1. 概述
"MF Global"是美国的一家金融公司,“MF”是"Man Financial"的缩写,公司前身为“Man Group”,于xx年推出"MF Global"品牌。
2. 公司业务
3. 倒闭事件
xx年,MF Global公司因为无法归还公司客户的少量资金而申请破产保护,随后进行清算。此次倒闭事件震惊了金融界,也引起了对全球金融监管的关注。
1. MF Global was once a major player in the world of futures brokers.(MF Global曾是期货经纪商界的重要玩家。)
2. After the demise of MF Global, the futures industry has been placed under greater scrutiny.(在MF Global倒闭之后,期货行业受到了更大的审查。)
3. The collapse of MF Global was largely due to poor risk management decisions.(MF Global的崩溃主要是由于糟糕的风险管理决策所致。)
4. MF Global's downfall led to the loss of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in investor funds.(MF Global的倒闭导致了数千个就业机会的流失和数十亿美元的投资者资金亏损。)
5. The MF Global scandal highlighted the need for increased transparency and accountability in the financial industry.(MF Global丑闻凸显了金融业需要增加透明度和问责制。)
读音:[ɛmf ˈɡlobl]
1. MF全球于xx年破产,成为金融史上最大的清算案之一。
2. 在MF全球破产的事件中,无数客户损失了大量资金。
Chinese Translation: MF全球
Pronunciation: [ɛmf ˈɡlobl]
1. MF Global went bankrupt in 2011, becoming one of the largest liquidation cases in financial history.
2. In the case of MF Global bankruptcy, countless customers lost a lot of money.