cfd是什么意思 cfd的中文翻译、读音、例句

cfd是什么意思 cfd的中文翻译、读音、例句

CFD是Computational Fluid Dynamics的缩写,指的是计算流体力学。下面从定义、应用和意义三个方面展开说明。

1. 定义:CFD是一种通过数值模拟和数学方法求解流体动力学和热传递问题的技术,是实验和理论研究的补充,用于预测物体在流体中的运动和相互作用,以及流体的物理特性。

2. 应用:CFD被广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、建筑、能源、生物医学等领域,以及工业流体力学、海洋工程、天气预报等方面。它可以用于优化设计、预测某些性能或者研究某些物理现象。

3. 意义:CFD为现代科学技术的发展提供了重要支撑,它提供了一种高效、精确、经济、安全的方法来研究和设计复杂的流体系统。它也推动了各个领域的发展,促进了科技的进步和应用。


1. The CFD simulation results indicate that the flow characteristics of the fluid in this model are complex and change over time. (CFD模拟结果表明,该模型中的流体流动特性复杂且随时间变化。)

2. The CFD analysis showed that the aerodynamic performance of the car could be improved by optimizing the geometric shape of the body. (CFD分析表明,通过优化车身的几何形状,可以提高汽车的空气动力学性能。)

3. CFD is widely used in the design of aircraft engines to optimize combustion and reduce emissions. (CFD在飞机发动机设计中广泛应用,以优化燃烧和减少排放。)

4. The CFD simulation results help us to understand the physical processes and predict the behaviour of ocean currents. (CFD模拟结果帮助我们理解物理过程并预测海洋洋流的行为。)

5. CFD analysis is an essential tool for the design and optimization of wind turbines to improve energy efficiency. (CFD分析是设计和优化风力发电机的必备工具,以提高能源效率。)

cfd是Computational Fluid Dynamics的缩写,意思是计算流体动力学。它是一种应用数值分析方法和数值模拟方法,对流体流动进行计算和分析的方法。它广泛应用于航空、汽车、船舶、能源等领域。

读音:[si: ef di:]


1. CFD method can simulate and calculate the flow field inside the engine more accurately.


2. CFD analysis plays an important role in the design process of wind turbine blades.





例句:There's also a daemon program called cfd in version 1.6.3, and its companion cfrun. (在版本 1.6.3 中,还有一个名为 cfd 的守护程序及其同伴 cfrun。)


例句:Version 1.6.3 is very stable, except for the CFD daemon, in my experience. (按照我的经验,除了cfd守护程序外,版本1.6.3非常稳定。)


例句:Simulation of transient state of hydraulic pulsation dampers with a CFD code was done to get their frequency response. (对液压脉动衰减器用CFD软件进行了数值仿真计算,得到了其频率响应。)


1. Simulation of transient state of hydraulic pulsation dampers with a CFD code was done to get their frequency response. (翻译:对液压脉动衰减器用CFD软件进行了数值仿真计算,得到了其频率响应。)

2. The steady hypersonic flow of air over a sphere is studied numerically using CFD-FASTRAN softwares. (翻译:利用CFD软件数值模拟高超声速空气绕流球体的层流流场。)

3. The mixing time predicted by CFD for the single DT-6, CBY impeller and multiple CBY impellers was in good agreement with the experiment. (翻译:对于单层桨体系,不论是DT-6桨还是CBY桨,其混合时间的模拟值均与实验结果吻合良好; )

4. Numerical simulation of the unsteady flow in a transonic turbine stage is still a hard work for CFD researcher. (翻译:涡轮级内的非定常流场数值模拟是现阶段计算流体力学研究的重要领域,也是研究的难点。)

5. Numerical identification of aerostatic force is conducted for Sutong Bridge section in CFD modeling. (翻译:对以苏通桥断面为例的桥梁闭口箱梁模型进行了三分力系数CFD数值识别。)

6. All of these organizations are generating large and growing volumes of complex CFD data and wish to predict aero-acoustics behavior. (翻译:所有这些组织都在不断的生成巨大的和不断增加的复杂的CFD数据,并预知空气声学的特性。)

7. Cfd is the cfengine daemon. (翻译:cfd是cfengine守护程序。)

8. Or as you pitched it two years ago at the CFD picnic, (翻译:两年前 你在芝加哥消防局野餐会 上推销来的东西)

9. The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower, cyclone separator, biochemical reactor, exsiccator, fluidized b… (翻译:本文主要综述了CFD技术在化工领域内的填料塔、旋流分离器、生化反应器、干燥器、流化床、换热器方面的应用。)

10. Actually, it so happens the CFD code inspector is coming by today to sign off on our Molly's II permits. (翻译:我之所以穿成这样是因为 芝加哥消防局的检查员今天要来 签发Molly酒吧分店的经营许可证)

11. The flue gas distributions in the rectangular gas duct of electrostatic precipitator used in a power plant are simulated numerically by CFD. (翻译:应用CFD软件对某电厂电除尘器进口矩形烟道内气流分布进行数值模拟。)

12. Goaf gas flow and distribution patterns were studied by means of CFD numerical simulation. (翻译:采用CFD数值模拟方法对采空区瓦斯流动及分布规律进行了研究。)

13. CFD-DEM simulation of flow and mixing behavior in downers with different entrance structures (翻译:不同入口结构下行床内气固流动及混合行为的CFD-DEM模拟)

14. CFD also has been used in other sports like the javelin6 . (翻译:计算机流体动力学同时也应用于其他体育项目,如标枪。)

15. CFD Study on Fluid Dynamics Characteristics of Downcomer Zone in an Airlift Internal Loop Bioreactor (翻译:用CFD研究气升式内环流生物反应器下降管中的流体力学性质)

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