1. 词的意思:炭疽病,一种由炭疽杆菌引起的感染病,可影响牲畜和人类。
2. 词性:名词。
3. 常用场景:在农业领域,炭疽病是一种常见的疾病,会影响牲畜的健康和产量,造成重大经济损失。在医学领域,炭疽病对人类健康也是一项重要的威胁。
4. 词组搭配:
- anthrax vaccine 炭疽病疫苗
- cutaneous anthrax 皮肤炭疽病
- inhalation anthrax 吸入炭疽病
- gastrointestinal anthrax 肠道炭疽病
5. 相关短语:无。
6. 发音拼写:['ænθræks]。
'anthrax'这个词汇源自古希腊语,意为“炭疽”,是一种由芽生孢子杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)引起的传染病。这种疾病在人类和动物中都有发生,可以通过接触感染的动物皮毛、肉类等传播。
1. Το πρώτο κρούσμα του άνθρακα ανιχνεύθηκε σε ένα κοπάδι αγελάδων. (希腊语,意为“第一例炭疽病例是在一群牛中发现的。”)
2. Sjećam se kada je mali gradić bio napadnut antraxom. (克罗地亚语,意为“我记得那个小城镇被炭疽病毒攻击。”)
3. Faren ble smittet med miltbrann etter å ha spist kjøtt fra en infisert ku. (挪威语,意为“老鼠通过食用一头感染了炭疽病的牛的肉而被感染。”)
4. الأنثراكس هو مرض قاتل يصيب الحيوانات والبشر. (阿拉伯语,意为“炭疽是一种致命的疾病,可以影响人类和动物。”)
5. Anthrax itu dapat disebarkan melalui udara dan permukaan kulit. (印度尼西亚语,意为“炭疽可以通过空气和皮肤表面传播。”)
6. L'anthrax è una malattia infettiva che colpisce animali e esseri umani. (意大利语,意为“炭疽是一种影响动物和人类的传染病。”)
7. Anthrax er kjent for å være dødelig, med en høy dødelighet hvis den ikke blir behandlet i tide. (挪威语,意为“炭疽以致命著称,如果不及时治疗,死亡率很高。”)
8. Антракс является опасным инфекционным заболеванием, которое может привести к смерти. (俄语,意为“炭疽是一种危险的传染病,可能会导致死亡。”)
9. Den här typen av anthraxinfektion orsakas av förtäring av bakterieinfekterat kött. (瑞典语,意为“这种类型的炭疽感染是由食用受细菌感染的肉引起的。”)
读音:àn thrăks
1. The letter contained powder that was later found to be anthrax.
2. Anthrax is a rare but serious bacterial disease that affects mainly animals.
例句:What if his body worked so hard attacking the anthrax that it started attacking itself? (如果是身体拚命抵抗炭疽热的攻击 造成了自我攻击呢?)
例句:Anthrax is a rare bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Anthracis Bacillus. (炭疽病是由炭疽杆菌引致的一种罕见的细菌性疾病。)
例句:There's 100K in there and a stash of cipro just in case the terrorists completely destroy the financial universe and mail him some anthrax. (那里有10万元和一些环丙沙星 只是以防万一恐怖份子 完全炸掉全球经济)
例句:You know, he's the only other person I know that would get covered in Anthrax and then chill out. (翻译:除你之外 我认识的人里也就他 能在浑身都是炭疽的时候还保持冷静了)
anthrax一般作为名词使用,如在emphysematous anthrax([医] 气肿性炭疽)、inhalation anthrax([网络] 吸入性炭疽;吸入性炭疽病;吸入型炭疽病)、inhaling anthrax(吸入性炭疽)等常见短语中出现较多。
emphysematous anthrax | [医] 气肿性炭疽 |
inhalation anthrax | [网络] 吸入性炭疽;吸入性炭疽病;吸入型炭疽病 |
inhaling anthrax | 吸入性炭疽 |
inoculated anthrax | 接种性炭疽 |
intestinal anthrax | [医] 肠炭疽 |
lingual anthrax | 舌炭疽 |
malignant anthrax | [医] 恶性炭疽 |
pulmonary anthrax | [医] 肺炭疽 |
symptomatic anthrax | [医] 气肿性炭疽, 黑腿病 |
1. There's 100K in there and a stash of cipro just in case the terrorists completely destroy the financial universe and mail him some anthrax. (翻译:那里有10万元和一些环丙沙星 只是以防万一恐怖份子 完全炸掉全球经济)
2. You know, he's the only other person I know that would get covered in Anthrax and then chill out. (翻译:除你之外 我认识的人里也就他 能在浑身都是炭疽的时候还保持冷静了)
3. Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis. (翻译:在这些实验中使用的药箱本来包括炭疽热,鼠疫,布鲁氏菌病。)
4. That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax. (翻译:那是一群被毒害了的老鼠,由处于德克萨斯州的科学家朋友们,用炭疽杆菌下的毒。)
5. I'm just saying you can't compare Calvin to Anthrax. Stop. (翻译:我只是说,你不能拿卡尔文 与炭疽病相比较.)
6. Most of the spending in the Bush administration has actually been more related to the anthrax results and bio-terrorism threat. (翻译:实际上,布什政府的钱大部分 都花在了应对炭疽 和生物恐怖袭击上面了。)
7. You don't have any more vacations to sell on Anthrax Island. (翻译:难道你想再骗我到那个 布满动物传染病的岛上去?)
8. As if the transportation breakdown and anthrax scares weren't enough for one day, the stock market found itself in a selling frenzy. (翻译:大众交通系统瘫痪 再加上炭疽热警报还不够 股市又发生崩盘危机)
9. Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox. (翻译:没有扫描,没有搜查,我的背包里很容易就能装下那些奇怪的手榴弹或炭疽填充的午餐盒。)
10. We've all learned what the kind of panic that can occur when an old disease rears its head, like anthrax. (翻译:我们都知道当这些陈旧疾病重新爆发的时候,会给人们带来多少痛苦,例如炭疽热。)
11. They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax . "It works great. " (翻译:他们意识到他们正在测试的设备也许可以用于检测地球上的炭疽热病毒。)
12. We've all learned what -- the kind of panic that can occur when an old disease rears its head, like anthrax. (翻译:我们都知道当这些陈旧疾病重新爆发的 时候,会给人们带来多少痛苦,例如炭疽热。)
13. Only explanation is, this kid's got anthrax and sarcoidosis. (翻译:唯一的解释为这个孩子 既得了炭疽热又得了结节病)
14. In Castle Anthrax, we have a punishment for setting alight the Grail-shaped beacon. (翻译:在炭疽城堡,点燃圣杯形状烽火的人 要受到一种惩罚)
15. They may have weaponized quantities of anthrax. (翻译:他们可能已将大量炭疽制成了武器。)