减少了其碳足迹。)

2. The new employee showed initiative by suggesting a more efficient way of doing things. (新员工通过提出更高效的做事方式展现了自己的主动性。)

3. The government launched an initiative to provide free healthcare for all citizens. (政府发起了一项倡议,为所有公民提供免费医疗保健。)

4. Our team took the initiative to organize a charity fundraiser. (我们的团队采取了主动,组织了一场慈善筹款活动。)

5. The student council's initiative led to the installation of recycling bins around campus. (学生会的倡议导致校园各处安装了回收箱。)

6. The coach encouraged the players to show initiative on the field. (教练鼓励球员在场上表现出主动性。)

7. The community center's initiative helped to provide meals for families in need. (社区中心的主动行动有助于为有需要的家庭提供饭食。)

8. The CEO's initiative to restructure the company resulted in significant cost savings. (CEO的主动行动,重组公司,导致了显著的成本节约。)

9. The initiative to start a neighborhood watch program was met with enthusiasm by local residents. (启动邻里巡逻计划的倡议受到当地居民的热情响应。)

initiative [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]

n. 主动性,进取心,创新精神


1. The company encourages its employees to take the initiative and come up with new ideas.


2. The government has launched a new initiative to combat poverty in rural areas.





例句:How can we take initiative when they're in control? (我们不可能占据主导. 他们才是真正的控制者.)


例句:There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. (那是我的理想 史塔克应该知道 我们称作... 复仇者方案)


例句:Not directing -- not even empowering -- but just fueling their initiative. (不那么直接—— 甚至不是给予—— 只是激起他们的自主性。)


例句:This is DIAR persists and the initiative service idea continuously. (翻译:这是DIAR一直坚持和倡导的服务理念。)


initiative一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在the initiative([网络] 主动性;主动权;主动能力)、direct initiative([网络] 直接创制)、financial initiative(财政动议权)等常见短语中出现较多。

the initiative[网络] 主动性;主动权;主动能力
direct initiative[网络] 直接创制
financial initiative财政动议权
have the initiative掌握主动
indirect initiative间接创制权(选民提的修正案或法规须经州议会审议才付诸公决的创制权)
individual initiative[网络] 个人主动性;个人的积极性;个人创动
initiative amendment应用创制权的修正案
initiative community先锋群落
initiative of salespeople推销员创新


1. Not directing -- not even empowering -- but just fueling their initiative. (翻译:不那么直接—— 甚至不是给予—— 只是激起他们的自主性。)

2. This is DIAR persists and the initiative service idea continuously. (翻译:这是DIAR一直坚持和倡导的服务理念。)

3. So she took the initiative. (翻译:于是 她决定主动去找飞鹰 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So she took the initiative.)

4. Okay, Milk, introduce an initiative for supervisor pay raises. (翻译:好吧,米尔克 你发起一份提案,要求给参事加薪)

5. First, Falcone says, you must take the initiative. (翻译:首先,法尔肯说,你必需掌握自动。)

6. That costs us millions and initiative goes west. (翻译:我们为此浪费几百万 整个积极性都见鬼去了)

7. So this mutual inspiration promotes collaboration, initiative and creativity. (翻译:因此这样互相鼓舞 可以促进合作 主动性和创造性)

8. "Komm in die gange" is an artist initiative since 2009. (翻译:走入我们的领域是xx年由艺术家们共同发起的一个倡议。)

9. This is a call for every true Mexican to join this initiative. (翻译:这是在召唤每一位真正的墨西哥人 加入这场斗争)

10. The Piron initiative is being reviewed. (翻译:情况变化快 和派朗的合作关系正在接受审查)

11. It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations. (翻译:在修复关系方面应由美国采取主动。)

12. And in the process, Africa has been stripped of self-initiative. (翻译:在这个过程中,非洲已经丧失了自己的主动性)

13. Nokia dallied and lost the initiative. (翻译:诺基亚漫不经心,磨磨蹭蹭,丧失了主动权。)

14. And in the process, Africa has been stripped of self-initiative. (翻译:在这个过程中,非洲已经丧失了自己的主动性 )

15. The fuel switch initiative pertains only to ships that are berthed . (翻译:燃油转换举措只适用于那些停靠在港区的船舶。)



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