euclidean是什么意思 euclidean的中文翻译、读音、例句

euclidean是什么意思 euclidean的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:Euclidean algorithm(欧几里得算法)、Euclidean division(欧几里得除法)、Euclidean geometry(欧几里得几何学)、Euclidean space(欧几里得空间)。



1. Euclidean geometry has been a foundation of mathematics for over two thousand years.(欧几里得几何学已经成为数学基础超过两千年。)

2. The Euclidean algorithm is a tool for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers.(欧几里得算法是用于查找两个整数的最大公因数的工具。)

3. In Euclidean space, the distance between two points is given by the Pythagorean theorem.(在欧几里得空间中,两点之间的距离由勾股定理给出。)

4. The concept of Euclidean division is fundamental to the study of number theory.(欧几里得除法的概念对数论研究至关重要。)

5. The Euclidean distance between two cities can be used to calculate the travel time between them by car.(两个城市之间的欧几里得距离可以用于计算它们之间的汽车行驶时间。)




1. The Euclidean algorithm is used to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers. (欧几里得算法用于找到两个数的最大公约数。)

2. Euclidean geometry deals with the properties of points, lines, angles, and shapes in two- and three-dimensional space. (欧几里得几何研究二维和三维空间中的点、线、角和形状的性质。)

3. In Euclidean space, the distance between two points is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. (在欧氏空间中,两个点之间的距离是使用勾股定理计算的。)




例句:Euclidean norm theory was used to select and optimize the contractors during the evaluation work of the construction projects. (在建设工程项目的评标工作中,采用欧氏范数理论对项目的承包商进行优选。)


例句:So there's the onset of what we call Euclidean zoning, the separation of the landscape into large areas of single use. (于是就出现了我们称为 欧几里得的分区, 大面积独立使用的分离地标景观。)


例句:The TCQ algorithm takes advantage of convolution code, and enlarges the Euclidean distances among quantized data by expanding data dimensions. (TCQ算法充分利用了卷积码的特性,采用信号空间扩展的方法来增大量化信号的欧式距离,从而达到提高量化性能的目的。)


例句:Or there's the non-Euclidean work of Bernhard Riemann in the 1850s, which Einstein used in the model for general relativity a century later. (翻译:另外在xx年,伯奈德瑞曼的非欧几里德 成果 在一个世纪后, 爱因斯坦用此为模版创立了广义相对论。)


euclidean一般作为形容词使用,如在Euclidean(欧几里得的 )、Euclidean algorithm([计] 欧几里得算法)、Euclidean alphabet([网络] 欧几里德字母表)等常见短语中出现较多。

Euclidean algorithm[计] 欧几里得算法
Euclidean alphabet[网络] 欧几里德字母表
Euclidean axiom[网络] 欧几理得公理
Euclidean body[化] 欧几里得体; 刚性体
Euclidean complex欧几里得复形
Euclidean connection欧几里得联络
Euclidean dimension欧几里得维数
Euclidean distance[计] 欧几里得距离
Euclidean domain[计] 欧几里得域


1. The TCQ algorithm takes advantage of convolution code, and enlarges the Euclidean distances among quantized data by expanding data dimensions. (翻译:TCQ算法充分利用了卷积码的特性,采用信号空间扩展的方法来增大量化信号的欧式距离,从而达到提高量化性能的目的。)

2. Or there's the non-Euclidean work of Bernhard Riemann in the 1850s, which Einstein used in the model for general relativity a century later. (翻译:另外在xx年,伯奈德瑞曼的非欧几里德 成果 在一个世纪后, 爱因斯坦用此为模版创立了广义相对论。)

3. The result using GTI model is somewhat inferior to Euclidean distance. (翻译:使用GTI模型的结果比欧氏距离的要差。)

4. How to find Euclidean Norm of rows of a matrix with BLAS? (翻译:如何找到一个矩阵与欧几里德范数的BLAS行吗? )

5. But none of the mathematicians believed that these basic non- Euclidean geometries would be physically significant . (翻译:但数学家们无人相信这些基本的非欧几里德几何必然有物理意义。)

6. Oh, euclidean geometry. The nicomachean ethics. (翻译:哦 欧几里得几何 Oh, Euclidean geometry.)

7. It has been proved that this distance measure is more efficient than the Euclidean distance. (翻译:实验证明,这种距离测量方式要比欧氏距离测量方式更有效。)

8. Janos continued anyway and today is recognized, along with Lobachevsky and Gauss , as one of the discoverers of non-Euclidean geometry; (翻译:亚诺什继续反正今天是公认的,随着罗巴切夫斯基和高斯,非欧几里德几何的发现者之一;)

9. The error performance of continuous phase modulation (CPM)with optimal coherent detection depends on its minimum squared Euclidean distance(MSED). (翻译:连续相位调制的最佳相于解调的误码性能取决于其最方欧氏距离。)



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