emacs是什么意思 emacs的中文翻译、读音、例句

emacs是什么意思 emacs的中文翻译、读音、例句

'emacs'是一种文本编辑器,其全称为"Editor MACroS",是一种可扩展性非常强的编辑器,拥有丰富的命令和扩展功能。




短语:Emacs Lisp是Emacs的一种内置脚本语言,常用于扩展Emacs的功能。

发音拼写: /ˈiːmæks/


1. I use Emacs to edit my code.(我使用Emacs编辑代码。)

2. Emacs is a powerful text editor.(Emacs是一款功能强大的文本编辑器。)

3. Many programmers prefer to use Emacs over other text editors.(许多程序员更喜欢使用Emacs而不是其他文本编辑器。)

4. Emacs can be customized to suit your needs.(Emacs可以根据您的需求进行定制。)

5. With its extensive features and commands, Emacs is a versatile tool.(凭借其丰富的功能和命令,Emacs是一款多功能工具。)

6. Emacs can be used on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS and Linux.(Emacs可用于多种操作系统,包括Windows、macOS和Linux。)

7. Emacs Lisp is a powerful language that can be used to extend the functionality of Emacs.(Emacs Lisp是一种功能强大的语言,可用于扩展Emacs的功能。)

'emacs'是一款文本编辑器软件。'emacs'的中文翻译为“伊马克斯”,读音为[yí mǎ kè sī]。


1. I prefer using emacs for coding. (我更喜欢用emacs进行编程。)

2. Emacs is a powerful and extensible text editor. (Emacs是一款强大且可扩展的文本编辑器。)




例句:Almost every significant editor you might use with XML handles UTF-8, including JEdit, BBEdit, Eclipse, emacs, and even Notepad. (基本上所有可能用于XML的主要编辑器都能处理utf - 8,包括JEdit、BBEdit、Eclipse、emacs甚至Notepad。)


例句:Emacs displays the GUD buffer, as it did in previous versions of Emacs. (Emacs会像以前的版本一样显示出GUD buffer。)


例句:One of them was Ange-ftp, an extension to emacs for editing remote files. (其中一个是 Ange-ftp, 它是用来编辑远程文件的 emacs 的一个扩展。)


例句:The possible values are XML, text, or emacs. (翻译:可能的值有xml、text或者emacs。)


1. One of them was Ange-ftp, an extension to emacs for editing remote files. (翻译:其中一个是 Ange-ftp, 它是用来编辑远程文件的 emacs 的一个扩展。)

2. The possible values are XML, text, or emacs. (翻译:可能的值有xml、text或者emacs。)

3. Emacs now displays the source code of the main routine, together with the GUD, locals, breakpoint and stack buffers, in a single frame. (翻译:Emacs会将主程序段的源代码以及GUD、本地变量、断点和栈的buffer在一个frame中。)

4. This command starts GDB as a subprocess of Emacs, with input and output through a newly created Emacs buffer. (翻译:改命令启动GDB并将其作为Emacs的子进程,其输入输出都在一个新创建的Emacs缓冲中。)

5. It spent most of its time waiting for the swap disk, thrashing like Emacs on a VAX. (翻译:大多数时间都花在等待交换磁盘上,就像VAX上的Emacs一样。)

6. It spent most of its time waiting for the swap disk, thrashing like Emacs on a VAX. (翻译:大多数时间都花在等待交换磁盘上,就像VAX上的Emacs一样。)

7. If EDITOR is set to emacs, you type part of the name, and then click the Escape key twice to complete the file name. (翻译:如果EDITOR设置为emacs,那么您键入部分名称,然后按两次Esc键以完成文件名。)

8. Writing your own Emacs Lisp code. (翻译:编写自己的Emacs Lisp代码。)

9. Lord and Kingdon added more annotations to GDB so that a front-end, such as Emacs, could understand better the state of execution. (翻译:Lord和Kingdon给GDB添加了更多的annotation,使得像Emacs这样的前端可以知道运行状态的更多信息。)

10. Lord and Kingdon added more annotations to GDB so that a front-end, such as Emacs, could understand better the state of execution. (翻译:Lord和Kingdon给GDB添加了更多的annotation,使得像Emacs这样的前端可以知道运行状态的更多信息。)

11. It occurred to me, why not use Emacs rather than vi as the default editor for Ubuntu? (翻译:и称ぃEmacsvi Ubuntu个砞絪胯竟㎡)

12. So it's definitely necessary to break out Emacs and modify that Perl script. (翻译:所以有必要退出EMACS 修改Perl代码)

13. Use the powerful Emacs text-marking routines. (翻译:使用强大的Emacs文件标识例程。)

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