proof of life是什么意思 proof of life的中文翻译、读音、例句

proof of life是什么意思 proof of life的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:proof of life video(生命证明视频)


发音拼写:/pru:f əv laif/


1. The kidnappers demanded proof of life before releasing the hostages.


2. The family of the missing person hired a private investigator to provide a proof of life.


3. The government requested a proof of life from the hostages' captors.


4. The proof of life video showed the kidnapped journalist holding a current newspaper.


5. The embassy asked for a proof of life from the kidnapped diplomat's captors.


proof of life的意思是“生命证明”,具体指被绑架的人提供的证明自己还活着的证据。


读音:[pruːf əv laɪf]


1. The kidnappers demanded proof of life before agreeing to negotiate a ransom.


2. The family of the missing hiker is desperate for any proof of life that he might still be alive.


proof of life通常被翻译为"千惊万险"的意思,还经常被翻译为千惊万险,在线发音:[proofoflife],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到88个与proof of life相关的例句。

Proof of life的翻译


例句:The Enquirer's offering $50,000 for proof of life after death. (《国家问询报》出资5万美元 为来世寻找证据)


proof of life一般作为名词使用,如在proof(证明 )、in proof of(作…的证据)、proof of will([法] 遗嘱证明, 遗嘱认证)等常见短语中出现较多。

in proof of作…的证据
proof of will[法] 遗嘱证明, 遗嘱认证
life for life以命偿命
for ... lifena. 终身;为逃[保]命\n[网络] 终生;一生;为了生命
for life终身, 为了保命, 为逃命\n[法] 终身
in ... lifena. 生前;完全\n[网络] 一生中;在生活中;世间
in life一生中, 世间


1. This artifact they're opening is reported to be Rambaldi's proof of endless life. (翻译:这个他们正打开的东西 据说是兰巴迪关于永生的证据)

2. You see that video, and the proof of our love as a threat to this life, but I see it as a promise. (翻译:你把那段视频 那段我们爱情的证据 看成现在的生活的威胁 觉得那是一个承诺)

3. And we know it's alive because in stage three, it grows. Growth is the proof of life. (翻译:我们知道它有生命了,因为在步骤三, 面团发起来了。这就是生命的证明。)

4. There is no conclusive proof. (翻译:没有确凿的证据。)

5. Life piled on life Were all too little, (翻译:宁愿丧生在旅途 Life piled on life were all too little,)

6. Wait, do you guys have any proof of this? (翻译:等等 你们有什么证据吗? Wait, do you guys have any proof of this?)

7. [ Man ] * Life was a song * (翻译:[Man ] * Life Was a song*)

8. You carry the burden of proof. (翻译:而你有举证责任 You carry the burden of proof.)

9. After that, during tribe life, for the Indians, that scar is proof of commitment. (翻译:进入部落生活之后 对于印第安人而言 那些疤就是一种承诺的象征)

10. They use it as proof of a... (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}拒绝承认进化论的根据 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}to discredit evolution.)

11. Proof of life. Like everyone else, we work for incentives. (翻译:ﺮﺧﺁ ًﺎﺼﺨﺷ ﻚﻴﻄﻋﺄﺳ ﺓﺎﻴﺣ ﺕﺎﺒﺛﺇ ﺺﺨﺸﻟﺍ ﺲﻔﻨﻟ ﻞﻤﻌﻧ ﻦﺤﻧ)

12. Is the claim capable of proof? (翻译:这个说法能证明是正确的吗? )

13. All the proof you need is right in front of you. (翻译:你要的证明就在你眼前 Proof? All the proof you need is right in front of you.)

14. Okay, if you want proof, I will give you proof. (翻译:好吧,如果你要证据的话, 我会给你证据的)

15. Will there be a dawn in my life? (翻译:Will there be a dawn in my life?)

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