molecular heat diffusion是什么意思 molecular heat diffusion的中文翻译、读音、例

molecular heat diffusion是什么意思 molecular heat diffusion的中文翻译、读音、例

molecular heat diffusion在英语中代表"热力学分子热扩散"的意思,在日常中也代表"热力学分子热扩散"的意思,读音为[molecularheatdiffusion],molecular heat diffusion是一个英语名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到40个与molecular heat diffusion相关的例句。

Molecular heat diffusion的中文翻译


例句:But that shape means it also loses heat quickly. (but that shape means it also loses heat quickly. 但这种体型会使热量迅速流失)


molecular heat diffusion一般作为名词使用,如在diffusion molecular(扩散分子)、molecular diffusion([化] 分子扩散)、diffusion heat([化] 扩散热)等常见短语中出现较多。

diffusion molecular扩散分子
molecular diffusion[化] 分子扩散
diffusion heat[化] 扩散热
diffusion of heat[电] 热扩散
heat diffusion传热,导热,热的散逸
heat of diffusion[化] 扩散热
molecular heat[化] 分子热\n[医] 分子热
lateral molecular diffusion[化] 侧向分子扩散
molecular diffusion coefficient分子护散系数


1. Heat softens the wood filler. (翻译:提供软化木质填料所需的温度 Heat softens the wood filler.)

2. Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat. (翻译:先生,我们可以有很多热,更多热,超级热,巨热,白热,一点热或不热。)

3. In case heat-sensitive experiments are left running (翻译:以防有热敏感的实验需要进行 in case heat -sensitive experiments are left running)

4. Molecular simulation is used to calculate the diffusion coefficient of thiophene and n-heptane in PEG membrane. (翻译:并通过分子模拟方法模拟了噻吩和正庚烷在PEG膜中的扩散系数。)

5. I do not accept this heat! (翻译:我受不了这温度了! I do not accept this heat!)

6. I gotta help in this heat. (翻译:天气这么热,我想我该去帮帮忙 I gotta help in this heat.)

7. Spread: this value sets the level of diffusion of the occlusion. (翻译:传播:这个数值设置遮挡的扩散级别。)

8. Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat. (翻译:先生,我们可以有很多热,更多热,超级热,巨热,白热,一点热或不热。)

9. ? You and me in the night heat ? (翻译:You and me in the night heat)

10. WayIander... where's her diffusion barriers? (翻译:WayIander... 她在扩散性巴尔体在哪?)

11. The relationship of the process parameters to the depth of diffusion, concentration of titanium in the diffusion layer and the microstructure of titanizing layer are studied. (翻译:探讨了工艺参数与渗层厚度的关系,渗钛层组织特征,渗层钛浓度分布。)

12. You feeling the heat, old media? (翻译:感到了吗 旧媒体 You feeling the heat, Old Media?)

13. Could we turn up the heat, in here? (翻译:Could we turn up the heat in here?)

14. See, if the cells are frozen, there's very little molecular movement, and diffusion practically stops. (翻译:比如说,当细胞冷冻以后, 就几乎没有分子活动 扩散也基本停止了 )

15. That results in decrease of relaxor and frequency diffusion. (翻译:频率弥散减弱,弛豫性变小。)

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