multistation doppler system是什么意思 multistation doppler system的中文翻

multistation doppler system是什么意思 multistation doppler system的中文翻

multistation doppler system的意思是"多站多普勒系统",还有多站多普勒系统的意思,在线读音是[multistationdopplersystem],multistation doppler system在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到93个与multistation doppler system相关的句子。

Multistation Doppler system的中文翻译


例句:Changes of the fundus and carotids by color Doppler ultrasonography in ischemic stroke (缺血性脑卒中患者眼底病变与颈动脉超声的改变)


multistation doppler system一般作为名词使用,如在multistation([计] 多站)、Doppler(多普勒 )、multistation circuit(多站电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

multistation[计] 多站
multistation circuit多站电路
multistation circut[计] 多站线路
multistation configuration多终端结构;复台结构
multistation machine多工位成型[造型]机
multistation network[计] 多站网络
multistation seamer多头封口机
multistation access unit多站访问部件
multistation communication network多站通讯网络


1. Many developers use a primitive form of logging: System. out. println and System. err. println. (翻译:许多开发人员使用一种原始格式进行日志记录:System.out.println和System.)

2. Hyper Operating System, "HOS". (翻译:Hyper operating System,HOS)

3. We got into Canberra air traffic controllers, definite unusual activity there. (翻译:不寻常活动? Unusual activity? 他们黑进飞行计划系统 They hacked in through the flight planning system)

4. Now, I tried the Dewey Decimal System (翻译:然后 我试了杜威十进制分类法 Now, I tried the Dewey Decimal System)

5. System reporting anything? (翻译:系统有发出什么警报吗 System reporting anything?)

6. If all else fails, I can always comment out the System. out. println calls. (翻译:如果有什么没通过,我总是可以注释掉System.out.println调用。)

7. possible terrorist chatter. (翻译:National Terrorism Advisory System 全国恐怖主义警报系统】 NTAS just issued an alert:)

8. 'You know, for a genius, you can be remarkably thick. ' (翻译:a system of Japanese wrestling... you can be remarkably thick.)

9. Why don't you want to go look into one of -- I've been looking. (翻译:Is there something so terrible about a comprehensive system? - 你为什么不去看看...)

10. The issue is the Brunhilde System, then? (翻译:龙宫岛上的防卫总控系统名字来 源于北欧神话中女武神 布伦希尔德·瓦尔基里)

11. The GetData delegate takes an object of type System.Array as an in parameter. (翻译:GetData这个委托把System.Array类型的一个对象作为参数。)

12. You would think it would have more juice. (翻译:A. system? 那个系统应该更有料才对 You would think it would have more juice.)

13. Objective To comparative study of color doppler energy(CDE) with color doppler flow imaging (CDFI) in diagnosis of small hepatic hemangioma. (翻译:目的为对比研究彩色多普勒能量图与彩色多普勒血流显像在诊断肝脏小血管瘤中的作用。)

14. [ indistinct conversations ] (翻译:- of the security system? - Yeah, I think so.)

15. Color Doppler Ultrasound and Nuclein Scanning in Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules (翻译:彩色多普勒超声与核素对甲状腺结节的诊断价值比较)

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