decrypt是什么意思 decrypt的中文翻译、读音、例句

decrypt是什么意思 decrypt的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 使用场合


- 网络传输过程中的数据加密

- 存储在计算机上的数据加密

- 电子邮件加密

- 文件或文件夹加密

- 软件许可证授权文件解密

2. 相关术语


- Cipher:加密算法

- Plaintext:未加密的数据

- Ciphertext:加密后的数据

- Key:解密时所需的密钥

3. 常见缩写词


- RSA:非对称加密算法,常用于Web安全,需要PrivateKey才能解密

- AES:常见的对称加密算法

- SSL:安全套接字层,用于保证网络传输过程中的数据安全


1. The encrypted data was successfully decrypted with the correct key. (使用正确的密钥成功解密了加密数据)

2. The email attachment was encrypted using AES-256 algorithm and needs to be decrypted to access.(电子邮件附件使用了AES-256算法加密,需要解密才能访问)

3. The software license file is unreadable because it is encrypted. You need to decrypt it with the license key.(软件许可证文件被加密,需要使用许可密钥解密才能读取)

4. The SSL certificate helps to secure communications between the server and client by encrypting and decrypting data.(SSL证书通过加密和解密数据来保护服务器和客户端之间的通信)

5. The RSA algorithm is commonly used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data to ensure security.(RSA算法常用于加密和解密敏感数据以确保安全)




1. The spy agency is trying to decrypt the enemy's secret messages. (这家间谍机构正在努力破译敌人的秘密信息。)

2. The computer program uses a complex algorithm to decrypt the encrypted data. (这个计算机程序使用复杂的算法来解密加密数据。)

3. Can you help me decrypt this message? (你能帮我解密这条消息吗?)

decrypt在英语中代表"解密 、解…的密码"的意思,还有解密的的意思,在线发音:[di:'kript],decrypt常被用作动词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到29个与decrypt相关的例句。



例句:The name of the RSA key container used to encrypt or decrypt the contents of the Web. Config file. (用于加密或解密Web.config文件内容的RSA密钥容器的名称。)


例句:The point is to protect information, then be able to use that information, which usually means being able to decrypt it. (使用加密主要是保护信息,随后能够使用该信息,后者通常意味着能够对它进行解密。)


例句:Even if they take every single computer on the planet just to decrypt that one file, it's going to take millions of years. (即便你用地球上的每一个计算机去解密它 也需要数百万年 )


例句:So the police can't actually get in there to decrypt what happened. (翻译:所以警方不能 甚至可以在有 解密发生了什么事。)


1. Even if they take every single computer on the planet just to decrypt that one file, it's going to take millions of years. (翻译:即便你用地球上的每一个计算机去解密它 也需要数百万年 )

2. So the police can't actually get in there to decrypt what happened. (翻译:所以警方不能 甚至可以在有 解密发生了什么事。)

3. The server is now able to decrypt the conversation key. (翻译:现在,服务器就可以解密对话密钥了。)

4. Each key value can be used separately to encrypt messages, but it cannot be used to decrypt the messages it was used to encrypt. (翻译:每个密匙值都可以单独用于加密消息,但是不能用于解密由它本身加密的消息。)

5. IRM encrypts the downloaded files and limits the set of users and programs that are allowed to decrypt these files . (翻译:IRM会加密下载的文件,并限制允许对这些文件进行解密的用户和程序集。)

6. - And the Syrian electronic army used this software to decrypt and obstruct private e-mails and chats in order to arrest, torture, and murder protesters. (翻译:叙利亚电子部队使用这个软件 解密 截断私人电邮和文件 以达到逮捕 折磨 杀害抗议者的目的)

7. If we knew what the messages were going to say, we wouldn't have to decrypt them at all. (翻译:如果我们知道了什么消息都去说, 我们不会有解密它们。)

8. And that code has been encrypted, so let's decrypt it. (翻译:这些代码已经被加密了 让我们把它们解密 )

9. The German Enigma machine was an electro-mechanical device used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages during World War II. (翻译:德国的恩尼格玛密码机是二战时用于加密解密信息的电子-机械装置。)

10. Because the receiver is able to decrypt the sent messages, the receiver does not know that it is interacting with a rogue user. (翻译:因为接收方能够对发送的消息解密,所以接收方不知道它正在与一个伪用户进行交互。)

11. Users trying to encrypt or decrypt with the specified key must have the required permissions to access the key container. (翻译:尝试用指定密钥进行加密或解密的用户必须具有访问密钥容器的所需权限。)

12. Now this encrypted data is sent through the server to Alice, and because the message was encrypted using Alice's public key, the only key that can now decrypt it is a private key that belongs to Alice, and it turns out Alice is the only person that actually has this key. (翻译:现在加密的讯息 通过服务器传送给Alice, 因为信息经Alice的公钥加密, 只有Alice的私钥才能解开它。而这把私钥只有Alice拥有。)

13. When they came to me and said, "Steve wants to talk to you," that seemed reasonable. (翻译:因为他们可能会要我去解密我的电脑 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}if they tried to compel me to decrypt my computer. 那听起来挺合理的 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}that seemed reasonable.)

14. Decrypt the request if the security policies dictate it. (翻译:如果安全策略要求,则对请求进行解密。)

15. There are other Black Boxes that you need me to decrypt. I'm the engineer. (翻译:你还有其他的黑匣子需要我破解呢 我是工程师啊)

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