1. 词性:overdrive可以是名词或动词,名词含义是“过度驱动”,动词含义是“过度激励”。
- I need to kick into overdrive and finish this project.
- He pushed himself into overdrive to complete the marathon.
2. 汽车领域:用于汽车技术中,指发动机达到高转速状态,引擎呈高负荷状态,汽车速度快,例如超车时经常开启overdrive。
- The car shifted into overdrive when he pressed the accelerator.
- The driver had trouble reaching overdrive on the steep hill.
3. 音乐领域:overdrive还可以是吉他效果器中的一种,增强音色和音量,制造出沉稳而厚重的效果。
- He used an overdrive pedal to create a unique guitar sound.
- The lead guitarist played a wicked solo with his overdrive sound.
4. 意义扩展:overdrive也可以形容某个状态或行为超乎寻常,超越极限,有些过头了。
- She went into overdrive trying to impress her boss and ended up burning herself out.
- The company is in overdrive mode to meet the year-end sales goals.
1. I need to kick into overdrive and finish this project.
2. He pushed himself into overdrive to complete the marathon.
3. The car shifted into overdrive when he pressed the accelerator.
4. The driver had trouble reaching overdrive on the steep hill.
5. He used an overdrive pedal to create a unique guitar sound.
6. The lead guitarist played a wicked solo with his overdrive sound.
7. She went into overdrive trying to impress her boss and ended up burning herself out.
8. The company is in overdrive mode to meet the year-end sales goals.
1. I put my car into overdrive to pass the slow-moving truck.(我把车变速器挂到超速档,超过那辆缓慢行驶的卡车。)
2. The music festival was in overdrive all weekend.(音乐节整个周末都处于高度活跃状态。)
3. He pushed himself into overdrive to finish the project on time.(他加快工作速度,使自己处于超速状态,以便按时完成项目。)
4. The singer's performance entered into overdrive when he started singing his hit song.(歌手表演的状态在他开始唱他的热门歌曲时进入了超速状态。)
5. The company's sales team is in overdrive trying to meet the end-of-year goals.(公司的销售团队正在努力超速,以达到年底的目标。)
6. The marathon runner shifted into overdrive for the final stretch of the race.(马拉松选手在比赛的最后一段路程中挂上了超速档。)
7. Her anxiety went into overdrive when she realized she had forgotten her phone at home.(当她意识到自己把手机忘在家里时,她的焦虑状态变得十分严重。)
8. The comedian's jokes had the audience in overdrive with laughter.(喜剧演员的笑话让观众笑得超速。)
9. The video game's difficulty level went into overdrive as the player progressed to higher levels.(当玩家进入更高的关卡时,游戏的难度水平进入了超速状态。)
1. He was in overdrive mode, working on multiple projects simultaneously.(他处于超速工作模式,同时处理多个项目。)
2. The car was running in overdrive, making it difficult to stop quickly.(汽车正在高速行驶,使得很难迅速停下来。)
3. The excitement of the party put her in overdrive, and she danced all night.(派对的兴奋让她兴奋不已,整晚都在跳舞。)
例句:But our genetic results suggest that in schizophrenia, the elimination process may go into overdrive. (们的遗传研究结果表明, 在精神分裂过程中, 这个清除可能在超速运行。)
例句:So our collective curiosity went into overdrive. (所以,我们的所有的好奇心 马上超速运转。)
例句:The leprosy made him vulnerable to the anthrax, and the anthrax treatment put the leprosy in overdrive. (麻风病是他轻易被炭疽热感染了 而炭疽热的治疗又使 麻风在身体里肆虐.)
例句:The blood drains from your face, your mind goes into overdrive, frantically searching for some place to run and hide. (翻译:连你脸上的血液都沸腾了 你的思维开始坐上了过山车 此刻最想做的时候就是逃离或者找地方躲起来 )
overdrive一般作为名词、动词使用,如在go into overdrive(加大力度,投入更多精力)、Laycock overdrive(莱科克超速器)、Mexican overdrive(墨西哥驾驶模式)等常见短语中出现较多。
go into overdrive | 加大力度,投入更多精力 |
Laycock overdrive | 莱科克超速器 |
Mexican overdrive | 墨西哥驾驶模式 |
overdrive capability | 超过激励能力 |
overdrive capacitor | 过激励电容器 |
overdrive clutch | 超速离合器 |
overdrive condenser | [网络] 过激励用电容器 |
OverDrive CPU | [网络] 加速中央处理器;加速处理器 |
overdrive factor | 过激系数 |
overdrive gear | 超速(传动)齿轮 |
1. The leprosy made him vulnerable to the anthrax, and the anthrax treatment put the leprosy in overdrive. (翻译:麻风病是他轻易被炭疽热感染了 而炭疽热的治疗又使 麻风在身体里肆虐.)
2. The blood drains from your face, your mind goes into overdrive, frantically searching for some place to run and hide. (翻译:连你脸上的血液都沸腾了 你的思维开始坐上了过山车 此刻最想做的时候就是逃离或者找地方躲起来 )
3. Once again, the press went into overdrive, with headlines such as "Butterfly Killing Corn." (翻译:媒体再次用诸如“杀死蝴蝶的玉米”的标题吸引众人眼球。)
4. So where Nic ditched Tom and decided to cruise solo, her career went into overdrive. (翻译:因此,当妮甩掉汤姆决定孤身前行时,她的事业便突飞猛进。)
5. Create a piece of bait that sends the fish's instinct into overdrive, forcing him to strike. (翻译:利用它自己的力量对付它 用假蝇引诱它出击)
6. Democrats have gone into demagogic overdrive calling premium support ideas "privatization" or "the end of Medicare. " (翻译:民主党则以蛊惑人心的活动将保险费资助称为“私有化”和“医疗保健的终结。”)
7. In the sand states—Florida, Arizona, Nevada and California—these trends went into overdrive in the years leading up to the crisis. (翻译:在沙州——佛罗里达、亚利桑那、内华达和加利福尼亚——这些趋势在危机爆发前的几年里发展到了极致。)
8. Stung by slipping market share in the U. S. , the company is now going into overdrive. (翻译:受挫于美国市场份额下滑,该公司现正全力以赴。)
9. When oxygen is cut off to the brain, it kicks into overdrive, tapping into every resource to continue operating the body. (翻译:当送往大脑的氧气被切断 将引起超负荷运转 挖掘所有的资源 让机体继续工作)
"Tara this", and, "Tara that". (翻译
11. Keeping the city safe is one of the biggest challenges, Expo officials said, with security measures already in overdrive. (翻译:世博会官员表示,最大的挑战之一是保障城市安全,目前上海已经全面加强安保措施。)
12. The main takeaway from the summit for me was that China's social gaming startups are just beginning to go into overdrive. (翻译:峰会给我带来一个主要关注点是中国社交游戏的初创公司正在开始进入超速运转。)
13. For the moment , the bail-out tacticians are in overdrive . But the strategists' moment is approaching . (翻译:现在,江郎才尽的战术家们是主流,但是战略家的时代就快到了。)
14. Policy makers are trying to tamp down domestic demand to prevent the economy from going into inflationary overdrive. (翻译:政策制定者试图通过控制内需来防止经济过热和高通胀。)
15. Whatever's inside of me that makes me want to hunt, right now it's on overdrive. (翻译:我内心那种想猎杀的冲动 现在愈烧愈烈 Jeremy)