memorandum是什么意思 memorandum的中文翻译、读音、例句

memorandum是什么意思 memorandum的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和用途


2. 格式和样式


3. 使用场合


4. 相关表达



(2)Interoffice Memo:是一种公司内部通信文件,和Memorandum同义。

(3)Office Memorandum:和Interoffice Memo同义。

(4)Executive Memo:指高管之间相互发送的通信文书。


1. Please review the attached memorandum regarding the new policy.


2. We will inform all staff of the changes via memorandum.


3. Please send a memorandum summarizing the meeting to all attendees.


4. Attached is a memorandum from the HR department regarding vacation policy.


5. The executive memo detailed the company's long-term strategic plan.





1. The CEO sent a memorandum to all employees regarding the new project.(CEO向所有员工发出了有关新项目的备忘录。)

2. The memorandum of understanding was signed by both parties.(双方签署了谅解备忘录。)

3. Please refer to the memorandum for further details.(请参阅备忘录以了解更多细节。)

4. The memorandum was distributed to all members of the committee.(备忘录被分发给委员会的所有成员。)

5. The memorandum outlined the goals and objectives of the project.(备忘录概述了项目的目标和目的。)

6. The memorandum serves as a reminder for the upcoming deadline.(备忘录作为即将到来的截止日期的提醒。)

7. The memorandum was written in a clear and concise manner.(备忘录以清晰简洁的方式书写。)

8. The memorandum was sent via email to all team members.(备忘录通过电子邮件发送给了所有团队成员。)

9. The memorandum was revised and updated based on feedback from stakeholders.(备忘录根据利益相关者的反馈进行了修订和更新。)


1. I wrote a memorandum to remind myself of the deadline for the project.


2. The boss sent a memorandum to all employees about the new company policy.


3. Please read the memorandum carefully and follow the instructions.





例句:The contract in front of you is the memorandum of understanding between us... the U.S. Marshal Service... (你面前的合同是我们之间理解的备忘录 美国马歇尔服役和你之间)


例句:According to the memorandum, a so far nameless new company will be producing the Cell CPU and the RSX chip. (据这份备忘录显示,一家还没命名的公司将承担生产Cell及RSX的任务。)


例句:Comrade Khrushchev's memorandum on the Korean situation, Comrade Secretary. (赫鲁晓夫同志关于朝鲜形势的备忘录,书记同志)


例句:Original copy stamped at any stamp office with a RM 100.00 stamp in the Memorandum and another RM100 stamp in the Articles. (翻译:章程原件需要在任意印花税署加盖100马币的印花税,另外需要支付100马币税于条款内容。)


memorandum一般作为名词使用,如在on memorandum(寄售的)、docking memorandum(进坞记录)、discussion memorandum([经] )等常见短语中出现较多。

on memorandum寄售的
docking memorandum进坞记录
discussion memorandum[经]
distribution memorandum[经] 分配通知单
engagement memorandum[经] 业务备忘录
exchange memorandum外汇兑换单
explanatory memorandum[计] 说明书
insurance memorandum保险备忘录
legal memorandum[网络] 法律备忘录


1. Comrade Khrushchev's memorandum on the Korean situation, Comrade Secretary. (翻译:赫鲁晓夫同志关于朝鲜形势的备忘录,书记同志)

2. Original copy stamped at any stamp office with a RM 100.00 stamp in the Memorandum and another RM100 stamp in the Articles. (翻译:章程原件需要在任意印花税署加盖100马币的印花税,另外需要支付100马币税于条款内容。)

3. Dear Minister, I have still had no response to my most recent memorandum entitled, (翻译:亲爱的大臣我至今尚未 收到你对我最近备忘录的回音)

4. And in the judge's personal memorandum, he recalled that the Plaintiff - banks president - admitted that, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank, did create the money and credits upon its books by bookkeeping entry. (翻译:在法官的个人备忘录中, 他回忆 原告 - 银行总裁 - 承认与美联储银行联合通过记账方式, 在账面上建立这一笔货币及信贷)

5. A little boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand. (翻译:一天一个小男孩手里拿着一个小本儿急急走进杂货店。)

6. He persuaded Einstein, as his last act, to sign the famous memorandum of Bertrand Russell. (翻译:他成功地劝说爱因斯坦最终 在著名的伯特兰·罗素备忘录上签字。)

7. And as soon as I started this work, I received a memorandum from the World Bank, from the legal department first, in which they said, "You are not allowed to do this. (翻译:然而,一当我展开工作时, 我就收到了世界银行法律部门 的一封便函 函内写道,你这样做是不被允许的。)

8. There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran. (翻译:中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。)

9. There's a memorandum that allows the President to do this. (翻译:嫌犯有权保持沉默, 所说的一切都有可能被用于证据)

10. He persuaded Einstein, as his last act, to sign the famous memorandum of Bertrand Russell. (翻译:他成功地劝说爱因斯坦最终 在著名的伯特兰·罗素备忘录上签字。)

11. They stressed the need to ensure an efficient and smooth implementation of the modalities of the Memorandum of Understanding. (翻译:双方强调应确保备忘录的规定能得到顺利、有效的实施。)

12. Particularly certain memorandum between you and I (翻译:你别忘了 那里面除了巴格达行动 from the Baghdad operation, 还有一份轰炸前几天你才给我的 particularly certain memorandum between you and I)

13. To amend the Memorandum and Articles of the Association as per the annexure annexed hereto effective from1 January2008. (翻译:按附件修改校友会章程大纲及章程细则,该等修改由二零零xx年xx月xx日起生效。)

14. During the meeting, someone suggested to form a 11-member committe to work out the new memorandum. (翻译:会上有人建议任命一个十一人组成的委员会来制定新章程。)

15. This is a Department Of Justice memorandum signed by the Attorney General himself. (翻译:这是司法部长亲自签署的一份备忘录 - 我注意到了)



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