multichamber kiln是什么意思 multichamber kiln的中文翻译、读音、例句

multichamber kiln是什么意思 multichamber kiln的中文翻译、读音、例句

multichamber kiln在英语中代表"多室、窑"的意思,其次还有"层"的意思,在线发音:[multichamberkiln],multichamber kiln来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到92个与multichamber kiln相关的句子。

Multichamber kiln的中文翻译


例句:So,tracy used a kiln to char the bone? (tracy used a kiln to char the bone?)


例句:The pusher kiln is widely used to heat the electronic material with high temperature as a sintering device. (推板窑作为热工烧结设备,广泛应用于电子材料高温处理。)


例句:The bricks are left in the kiln to bake. (砖坯放在窑里烧。)


multichamber kiln一般作为名词使用,如在multichamber(多层, 多复室)、multichamber centrifuge([化] 多室离心机)、multichamber vessel([化] 多室容器)等常见短语中出现较多。

multichamber多层, 多复室
multichamber centrifuge[化] 多室离心机
multichamber vessel[化] 多室容器
multichamber drum centrifugal多室转鼓式离心机
multichamber fluidized bed室流化床
dingzhou kiln鼎州窑
drum kiln转鼓式干燥炉
dry kiln[化] 干燥窑


1. The bricks are left in the kiln to bake. (翻译:砖坯放在窑里烧。)

2. Production Experiment to solve the Problem of Oak Board Uneven Drying in CLZ Side-Fan Kiln (翻译:解决CLZ侧风机干燥窑柞木板干燥不均匀的生产性试验)

3. The unfired pots were missing. In the afternoon, when the kiln had shut itself off and cooled, Scott opened it. (翻译:到了下午,当窑子自动关闭并冷却下来以后,司各特打开窑门。)

4. Today RCE is market leader in the supply of this kiln type for sintering of raw materials used for refractory applications. (翻译:是这类用于耐火材料应用的原料的烧结窑的市场领先者。)

5. Using heat exchanger to reclaim the afterheat of the industrial kiln fume can not only save fuel consumption but also improve the productivity of kilns. (翻译:用换热器回收工业炉窑的烟气余热,既可节约燃耗,又可提高炉窑产量。)

6. The increment of both rotating rate and kiln slope monotonously reduces MRT and increases MVF. (翻译:回转窑转速的提高和倾角的增大都使得MRT减少,MVF增大;)

7. It is that the Chinese tradition kiln carburizing the example burning acieration handicraft, is also human being history of culture important component. (翻译:它是中国传统窑内熏烧渗碳工艺的典范,也是人类文化史的重要组成部分。)

8. And then I realized that this piece went into the kiln four times, at least four times in order to arrive at this. (翻译:然后我意识到这个花瓶 入过四次窑,至少四次 才能达到这个水准。)

9. The kiln is an obvious heavy user of energy and in many cases one of the biggest sources of pollution in a ceramics factory. (翻译:窑炉需要使用大量的能源,在很多情况下,它是陶瓷工厂里最大的污染源。)

10. I don't need firewood. I have this big order to fill and have to build my pottery kiln. (翻译:我不需要木柴,我得到大订单, 要建一个陶瓷窑)

11. The cement process requires materials to be fired in a kiln at over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. (翻译:加工水泥需要在水泥窑里烧制材料, 达到 1100 摄氏度以上的高温。)

12. This product is a new kind of kiln lining materials made with coal dust ceramisite. (翻译:本产品是以粉煤灰陶粒为主要原料制成的一种新型窑衬材料。)

13. Now, ceramics roll kiln was applied widely in architectural keramics, commodity-keramics and sanitation-keramics. (翻译:目前,陶瓷辊道窑已广泛用于建筑陶瓷、日用陶瓷、卫生陶瓷工业生产中。)

14. Application: Used as Kiln shed board, slide push board, sagger, Tuyere combined bricks. (翻译:用途:工业窑炉用棚板、立柱、槽板、推板、匣钵、卡具、风口组合砖等。)

15. As a result this kiln type produces the best product quality of all PFR-Kiln types. (翻译:这类窑型生产出的的产品是所有并流蓄热式石灰窑里质量最好的。)

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