hpa是什么意思 hpa的中文翻译、读音、例句

hpa是什么意思 hpa的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意思:HPA可指高性能计算(High Performance Computing)、人类原发性免疫缺陷病毒(Human Primary Immunodeficiency Virus Antigen)或高压油管(High-Pressure Accumulator)

2. 高性能计算:一种用超级计算机或大规模并行计算机进行高性能计算的科学研究与技术领域。

例句1:The HPA system helps to manage the technical requirements for high- performance computing.

例句2:The HPA system has enabled us to accelerate scientific research in a more efficient manner.

3. 人类原发性免疫缺陷病毒:也叫做HIV,是一种感染免疫系统并导致艾滋病的病毒。

例句1:The ELISA test result showed that the patient was HPA positive.

例句2:The HPA tests are used to identify the presence of HIV in the blood.

4. 高压油管:是柴油机的高压油泵输出高压油的输油管道,通常被称为高压共轨油管。

例句1:The high-pressure accumulator (HPA) has an important role in regulating fuel supply.

例句2:The HPA valve controls the fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel system.

5. 其他缩写:此外,HPA还可以指麻风疫苗(Hansen's Disease Prevention & Control Administration)、血小板聚集抑制素(Human Platelet Antigen)或麻风病(Hansen's Disease)。

例句1:The HPA has made significant contributions to eradicating leprosy.

例句2:Individuals may have different HPA types which can have implications for blood transfusions.



1. The HPA system helps to manage the technical requirements for high-performance computing.


2. The ELISA test result showed that the patient was HPA positive.


3. The high-pressure accumulator (HPA) has an important role in regulating fuel supply.


4. The HPA valve controls the fuel pressure in the high-pressure fuel system.


5. The HPA has made significant contributions to eradicating leprosy.



这个单位表示的是每个平方米的面积上施加的力量,即气压。1 hPa 等于 100 帕斯卡(Pa),又等于 0.001 毫巴(mbar)和 0.00098692 标准大气压(atm)。


1. 今天的气压为1020 hPa。 Today's atmospheric pressure is 1020 hPa.

2. 经过调查发现,这次空难中飞机飞行高度仅有7000 hPa。 The investigation found that the plane was only flying at an altitude of 7000 hPa during the air crash.

3. 明天的气压预测为1015 hPa。 Tomorrow's atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1015 hPa.

4. 在高海拔区域,气压通常比低海拔区域低,例如在珠穆朗玛峰顶部,气压只有300 hPa左右。 In high altitude areas, the atmospheric pressure is usually lower than in low altitude areas. For example, at the top of Mount Everest, the atmospheric pressure is only around 300 hPa.

5. 您可以使用一个气压计来测量当前的气压,然后换算成hPa。 You can use a barometer to measure the current atmospheric pressure and convert it to hPa.

6. 飞机起降时需要根据气压来调整飞行高度,以确保安全。 When taking off and landing, airplanes need to adjust their altitude according to the atmospheric pressure to ensure safety.

7. 气象学家通常会使用hPa来描述气压的变化。 Meteorologists typically use hPa to describe changes in atmospheric pressure.

8. 两个不同地区的气压可能会有显著差异,例如在沿海地区和内陆地区。 The atmospheric pressure in two different regions can vary significantly, for example, between coastal and inland areas.

9. 气压的变化可能会对人体造成影响,特别是那些有心血管疾病的人。 Changes in atmospheric pressure can have an impact on the human body, especially for those with cardiovascular diseases.

'hpa'通常指气压(pressure),特指大气压力(atmospheric pressure)。它是一种物理量,用于描述空气对物体表面的压强。hpa的全称是hectopascal,是国际单位制中压力单位的一种。

读音:[ˈhektəʊˈpæskəl] 或 [ˈhektəʊpəsəl]


1. The atmospheric pressure in this area is usually around 1013 hPa.


2. The barometer shows the current pressure is 1002 hPa.


3. The aircraft's altimeter measures altitude based on the difference in atmospheric pressure between the aircraft and the ground, which is usually given in hPa.





例句:Dr Gwenda Hughes, an STI expert at the HPA, said: "These figures highlight the vulnerability of young women. " (健康保护局的专家,格温达休斯博士说:“这些数字凸显了年轻女性的脆弱性。”)


例句:Conclusion: XNJI has significant effect in treating acute cerebral infarction and its mechanism mav be related to its effect on HPA axis. (结论:醒脑静注射液对急性脑梗塞有较好的治疗作用,其作用机理可能与改善下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴功能有关。)


例句:The HPA official suggested that just as youngsters seek to emulate professionals' dribbles, so too may they copy players' sputters. (健康保护局官方称,一如青少年争相效仿专业球员得盘带技术一样,他们也会照模学样地当起“洒水车”来。)


hpa一般作为名词使用,如在HPA(abbr. 高功率放大器(high-power amplifier))、Nawng Hpa([地名] 瑙帕 ( 缅 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

HPAabbr. 高功率放大器(high-power amplifier)
Nawng Hpa[地名] 瑙帕 ( 缅 )


1. The HPA official suggested that just as youngsters seek to emulate professionals' dribbles, so too may they copy players' sputters. (翻译:健康保护局官方称,一如青少年争相效仿专业球员得盘带技术一样,他们也会照模学样地当起“洒水车”来。)

2. By international agreement pressure is now expressed in hPa's. (翻译:根据国际协议,气压现在用百帕为单位表示。)

3. RESULTS : Serum from the NAIT infants mother contained antibodies directed against a human PLT antigen (HPA) of the newborn. (翻译:结果 :NAIT新生儿的母亲的血清含抗新生儿的人类血小板抗原的抗体。)

4. The hippocampus also inhibits the activity of the HPA axis, so when it weakens, so does your ability to control your stress. (翻译:海马体也抑制了下丘脑肾上腺轴的活动, 所以当它变弱, 你控制压力的能力也随之变弱了。)

5. Intensesand storms occur in the right side of the front area of front part of 200hPa upper air jetstream center. (翻译:强沙尘暴发生在200hPa高空急流中心前部的出口区右侧。)

6. Dr Gwenda Hughes, an STI expert at the HPA, said: "These figures highlight the vulnerability of young women." (翻译:健康保护局的专家,格温达休斯博士说:“这些数字凸显了年轻女性的脆弱性。” )

7. HPA used as excellent green catalyst will possess extensive application prospect in fine chemical synthesis. (翻译:杂多酸及盐作为绿色催化剂在精细化学品合成中具有广阔的应用前景。)

8. The HPA input backoff decrease 6dB at a BER of 10-4. (翻译:在误码率为10-4的情况下,放大器的输入回退约减小了6。)

9. The catalytic synthesis of dibutyl adipate with organic acid, inorganic salt, solid super-acid, ion-exchange resin, HPA etc. were reviewed. (翻译:综述了有机酸,无机盐,固体超强酸,阳离子交换树脂,杂多酸等催化剂催化合成己二酸二丁酯的方法。)

10. Inhibiting GABA leads to unconditioned anxiety and HPA mobilization, as well as increased heart rate and blood pressure. (翻译:GABA的抑制导致了无条件的忧虑和HPA调动,并且心率和血压都有所增加。)

11. Intensesand storms occur in the right side of the front area of front part of 200hPa upper air jetstream center. (翻译:强沙尘暴发生在200hPa高空急流中心前部的出口区右侧。)

12. The atmospheric pressure at the center is 950hPa, the maximum wind speed near the center is 40 meters, and within the parameters 110 kilometers southeast and... (翻译:中心气压是950百帕 中心最大风速40公尺 中心东南侧110公里以内)

13. Or is the HPA right? (翻译:还是说会不会健康保护局是正确的? )

14. It is an area the HPA is now looking at closely. (翻译:这是英国马球总会目前密切关注的领域。)

15. It is too early to say whether the cases reported so far will lead to a larger outbreak, the HPA said. (翻译:健康防护署称,迄今报告的案例会不会引起更大规模的疫情爆发,现在还难下定论。)



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