1. 词的意思:modem是调制解调器的缩写,是一种电子设备,用于将数字信号转换为模拟信号,以使计算机能够通过电话线或其他类型的通信线路进行通信、传输数据和连接到互联网。
2. 词性:名词,可数
3. 常用场景:modem广泛应用于家庭、企业和政府机构的计算机和通信系统中,在互联网和其他网络连接中起着至关重要的作用。
4. 词组搭配:
- broadband modem:宽带调制解调器
- wireless modem:无线调制解调器
- cable modem:有线电视调制解调器
- dial-up modem:拨号调制解调器
5. 相关短语:
- Modem speed:调制解调器速度
- Modem connection:调制解调器连接
- Modem signal:调制解调器信号
6. 发音拼写:[ˈməʊdəm]
1. My modem isn't working properly. 我的调制解调器工作不正常。
2. I need to upgrade my modem to get better internet speed. 我需要升级我的调制解调器以获得更快的互联网速度。
3. The modem is flashing its lights to show it's connected to the internet. 调制解调器闪烁其灯光以显示已连接到互联网。
4. The technician replaced the modem to fix the connectivity issues. 技术人员更换了调制解调器以解决连接问题。
5. The modem is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers. 调制解调器与Windows和Mac电脑都兼容。
6. I rented a modem from my internet service provider. 我从我的互联网服务提供商那里租了一台调制解调器。
7. The modem comes with a user manual that explains how to set it up. 调制解调器附带有一本用户手册,解释如何设置它。
8. The modem has a built-in firewall to protect against security threats. 调制解调器有内置防火墙,以防止安全威胁。
9. The modem's warranty covers any defects for one year. 调制解调器的保修期为xx年,覆盖任何缺陷。
modem的中文翻译为“调制解调器”(tiáozhìjiětiáomó),读音为/tiáo zhì jiě tiáo mò/。
1. 今天我买了一个新的调制解调器来提高我的网络速度。
I bought a new modem today to improve my internet speed.
2. 调制解调器是将数字信号转换为可以通过电话线路传输的信号。
A modem converts digital signals into signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines.
例句:In the course of applying modem lex mercatoria, it is necessary to deal with the relationship with domestic law. (但在适用过程中,仍要处理好与国内法的关系。)
例句:Yes, a software modem lets you dial connections just as you would with a standard hardware modem. (是的,软件调制解调器使您可以像使用标准硬件调制解调器一样进行拨号连接。)
例句:Yanan literature formed a connecting link between literary works in different periods in modem literature history. (延安文学在我国现代文学史起着承上启下的关键作用,作为无产阶级文学的代表有它独特的一面。)
例句:- Your laptop, it's a detonator and the modem's rigged with explosives. (翻译:-你的笔记本 里面有控制程序 会引爆路由器里的炸药 这是他们策划的结局)
modem一般作为名词、动词使用,如在digital modem([计] 数字式调制解调器)、DSL modem([网络] 调制解调器;调制解调器图片;数字用户环路调制解调器)、dumb modem([网络] 基本型调制解调器)等常见短语中出现较多。
digital modem | [计] 数字式调制解调器 |
DSL modem | [网络] 调制解调器;调制解调器图片;数字用户环路调制解调器 |
dumb modem | [网络] 基本型调制解调器 |
Ethernet modem | [网络] 以太网络调制解调器;乙太网路数据机;乙太网数据机 |
external modem | [计] 外置式调制解调器 |
fax modem | [计] 传真调制解调器 |
fax/modem | n. 传真/调制解调器 |
group modem | [通信] 群调制解调器 |
groupband modem | 宽带调制解调器 |
1. Yanan literature formed a connecting link between literary works in different periods in modem literature history. (翻译:延安文学在我国现代文学史起着承上启下的关键作用,作为无产阶级文学的代表有它独特的一面。)
2. - Your laptop, it's a detonator and the modem's rigged with explosives. (翻译:-你的笔记本 里面有控制程序 会引爆路由器里的炸药 这是他们策划的结局)
3. The new development of modem tool materials and prospect in the future have heen forecasted. (翻译:对现代刀具材料的新进展及来来的状况作了讨论与预测。)
4. And in every computer connected to it by a modem. (翻译:而且在每一台和它联网的电脑里 And in every computer connected to it by a modem.)
5. Besides, the lessons from the failure of Yihetuan Movement are the realistic foundation of the civil diplomatic movement in modem China. (翻译:义和团运动的教训则成为近代中国国民外交运动兴起的现实基础。)
6. Next, I need 20 link-up terminals, the faster modem and a printer. (翻译:而我,要20部TERMINALLINKUP 最快的解调器及打印机)
7. The first election of members of Academia Sinica in 1948 is an important event in the history of modem Chinese science. (翻译:xx年中研院首届院士选举是中国近代科学史上的重要事件。)
8. The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society. (翻译:重婚,是婚姻中的违法行为,与一夫一妻制的现代文明婚姻制度水火不容。)
9. Designer sportswear was not modeled on that of Europe, as "modem art" would later be; it was genuinely invented and developed in America. (翻译:设计师设计的运动装没有像后来的“现代艺术”那样模仿欧洲的样式;它真的是在美国被发明和发展起来的。)
10. A serial link is often used to attach a computer to a modem. (翻译:串口通常用来将计算机和调制解调器连接起来。)
11. Judo was established in 1882 as a modem sport by professor Jigoro Kano. (翻译:嘉纳治五郎教授于xx年将柔道创立成一项现代体育运动。)
12. Whatever the history, the olive branch is a part of many modem flags symbolizing peace and unity. (翻译:无论历史如何,橄榄枝都是现代旗帜的一部分,象征着和平与团结。)
13. Qian Xuantong is an important thinker of the modem history of China. (翻译:钱玄同是近代中国史上一位重要的思想家。)
14. You're gonna want to get a modem within 3 inches of the server. (翻译:你要在服务器的3英尺内 找到一个调制解调器)
15. In this way, his poetic theory is imbued with the open-endedness of modem thinking. (翻译:这种表述使其诗学理论充满现代思想的敞开性。)