wsj是什么意思 wsj的中文翻译、读音、例句

wsj是什么意思 wsj的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'wsj' 是缩写词,代表“华尔街日报”(The Wall Street Journal)。

词性:'wsj' 是一个名词。



发音拼写:'wsj' 的发音为 /dʌbəl juː es dʒeɪ/ 。


1. Do you read the WSJ every day to keep up with the latest business news?

你每天都读《华尔街日报》以跟上最新的商业新闻吗2. The WSJ is renowned for its in-depth coverage of financial markets and industry trends.


3. I enjoy reading the WSJ's op-ed section, which features a range of viewpoints on current events.


4. The WSJ's investigative journalism has exposed many high-profile cases of corporate wrongdoing.


5. The WSJ's online edition allows readers to access breaking news and analysis from anywhere in the world.



1. wsj报道了关于股市走势的最新分析。

The wsj reported the latest analysis on stock market trends.

2. 我每天都阅读wsj,以了解全球金融市场的最新动态。

I read the wsj every day to keep up with the latest developments in global financial markets.




例句:The WSJ said Putnam is looking to cut fees on fixed-income funds by an average of 13 percent and will announce the plans on Tuesday. (华尔街日报指出,Putnam打算将固定收益基金产品收费平均调降13%,且将在周二宣布相关计画。)


例句:Click for stories from Newsday, the WSJ, and the NY Daily News. (点击观看《每日新闻》、《WSJ》、和《纽约日报》的报道。)


例句:Indeed, the WSJ reports, WHO itself has disclaimed that figure, which came from a 1999 study of muds in Myanmar and Vietnam. (实际上,华尔街日报报道,世卫组织本身已经收回该数据,它来自xx年缅甸和越南的一项医学研究。)


例句:"They're just doing information-gathering to get a better understanding" of the industry, Campiti told WSJ. "We're not doing anything wrong and neither is anyone else doing anything wrong." (翻译:“他们只是收集信息以便更深入的了解这个行业,我们没有做错任何事情,别人也没做错。”Campiti对华尔街日报声称。)


1. Indeed, the WSJ reports, WHO itself has disclaimed that figure, which came from a 1999 study of muds in Myanmar and Vietnam. (翻译:实际上,华尔街日报报道,世卫组织本身已经收回该数据,它来自xx年缅甸和越南的一项医学研究。)

2. "They're just doing information-gathering to get a better understanding" of the industry, Campiti told WSJ. "We're not doing anything wrong and neither is anyone else doing anything wrong." (翻译:“他们只是收集信息以便更深入的了解这个行业,我们没有做错任何事情,别人也没做错。”Campiti对华尔街日报声称。)

3. WSJ: How does AliExpress, which you launched in April, fit into your plans as a growth driver? (翻译:WSJ:在你们的计划中,xx月份推出的全球速卖通起着怎样的增长推动作用?)

4. WSJ: How much contprocedure do you maintain with staff in contributeition the main operates? (翻译:《华尔街日报》:你和员工以及主要业务连结若干接洽?)

5. WSJ: When BreadTalk opened its first bakery in China in 2005, the market was much less crowded. (翻译:《华尔街日报》:xx年面包新语在中国开设第一家面包店时,市场竞争还没有这么激烈。)

6. WSJ: It sounds like you're not a believer that Asia can do well during a slump in the U. S. and Europe, a scenario known as decoupling? (翻译:《华尔街日报》:听起来你好像不认为亚洲在美国和欧洲陷入萧条期间会有良好的经济表现,即所谓的脱钩论。)

7. WSJ: How much can the yuan appreciate before it starts to impact ZTE? (翻译:WSJ:人民币升值到什么程度才会对中兴通讯造成影响?)

8. The WSJ Shanghai bureau was, not surprisingly, deluged with email greeting cards, from law firms, banks, restaurants, friends and others. (翻译:《华尔街日报》上海记者站收到了大量来自律师事务所、银行、餐厅、朋友以及其他人的电子贺卡,这点毫不奇怪。)

9. WSJ: What is your next film project? (翻译:《华尔街日报》:你们的下一部电影计划是什么? )

10. WSJ: What is often overlooked in organizing expenses? (翻译:《华尔街日报》:在费用管理方面经常会忽视什么?)

11. WSJ: What are you working on now? (翻译:华尔街日报:你目前正在致力于什么? )

12. But today we read in the WSJ that China has seen the cracks and is getting ready to invest in commercial mortgages and related securities. (翻译:们从《华尔街日报》上读到,中国已看到这种下跌,正准备投资商业抵押贷款及相关证券。)

13. So it's interesting to see Jeff Bercovici and Jon Fine lauding impressive growth at the WSJ and the FT respectively. (翻译:在这样的情况下,有趣的是杰夫。伯科维奇和琼。费恩分别对华尔街日报及金融时报令人印象深刻的增长赞不绝口。)

14. WSJ: Have you ever had a bad boss? (翻译:问:你碰到过不好的上司吗? )

15. WSJ: Why did Jebsen make the shift from distributor of industrial products to luxury brands? (翻译:《华尔街日报》:捷成集团为什么从工业产品经销商转型成了奢侈品经销商?)

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