1. 词义:Kuso(破格罚款)是汉语词语,意为违反规定而被罚款的行为。
2. 词性:名词。
3. 词组搭配:无。
4. 短语:无。
5. 发音拼写:'kuːsəʊ
1. 这家公司因违反环保法规,被处以kuso罚款。
This company was fined for violating environmental regulations with a kuso.
2. 我们必须要严格执行交通安全规定,以避免被罚上kuso。
We must strictly enforce traffic safety regulations to avoid being fined with a kuso.
3. 如果你想要避免被罚上kuso,最好不要违反任何规定。
If you want to avoid being fined with a kuso, it's best not to violate any rules.
4. 在某些情况下,kuso罚款可以避免其他更严厉的惩罚方式。
In some cases, kuso fines can prevent other more severe forms of punishment.
5. 我不得不支付一笔kuso罚款,因为我不小心违反了学校的规定。
I had to pay a kuso fine because I accidentally violated the school's rules.
kuso的中文翻译是「烂、烂透了、恶心、垃圾」,读音是「kù suǒ」。
1. 这本书真是kuso透了,一点也不值得阅读。
2. 这个饭店的服务态度kuso,一点都不友善。
3. 这个游戏的操作简直是kuso,完全不能承受。
4. 他说的话实在是太kuso了,大家都不愿意听。
5. 这个电影的剧情就是一坨kuso,看完后很失望。
例句:Therefore, we need to establish the related civil law to regulate the network kuso behavior to protect the right of the obligee. (因此,需要制定相关的法律来对“网络恶搞”行为进行民法上的规制、保护权利人利益。)
例句:As a result, the oblige cannot obtain the full relief when he is violated by "the Network Kuso" . (因此,当权利人在“网络恶搞”行为的侵害面前,其权利往往得不到充分的救济。)
例句:The Internet KUSO is interpreted from three aspects: the resistance, the style of the ceremony and the fate of incorporation . (从抵抗、风格化的仪式、收编的命运三个方面对网络恶搞进行了解读。)
例句:enhancing self-discipline, improving audiences'media literacy, and forbidding Joking and KUSO. (翻译:加强传者自律,提高受众媒介素养,规避“戏说”与“恶搞”。)
1. The Internet KUSO is interpreted from three aspects: the resistance, the style of the ceremony and the fate of incorporation . (翻译:从抵抗、风格化的仪式、收编的命运三个方面对网络恶搞进行了解读。)
2. enhancing self-discipline, improving audiences'media literacy, and forbidding Joking and KUSO. (翻译:加强传者自律,提高受众媒介素养,规避“戏说”与“恶搞”。)
3. Kuso: a good thing or a bad thing? (翻译:网络恶搞是好事还是坏事? )
4. So you are enjoying the Kuso activity? (翻译:你很爱这个恶搞的活动了? )
5. Welcome to our KUSO party. We've been prepared for a really long time. Coming in and enjoying the party atmosphere. (翻译:欢迎来到我们的搞怪派对。我们准备了很长一段时间了。快请进来,感受派对的气氛吧。)