skyline是什么意思 skyline的中文翻译、读音、例句

skyline是什么意思 skyline的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 概念解释:Skyline是一个英文单词,是指天际线,它指的是一个城市的轮廓线,由这个城市的建筑物和其他高耸物体组成,通常在远处看起来非常宏伟壮观。

2. 建筑特征:天际线往往由高耸的建筑物、桥梁、通信塔等组成。这些建筑物通常是城市的地标建筑,代表着该城市的经济发展水平和建筑技术水平。

3. 城市形象:天际线不仅反映了城市的建筑面貌,而且也代表了城市的形象。一个美丽的天际线可以提升城市的知名度和吸引力,也可以成为城市的文化象征。


1. The New York skyline is famous around the world. (纽约的天际线在世界范围内都很有名。)

2. The modern skyline of Shanghai is a testimony to China's rapid economic growth. (上海的现代天际线是中国经济快速增长的见证。)

3. Sydney's skyline is dominated by the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge. (悉尼的天际线以标志性的歌剧院和海港大桥为主导。)

4. The construction of new skyscrapers has changed the skyline of Dubai dramatically. (新的摩天大楼的建设使迪拜的天际线发生了巨大的变化。)

5. The city council is considering new building regulations to protect the skyline from excessive development. (市政会正在考虑新的建筑法规,以保护天际线免受过度开发的影响。)



1. 天际线

2. 市景线

3. 高楼林立的地平线


1. 表示城市或地区的建筑物在远处的视角下所呈现出来的轮廓线。

2. 用于描述城市的美丽和现代化程度。

3. 常用于旅游宣传和城市规划。


1. The New York City skyline is one of the most iconic in the world.(纽约市的天际线是全世界最为标志性的之一。)

2. The skyline of Dubai is dominated by skyscrapers and high-rise buildings.(迪拜的天际线被摩天大楼和高层建筑所主导。)

3. The Paris skyline is known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.(巴黎的天际线以其著名的地标建筑如埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院而闻名。)

4. The Tokyo skyline is constantly evolving with new skyscrapers being added every year.(东京的天际线不断演变,每年都在增加新的摩天大楼。)

5. The London skyline is a mix of old and new, with historic landmarks and modern skyscrapers side by side.(伦敦的天际线是历史与现代的交融,古老的地标建筑与现代的摩天大楼并存。)

6. The Hong Kong skyline is one of the most breathtaking in the world, with a stunning view of the Victoria Harbour.(香港的天际线是全世界最令人惊艳的之一,拥有维多利亚港的壮丽景色。)

7. The Shanghai skyline is a testament to China's rapid development and modernization.(上海的天际线是中国快速发展和现代化的见证。)

8. The Sydney skyline is famous for its distinctive Opera House and Harbour Bridge.(悉尼的天际线因其独特的歌剧院和海港大桥而闻名。)

9. The Singapore skyline is a harmonious blend of green spaces, modern architecture, and cultural landmarks.(新加坡的天际线是绿色空间、现代建筑和文化地标的和谐融合。)




1. The skyline of New York City is one of the most iconic in the world. (纽约市的天际线是世界上最具代表性的之一。)

2. As the sun sets, the colors of the skyline change from orange to purple. (太阳落山时,天际线的颜色从橙色变为紫色。)

3. The new skyscraper will be the tallest building in the city and will change the skyline forever. (新摩天大楼将成为该市最高的建筑物,并将永久地改变天际线。)




例句:The skyline, for better or for worse, has become what cathedrals, boulevards, or grand squares used to be. (无论是好是坏,这样的天际轮廓线已取代了曾经的大教堂、林荫大道或大广场。)


例句:The skyline of Sandakan exudes an air of prosperity we never saw in Zamboanga. (仙那港的天际线散发出繁荣的气息。那种气息,我们在三宝颜从来没有看见过。)


例句:Located on the Sandy Hook peninsula, Gunnison affords a panoramic view of New York Harbor and the famous skyline of lower Manhattan. (在地处桑迪胡克半岛的甘迅尼,可以看到纽约港的全景和著名的曼哈顿下城天际线。)

4.天际线 、建筑物或群山在天空映衬下的

例句:of the 1962 world's fair to crash down from the skyline. (翻译:为xx年世博会献礼的标志性建筑 至此在蓝天下消失 人类消失后海平面也不断的上升)


skyline一般作为名词使用,如在skyline banner(通栏[标]题)、skyline carriage(架空载运车)、skyline crane(架空索吊运机,架空吊车)等常见短语中出现较多。

skyline banner通栏[标]题
skyline carriage架空载运车
skyline crane架空索吊运机,架空吊车
skyline logging架空运木
skyline winch索道绞盘机
skyline yarding架空索道集材
skyline cable logging架空式索道集材


1. Located on the Sandy Hook peninsula, Gunnison affords a panoramic view of New York Harbor and the famous skyline of lower Manhattan. (翻译:在地处桑迪胡克半岛的甘迅尼,可以看到纽约港的全景和著名的曼哈顿下城天际线。)

2. of the 1962 world's fair to crash down from the skyline. (翻译:为xx年世博会献礼的标志性建筑 至此在蓝天下消失 人类消失后海平面也不断的上升)

3. Over the centuries its fairy tale turrets and gables have become a familiar part of the city's skyline. (翻译:几个世纪以来,有着神话传说的塔楼及尖顶屋两旁的山形墙,已经成为英国中部的城市的一道令人熟悉的风景线。)

4. This is what we dream about. Its individuality, demonstrated in the skyline. It's resilience. (翻译:这就是我们的梦想。这是独立 从地平线描绘出来的。这是弹性。)

5. We expect that you will be able to enjoy a wonderful skyline tonight while relaxing in an onsen. (翻译:今天的好天气来到了 可以边泡温泉边欣赏美景的)

6. The skyline shimmered and glistened ethereally , rising over the Songhua River 's north bank and it took my breath away . (翻译:地平线在松花江北岸上方闪着微光,美得让我简直无法呼吸。)

7. The Minister is concerned that another tall building will clutter the skyline. (翻译:大臣是担心一幢新楼 The Minister is concerned that another tall building 会破坏已有的天际线 will clutter the skyline.)

8. As I arrived, the shimmering skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory. (翻译:当我到达时,穹顶和尖塔形成的泛着微光的空中轮廓线铭刻在我的记忆中。)

9. For more than a century, theBund boasted the most famous skyline east of Suez. (翻译:在超过一个世纪的时间里,外滩以东方苏伊士自夸。)

10. Singapore high : A motocross rider takes off with the skyline of Singapore's financial district as a backdrop. (翻译:图为摩托车手以新加坡繁荣的金融区为背景做出拔地而起的精彩跳跃。)

11. At the Raintree Hotel, Anna Salai guests can enjoy the authentic flavors of Southern India while taking in a stunning skyline view. (翻译:在该酒店,安娜salai客人可以在一个惊人的天际线享受南印度的正宗口味。)

12. with witness around us , greener land , bluer water, and highter skyline . (翻译:我们身边的土地更绿了,水更蓝了,地平线更高了,这些都可以作证。)

13. We've got multiple starts north of Skyline Drive, east of Coil Springs. (翻译:我们有多个启动 天际线,螺旋弹簧以东以北。)

14. He marveled at the brightly illuminated replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Manhattan skyline, the dazzling fountains of Rome. (翻译:他惊叹于那些灯火通明的埃菲尔铁塔复制品、曼哈顿的天际线和罗马令人眼花缭乱的喷泉。)

15. So now I'm going to -- this is Louisville's skyline -- and I'm going to take you through various constraints that led to the project. (翻译:现在我将,这是路易斯维尔的地平线 我将带你们穿过 各种各样的限制去看到这个项目)



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