1. 发音: 'chaco' 的发音为 ['tʃækoʊ],其中 'ch' 的发音与 'chair' 相似,读作 [tʃ];'a' 的发音为 [æ];'c' 的发音与 'cat' 相同,读作 [k];'o' 的发音为 [oʊ]。
- The word 'chaco' is pronounced with a soft 'ch' sound. (这个单词 'chaco' 的发音是以轻的 'ch' 音开始的。)
- Can you hear the difference between the words 'chaco' and 'taco'? (你能听出 'chaco' 和 'taco' 两个单词的区别吗?)
2. 意义:'chaco' 可以指代多种事物,如地名、品牌、产品等。
- I went on a hiking trip to Chaco Canyon last summer. (我去年夏天去了 Chaco Canyon,进行了一次徒步旅行。)
- Have you tried the Chaco sandals? They are very comfortable. (你试过 Chaco 凉鞋吗?它们非常舒适。)
3. 缩写:'chaco' 还可以是某些组织或机构的缩写,比如 'Chicago Area Conservation Group'、'Central Highlands of Argentina and Chile Organization' 等。
- The chaco has been working to protect local wildlife for years. (这个组织一直致力于保护当地的野生动植物。)
- The chaco is hosting a fundraiser next week to support conservation efforts in the region. (这个组织下周将举办筹款活动,以支持该地区的保育工作。)
4. 派生词:'chacology' 是一个由 'chaco' 派生出来的新词,指的是研究考古学家和人类学家对 Chaco 文化和文明的研究和解释。
- My professor specializes in chacology and has published several papers on the subject. (我的教授专攻 chaco 学,并发表了几篇关于这个话题的论文。)
- The museum exhibit explores the history of Chaco culture through the lens of chacology. (该博物馆的展览通过 chacology 的研究视角,探索了 Chaco 文化的历史。)
1. El Chaco es una región muy árida y extensa. (查科是一个非常干旱而广阔的地区。)
2. Los indígenas de la región de Chaco son conocidos por su habilidad para la caza y la pesca. (查科地区的土著人以狩猎和捕鱼的技能而闻名。)
3. La cultura del Chaco es muy diferente de la cultura de la costa del Pacífico. (查科文化与太平洋沿岸的文化非常不同。)
4. En el Chaco hay muchos ríos y arroyos que proporcionan agua para la agricultura y la ganadería. (查科地区有许多河流和小溪,为农业和畜牧业提供水源。)
5. La reserva natural del Chaco es un lugar importante para la conservación de la biodiversidad. (查科自然保护区是生物多样性保护的重要场所。)
6. La música del Chaco refleja la influencia de la cultura indígena y española. (查科音乐反映了土著文化和西班牙文化的影响。)
7. La artesanía del Chaco incluye canastos y tejidos tejidos a mano. (查科手工艺包括手工编织的篮子和织物。)
8. La gente del Chaco suele comer carne de vaca, pollo y pescado. (查科人通常食用牛肉、鸡肉和鱼类。)
9. La temperatura en el Chaco puede superar los 40 grados centígrados en verano. (查科地区夏季温度可以超过40摄氏度。)
读音为 /'tʃæko/。
1. The Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico offers a glimpse into the complex and sophisticated culture of the ancient Puebloan people.(新墨西哥州的查科文化国家历史公园向人们展示了古代普韦布罗人复杂而精湛的文化。)
2. The Chaco War was fought between Bolivia and Paraguay in the 1930s over disputed territory in the Chaco region.(查科战争发生在xx年代,是玻利维亚和巴拉圭为争夺查科地区的争议领土而展开的战争。)
例句:The scourge is also affecting the eastern province of Entre Rios and Chaco in the north. (灾害同样祸及了东部的恩特雷里奥斯省和北部的查科省。)
例句:The ancient Anasazi created a flourishing culture in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, epitomized by Pueblo Bonito. (古代的阿纳萨齐人在新墨西哥州的查科峡谷创造了一个繁盛的文化,博尼托即是其缩影。)
例句:Ignacio Rivas, a conservationist with the Paraguayan group Guyra, said: "the fate of the Chaco lies with these groups." (巴拉圭一位环保人士伊格·纳西奥·里瓦斯指出:“查科的命运掌握在这些共同体手里。” )
例句:At this rate 75% or more of the Chaco will have disappeared in a generation. (翻译:按照这样的速度,不出一代人查科75%或更多的原始林将化为乌有。)
chaco一般作为名词使用,如在Chaco(查科 阿根廷 巴拉圭和玻利维亚的低地平原)、El Chaco([地名] 埃尔查科 ( 玻 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Chaco | 查科 阿根廷 巴拉圭和玻利维亚的低地平原 |
El Chaco | [地名] 埃尔查科 ( 玻 ) |
1. Ignacio Rivas, a conservationist with the Paraguayan group Guyra, said: "the fate of the Chaco lies with these groups." (翻译:巴拉圭一位环保人士伊格·纳西奥·里瓦斯指出:“查科的命运掌握在这些共同体手里。” )
2. At this rate 75% or more of the Chaco will have disappeared in a generation. (翻译:按照这样的速度,不出一代人查科75%或更多的原始林将化为乌有。)
3. A spokesman for the environment ministry said: "we know what is happening in the Chaco but there's little we can do." (翻译:环境部发言人说:“我们对查科所发生的一切了如指掌,们却无能为力。” )
4. Is it possible the structures at Chaco Canyon were built along precise celestial alignments so that the Hopi could predict the periods of Earth's devastation and renewal? (翻译:有没有可能 查科峡谷的这些建筑 建以超高精度 这样霍比人就可以预测 地球发生大灾难以及复活的时期)
5. The large Mennonite families and powerful co-operative farm groups have bought an estimated 2m hectares of land in the Chaco. (翻译:几户大的门诺教家庭和具备实力的合作农场在查科购买的土地超过200万公顷。)
6. During the times of the summer and winter solstices, as well as the spring and fall equinoxes, the people at Chaco (翻译:以及春分 秋分 查克峡谷的人 就能测量地球的平衡性)
7. A second theory contends that the Chaco structures were used to store food supplies. (翻译:第二个理论认为查科建筑是用来储存食物的。)
8. Between the 9th and 12th centuries C. E. , the Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico was buzzing with human activity. (翻译:九世纪到十二世纪间,墨西哥州的查科峡谷是人类活动频繁的地方。)
9. But why would early Native Americans spend so much time building the structures at Chaco Canyon along such precise astronomical alignments? (翻译:为什么美洲土著要花这么多时间 在查克峡谷建造这些 天文精度如此高的建筑呢)