gabriella是什么意思 gabriella的中文翻译、读音、例句

gabriella是什么意思 gabriella的中文翻译、读音、例句








1. Gabriella是一个非常流行的女孩名字。 (Gabriella is a very popular girl's name.)

2. Gabriella喜欢跳舞,她参加了学校的芭蕾舞蹈社团。 (Gabriella likes to dance and has joined the ballet club at her school.)

3. Gabriella的妈妈是一名艺术家,她在家里经常画画。 (Gabriella's mom is an artist and often paints at home.)

4. 我的朋友Gabriella是个很好的人,总是乐于助人。 (My friend Gabriella is a very kind person who is always willing to help.)

5. Gabriella和她的家人一起去了迪士尼乐园。 (Gabriella went to Disneyland with her family.)

6. Gabriella正在学习弹钢琴,她非常喜欢音乐。 (Gabriella is learning to play the piano and really enjoys music.)

7. Gabriella的学习成绩很好,她在数学和英语方面都很出色。 (Gabriella does well in school and excels in math and English.)

Gabriella 的中文翻译是嘉比丽娅。读音为 [ɡə'briːlə]。例句:

1. Gabriella 是一位优秀的舞蹈家。

2. 我的朋友 Gabriella 来自意大利。

3. Gabriella 喜欢读书和旅行。

4. Gabriella 是一个美丽、聪明且勇敢的女孩。




例句:Listen, Kelsi always writes her best songs for Troy and Gabriella. (听着 凯尔西i总把最好的歌 留给特洛伊和盖比瑞拉)


例句:Gabriella, I'd like you to meet my fiance, Ann Stanley. (加布里埃拉,我想你 满足我的未婚夫,安斯坦利。)


gabriella一般作为名词使用,如在Gabriella(n. 加布里埃尔(人名))、gabriella di vergy(盖伯奥拉第维吉)等常见短语中出现较多。

Gabriellan. 加布里埃尔(人名)
gabriella di vergy盖伯奥拉第维吉


1. Along with my new stepmother came her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella. (翻译:和我的继母一起出现的还有 她两个双胞胎女儿布赖恩和加百里拉)

2. That wouldn't work out because then Troy and Gabriella wouldn't be able to make... (翻译:那不会发生 因为那时特洛伊和盖比瑞拉不能到)

3. As a compound bilingual, Gabriella develops two linguistic codes simultaneously, with a single set of concepts, learning both English and Spanish as she begins to process the world around her. (翻译

4. Gabriella Dawson, will you marry me? (翻译:Gabriella Dawson 你愿意嫁给我吗?)

5. She sneezes off the stage, and Troy and Gabriella come back from Stanford in time for the musical to finish Just Wanna Be With You. (翻译:Troy和Gabirella从斯坦福大学及时赶了回来,完成了《只想和你在一起》的表演。)

6. Conforming the link from Gabriella to Tyler is what'll put her away. (翻译:确认Gabriella和Tyler之间的联系 成了抓捕她的关键)

7. Look, Gabriella is already one step ahead. As usual. (翻译:你看 盖比瑞拉已经 先人一步了 像往常一样)

8. Gabriella: And here it is: I know what it's like to carry a load with your friends. (翻译:凯碧:我知道:我明白你在你朋友面前都抬不起头。)

9. They must be trying to figure out a way to make sure Troy and Gabriella beat us out. (翻译:他们一定在想如何确定 特洛伊和盖比瑞拉打败我们)

10. - Good morning. - This is Bruno, this is Luciano, this is Gabriella. (翻译:―早上好 ―这是布鲁诺 这是鲁西诺,这是加布瑞拉)

11. Kelsi: Well, it's something I wrote for Troy and Gabriella, just in case they decide to. . . (翻译:嗯,那是我给特洛伊跟凯碧写的,万一他们要……)

12. I made a mistake, Miss Montez, and I would really like to let Gabriella know that. (翻译:所以现在不行 我犯了错误 蒙兹小姐 我现在真的想要盖比瑞拉知道这些)

13. Well, then we need to find another way to link Gabriella to Tyler's murder. (翻译:那就要另寻角度 把Gabriella和Tyler的死联系起来)

14. Yeah, and if Gabriella found out what Tyler was planning, that's enough reason to kill him. (翻译:是的 如果Gabriella发现了Tyler的计划 足够她动杀心了)

15. But Gabriella's lawyered up and so has her goon. (翻译:但是Gabriella已经召唤了律师 她手下也是)



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