cambridge是什么意思 cambridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

cambridge是什么意思 cambridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 指剑桥大学


- He studied at Cambridge University for four years.

- Cambridge is renowned for its academic excellence.

- The Nobel Prize winner graduated from Cambridge in the 1980s.

- She hopes to apply to Cambridge next year.

- There are many international students studying at Cambridge.

2. 指剑桥考试


- She's studying for the Cambridge First Certificate in English.

- He took the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and got a high score.

- Many universities require applicants to have a Cambridge English qualification.

- The Cambridge exams are recognized by employers all over the world.

- She passed the Cambridge English exam with flying colors.

3. 指剑桥市


- The city of Cambridge is famous for its university and its beautiful architecture.

- We spent a wonderful day exploring the sights of Cambridge.

- Cambridge is home to many high-tech companies and startups.

- He works in a research lab in Cambridge.

- Cambridge is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world.

4. 指某些品牌或公司


- Cambridge University Press is one of the oldest and most respected publishing houses in the world.

- The Cambridge Analytica scandal was a major political controversy.

- He works for a technology company based in Cambridge.

- The Cambridge Satchel Company makes beautiful leather bags.

- Cambridge Audio is a well-known brand of high-end audio equipment.



1. I studied at Cambridge for four years.(我在剑桥学习了xx年。)

2. The Cambridge Dictionary is a great resource for English learners.(剑桥词典对英语学习者非常有用。)

3. The Cambridge Analytica scandal caused a lot of controversy.(剑桥分析公司丑闻引起了很多争议。)

4. She got her PhD from Cambridge University.(她从剑桥大学获得了博士学位。)

5. The Cambridge Footlights is a famous comedy troupe that has produced many famous comedians.(剑桥足球灯是一个著名的喜剧剧团,出现了许多著名的喜剧演员。)

6. Many Nobel laureates have studied or taught at Cambridge.(许多诺贝尔奖得主曾在剑桥学习或教授。)

7. The Cambridge Science Festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.(剑桥科学节每年吸引数千名游客。)

8. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare is a popular book among literature students.(《剑桥莎士比亚伴侣》是文学学生中流行的一本书。)

9. The Cambridge International Certificate for Teachers and Trainers is a professional development program.(剑桥国际教师和培训师证书是一个专业发展计划。)



1. Cambridge is a beautiful city with a rich history and world-renowned universities.(剑桥是一个美丽的城市,拥有丰富的历史和世界知名的大学。)

2. I studied at Cambridge University for three years and it was an unforgettable experience.(我在剑桥大学学习了xx年,那是一个难以忘怀的经历。)

3. The Cambridge Analytica scandal brought to light the dangers of personal data being misused for political gain.(剑桥分析公司的丑闻揭示了个人数据被滥用以获取政治收益的危险。)




例句:Alden T. Vaughan and Virginia Mason Brown, Shakespeare's Caliban: A Cultural history (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). (奥尔登•T•沃恩和佛吉尼亚梅森布朗,莎士比亚中的的卡利班:《文化历史》,剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,1990。)


例句:They got together for coffee at cafe Pamplona, in Cambridge. (他们一起在剑桥的潘普洛纳咖啡厅喝咖啡。)


例句:Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge. (Ian Goodfellow教授是 剑桥大学的病毒学家。)


例句:This was taken in Cambridge in September of 1955. (翻译:这张照片是在xx年的xx月在剑桥拍的。)


cambridge一般作为名词使用,如在Duchess of Cambridge([网络] 剑桥公爵夫人;凯特王妃;英国剑桥公爵夫人)、Duke of Cambridge([网络] 剑桥公爵;剑桥公爵夫人;我们实在太高兴了)、university of cambridge(英国剑桥大学)等常见短语中出现较多。

Duchess of Cambridge[网络] 剑桥公爵夫人;凯特王妃;英国剑桥公爵夫人
Duke of Cambridge[网络] 剑桥公爵;剑桥公爵夫人;我们实在太高兴了
university of cambridge英国剑桥大学


1. Professor Ian Goodfellow is a virologist at the University of Cambridge. (翻译:Ian Goodfellow教授是 剑桥大学的病毒学家。)

2. This was taken in Cambridge in September of 1955. (翻译:这张照片是在xx年的xx月在剑桥拍的。)

3. When we were up at Cambridge together... (翻译:我们在剑桥大学的时候... When we were up at Cambridge together...)

4. But Warwick Holborough has ears like the Cambridge Cup! (翻译:但是华威·霍尔博洛夫的耳朵有剑桥奖杯那么大)

5. Look, I was on the verge Of a career-defining fellowship at cambridge. (翻译:我马上就能获得剑桥大学的 职业定位奖学金了)

6. I want to read The Times and see the Oxford and Cambridge boat race. (翻译:我想读《泰晤士报》 想看牛津剑桥的划船比赛 I want to read The Times and see the Oxford and Cambridge boat race.)

7. - at Oxford and Cambridge. (翻译:和剑桥拿来命名学院的人 谁是第一个? at Oxford and Cambridge.)

8. The Apostles is the most influential society in Cambridge. (翻译:-是吗? 传道者在剑桥是最有影响的社会人物)

9. Collect early Cambridge wirelesses, instruments, and local artifacts. (翻译:收藏早期剑桥无线电收发器,仪器和地方艺术。)

10. She bought a return ticket to Lakenheath via Cambridge. (翻译:她买了一张经剑桥去莱肯希思的往返票 She bought a return ticket to Lakenheath via Cambridge. 2:)

11. Thanks. D.A.'s at a fundraiser in Cambridge. (翻译:谅谅 浪﹛把 猧箉糃爵厩肤蹿笆)

12. What are University of Cambridge ESOL exams? (翻译:什么是剑桥大学ESOL考试? )

13. Dr Altena is from the University of Cambridge. (翻译:阿尔特钠博士来自剑桥大学。)

14. This was taken in Cambridge in September of 1955. (翻译:这张照片是在xx年的xx月在剑桥拍的。)

15. Popple: A museum at Cambridge? (翻译:波普尔:在剑桥的博物馆吗? )

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