mishap是什么意思 mishap的中文翻译、读音、例句

mishap是什么意思 mishap的中文翻译、读音、例句




短语:有关mishap的常见短语包括:a minor mishap(小意外),a major mishap(大灾难),avoid a mishap(避免失误),cause a mishap(造成意外),recover from a mishap(从意外中恢复)等。



1. The holiday was ruined by several mishaps, including a lost passport and a missed flight.(度假期间发生了几件不愉快的事情,包括丢失护照和错过飞机。)

2. Despite the mishap, the athlete continued to compete and eventually won the race.(尽管发生了意外,这位运动员仍然坚持比赛,最终赢得了比赛。)

3. The company apologized for the mishap and promised to take steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.(公司为这次意外道歉,并承诺采取措施防止类似事件再次发生。)

4. The chef was able to recover from the mishap and still serve a delicious meal.(厨师成功从意外中恢复过来,并仍然做出了美味的餐食。)

5. The comedian turned the mishap into a joke and had the audience laughing.(这位喜剧演员把意外变成了一个笑话,让观众捧腹大笑。)




1. He suffered a serious mishap during his expedition to the South Pole. (他在南极探险期间遭遇了严重的不幸事件。)





例句:After Andy's mishap, I wanna make certain we're comfortable with our firearms. (在安迪发生过小意外后 我想要确定 大家都能够正确地使用枪枝)


例句:The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he'd intended to call his wife. (牧师想起来了,就为无意中打搅他向那人道歉,解释说他原是想给自己太太打电话。)


例句:The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap and ready to once again brave the open ocean. (海蛇号已经从上次事故中完全复原了... 面对广袤的海洋 准备再次英勇出航)

4.不幸 、晦气

例句:Yes, I take your point... but I think it's a little premature to talk about abandoning the operation... or of any mishap to the Lieutenant, for that matter. (翻译:是的,我明白你的意恩 但是我想现在谈放弃计划 以及劳森的不幸为时过旱)


mishap一般作为名词使用,如在without mishap(平安)等常见短语中出现较多。

without mishap平安


1. The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap and ready to once again brave the open ocean. (翻译:海蛇号已经从上次事故中完全复原了... 面对广袤的海洋 准备再次英勇出航)

2. Yes, I take your point... but I think it's a little premature to talk about abandoning the operation... or of any mishap to the Lieutenant, for that matter. (翻译:是的,我明白你的意恩 但是我想现在谈放弃计划 以及劳森的不幸为时过旱)

3. But an even better plan also will insure your collection against total and catastrophic loss in the case of a fire or larger mishap. (翻译:不过,更好的保险方案会将火灾等严重情况纳入保险范围,免得你遭受一瓶不剩的损失。)

4. We had that little mishap, you know, when Mom distracted me we were pulling out of the driveway? (翻译:你知道的 你妈在打岔的时候 我们出的小事故... ...我们开出车道的时候)

5. Look, all that's happened here is there's been a very minor syncing mishap. (翻译:听著 现在发生的事情都归咎于 一个同步惹的小祸)

6. The night shift has noticed your little mishap. (翻译:夜班人员留意到了您那边发生的小事故,那窗帘)

7. He switched over to high-energy radiation research, had a little mishap, and now the other guys are uncomfortable sitting next to him. (翻译:他调到高能辐射课题组了 发生一些小意外 其他团员怕坐他身边被辐射)

8. The helicopter flying there to pick them up had a mishap and a second one had to be sent to bring them back. (翻译:派去接他们的直升机出了事故,只好出动第二架飞机去接他们回来。)

9. Before this, the biggest mishap was some genius accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch. (翻译:Nothing weird about the land. the biggest mishap was some genius 不小心将硫酸撒到了他的胯下 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3c000000}accidentally spilled sulfuric acid on his crotch.)

10. Let's think of it in terms of, like, an automobile mishap. . . (翻译:让我想想,按这个说法,它好像,比如一个车辆事故。)

11. If you are chilly in 10 minutes time, pray for my immortal soul, because some fatal mishap will have befallen me. (翻译:如果十分钟后您还感觉冷 祈祷吧 一定是我出了致命事故)

12. It was an exact replay of the company's 2009 mishap, when a nosecone failure doomed a $270 million carbon-observing satellite. (翻译:这次事故和xx年该公司发射的事故如出一辙。当时由于火箭鼻锥罩故障,毁掉了一颗价值2.7亿美元的碳观测卫星。)

13. In order to prevent this mishap, gradually increase the concentration of oxygen and oil as needed. (翻译:为了防止事故的发生 必须按步骤逐渐提高氧气和石油的浓度)

14. A mishap prevented him from attending the routine meeting of the company. (翻译:他遇到一件不幸的事,使他不能来参加公司的例会。)

15. Had he any right to impose again on his wife some new trial, some new mishap in his attempts and in his failures? (翻译:他有权利将某种新的尝试,他的企图的新的意外及失败,赋加在妻子身上吗?)



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