bookish是什么意思 bookish的中文翻译、读音、例句

bookish是什么意思 bookish的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:bookish knowledge(渊博的知识)、bookish habits(好读书的习惯)、bookish interests(书呆子的兴趣)、bookish look(书卷气十足的外貌)

短语:bookish pursuits(好读书的追求)、bookish person(书呆子)、bookish habits(好读书的习惯)



1. She had a bookish air about her, with her glasses and her nose in a book.


2. John was never interested in sports; he always had his head in a book, and was known for his bookish pursuits.


3. Sally spent all her free time at the library; she had a bookish habit of reading for hours on end.


4. The professor had a bookish look to him, with his tweed jacket, pipe, and leather-bound books.


5. Although he was a bookish person, Henry enjoyed exploring the great outdoors.






1. She had always been a bookish person and loved to spend her free time reading.


2. His bookish knowledge made him an expert in the field of history.


3. Despite his bookish nature, he was able to hold an interesting conversation with anyone.


bookish的意思是"书的 、学究似的",其中文解释还有"好读书的"的意思,在线读音是['bukiʃ],bookish在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到40个与bookish相关的例句。



例句:Abby Stafford was a bookish college student. (Abby Stafford是埋在书堆里的大学生)


例句:Don't be so bookish and unrealistic. (不要书生气十足。)


例句:The noun, Geek has been used for years as American slang, to describe bookish, socially awkward people. (名词,痴汉已被用来作为美国俚语里,来形容书生气十足,社交笨拙的人。)


例句:Um, looks like a frat. A kind of bookish frat. (翻译:额 看起来像是个兄弟会成员住的地方 不过是个书虫兄弟会成员)


1. The noun, Geek has been used for years as American slang, to describe bookish, socially awkward people. (翻译:名词,痴汉已被用来作为美国俚语里,来形容书生气十足,社交笨拙的人。)

2. Um, looks like a frat. A kind of bookish frat. (翻译:额 看起来像是个兄弟会成员住的地方 不过是个书虫兄弟会成员)

3. He did not know himself what he was going to say, but he began eagerly, using bookish Russian, and occasionally relapsing into French. (翻译:连他自己也不知要说什么,就开始热烈地说起来,时而夹杂一些法语时而用书面俄语表达。)

4. They know they ought to read to their children so they do. The kids are caught up in a bookish world. (翻译:当他们得知应该念书给孩子听,他们就念,把孩子吸引到书的世界。)

5. Conclusion: don't go too far to do things by book. That will seem to be way bookish . (翻译:总结:不要太过按规章办事,那样就会显得太本本主义了。)

6. I never liked living in Candlekeep with its funny, bookish monks and the narrow look of a small town. (翻译:我从来不喜欢住在烛堡里,有一大堆好笑的书虫僧侣们,而且是个拥挤的小城镇。)

7. Born in Argentina in 1899, he admired the revolutionaries of his mother’s family but took after his father’s bookish clan. (翻译:xx年出生于阿根廷的他, 钦佩母亲家族的革命者, 但却成为父亲书香家族的一员。)

8. A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers. (翻译:译名室的工作人员是一群好学之士,他们的3间办公室在一座绿藤围绕的建筑物里,屋里面摆放着书籍和发霉的卡片抽屉。)

9. Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist? (翻译:书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家? )

10. My second. Brynden is my eldest, and my heir. Next comes Hoster. A bookish boy, I fear. (翻译:二儿子。布林登是大儿子,我的继承人。接下来是霍斯特,恐怕是个书呆子。)

11. Better be careful of your bookish approach, comrade. (翻译:同志,注意你的书生气! )

12. What if I simply benefited from a family love of books, or even inherited some bookish genes? (翻译:如果我仅仅是因为出生在一个热爱读书的家庭而获益,或者甚至是继承了一些好学的基因,情况又如何呢?)

13. I never liked living in Candlekeep with its funny, bookish monks and the narrow look of a small town. (翻译:我从来不喜欢住在烛堡里,有一大堆好笑的书虫僧侣们,而且是个拥挤的小城镇。)

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