gjp是什么意思 gjp的中文翻译、读音、例句

gjp是什么意思 gjp的中文翻译、读音、例句


- Good Job, Partner: 称赞合作伙伴的好工作。

- Great Job, Player: 称赞玩家取得的优秀成绩。

- Government Job Posting: 政府招聘信息。


- GJP, Mary! You did an excellent job on that presentation.

- Wow, GJP! You're the highest scorer in the game.

- The GJP for the position of senior analyst has been posted on the government website.

2. 'gjp'也可能是一个单词或者词组的缩写,就像"GJP Software"这个公司名称。在这种情况下,'gjp'可能代表公司创始人的姓名首字母缩写或者公司的主要产品名称缩写。


- I'm applying for a job at GJP Software. Have you heard of them?

- GJP stands for Garrett-Jackson-Proctor, the three founders of the company.

- GJP Software is most famous for its GJP Suite, a comprehensive suite of productivity software.

3. 虽然'gjp'在英语语境中不是一个常见的缩写或单词,但是它在其他语言中可能有意义。例如,在日语中,'gjp'代表"ギタージャンクパンク",是一种音乐流派。


- GJP is a type of Japanese punk music characterized by its heavy use of distorted guitars.

- Have you ever listened to any GJP bands before? They're pretty intense.

- The GJP scene in Japan is quite small, but it has a dedicated following.


- GJP的意思是“干得好,伙伴!”

GJP means "Good Job, Partner!"

- GJP是这家软件公司的缩写。

GJP is the abbreviation for this software company.

- 在日本音乐中,GJP指的是一种摇滚乐流派。

In Japanese music, GJP refers to a type of punk rock genre.

- 他的名字和GJP软件有关吗?

Is his name related to GJP Software?

- 到政府网站上看看有没有GJP的职位发布。

Go to the government website to check for GJP job postings.




1. GJP是一个非常专业的团队。

2. 这篇论文的作者是GJP。

3. 请将这些文件发送至GJP的邮箱。




例句:JP, anything of interest from our victim's e-mail account? (JP,受害者的电子邮件有什么开心大发现?)


例句:That's sweet, JP, but I have to ask you something. (JP,我很感谢你的心意 但有件事我想问清楚)


例句:JP. There's something you have to understand. You're in a relationship with a woman. (- JP,你应该懂得,你是在跟女生交往,千错万错都是你的错。)


gjp一般作为名词使用,如在GJP(abbr. 制图椎处理程序(graphic job processing))等常见短语中出现较多。

GJPabbr. 制图椎处理程序(graphic job processing)


1. JP. There's something you have to understand. You're in a relationship with a woman. (翻译:- JP,你应该懂得,你是在跟女生交往,千错万错都是你的错。)

2. 4G, 5G, I haVe a Iot of money. (翻译:4G 5G 我有钱 4G,5G, I have a lot of money.)

3. And... that crazy kid JP ran away from the sanatorium on Mt. (翻译:还有一个喜憨儿... 从道溪山的疗养院逃走了)

4. Dwayne and JP are already at the scene. Oh, crikey. (翻译:- Dwayne 同 JP 已经在现场。)

5. Sweet JP's Transam is seventh at the very end. (翻译:所驾驶的彭斯飞弹EP4 第二集团最后方,第七顺位是 超温柔男JP的Transam疾风号)

6. Think twice before you say something. (翻译:JP先生,一句也好,说说话吧 摄影机拿来)

7. JP: No not at all. I'm having a great day with the kids. (翻译:Jennifer: 不啊, 我跟孩子们玩儿呢 )

8. JP and Sonoshee came in first at the finish line! (翻译:JP和索诺丝,JP和索诺丝! 同时抵达终点,同时夺得冠军!)

9. And remember, this is all due to the g-g-g-g-gullibility of the New York Police Department. (翻译:・ハミ゚ム ゚・ミ瞩 褂 ネンヨá ゚・ミ瞩 ネンヨ・ヌ睇ヘモヌモ ネヌ瞎菠 睹・ヤムリノ 蓖跫贽゚)

10. Thank you, JP. Florence, er, do you have the number? (翻译:多谢,Florence,电话号码是多少?)

11. The codecs used for transmitting audio are G.711 and G.723. (翻译:用于传输音频的编码是G . 711和G . 723。)

12. The name "Abegg" -- "Abegg" is actually A-B-E-G-G, and that's the main theme in the melody. (翻译:阿贝格这个名字─实际上是A-B-E-G-G, 这是旋律的主题)

13. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)

14. A graph G is supereulerian if G has a spanning eulerian subgraph. (翻译:若图G含有生成欧拉子图,则称G是超欧拉的。)

15. The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. (翻译:[G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)

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