munchkinism是什么意思 munchkinism的中文翻译、读音、例句

munchkinism是什么意思 munchkinism的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:You do as I say or I swear to God, I will take you all down, kin or no kin. (乖乖照我的方式去做 不然我发誓我会杀了你们 管你们跟我是什么关系)


例句:That child is out there, Kel, with no da, no kin belonging to it. (孩子现在没人管,Kel 没有父亲,没有家庭)


1. ..after informing, where possible, the next of kin. (翻译:可能的话 在通知家属以后 这些都会告诉你们)

2. This is sort of the munch of the penguins. (翻译:如果让豹纹海豹来导演,可能就变成《吃企鹅日记》了)

3. Uh, m-m-maybe we could, you know, all go get something to eat? (翻译:呃,M -M - 也许我们可以,你知道, 都去吃点东西?)

4. Her next of kin have been informed. (翻译:她最近的亲属已得到通知了。)

5. And let me guess, he liked to munch on his fans. (翻译:让我猜猜 他爱吃自己的粉丝 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}And let me guess - - he liked to munch on his fans.)

6. This is AUSA Anita Gibbs with Michael Ross. (翻译:m 350 100 l 350 110 l 360 110 l 360 100 m 360 100 m 200 130 l 200 140 l 210 140 l 210 130 m 210 130 m 100 320 l 100 330 l 110 330 l 110 320 m 110 320 m 230 80 l 230 90 l 240 90 l 240 80 m 240 80 m 240 110 l 240 120 l 250 120 l 250 110 m 250 110 m 220 230 l 220 240 l 230 240 l 230 230 m 230 230 m 120 90 l 120 100 l 130 100 l 130 90 m 130 90 m 360 60 l 360 70 l 370 70 l 370 60 m 370 60 m 140 110 l 140 120 l 150 120 l 150 110 m 150 110 m 190 340 l 190 350 l 200 350 l 200 340 m 200 340 m 180 50 l 180 60 l 190 60 l 190 50 m 190 50 m 290 190 l 290 200 l 300 200 l 300 190 m 300 190 m 170 240 l 170 250 l 180 250 l 180 240 m 180 240 m 300 160 l 300 170 l 310 170 l 310 160 m 310 160 m 330 210 l 330 220 l 340 220 l 340 210 m 340 210 m 70 60 l 70 70 l 80 70 l 80 60 m 80 60 m 240 360 l 240 370 l 250 370 l 250 360 m 250 360 m 230 170 l 230 180 l 240 180 l 240 170 m 240 170 m 210 170 l 210 180 l 220 180 l 220 170 m 220 170 m 350 250 l 350 260 l 360 260 l 360 250 m 360 250 m 240 180 l 240 190 l 250 19)

7. Kal-El, son of Krypton, I'm proud to call you my kin. (翻译:绉嫌 -鬲嫌ㄛ赗陎眳赽ㄛ扂赻瑰腔备斓峈﹝)

8. Nebulas include Messier objects M8, M16, M20, as well as the Pipe and Cat's Paw nebulas. (翻译:星云有梅西耶天体M8、M16、M20,还包括烟斗星云和毛掌星云。)

9. Back to the zoo to visit his kin (翻译:回到动物园看他亲戚 Back to the zoo to visit his kin)

10. I'm her next of kin. (翻译:我是她的最近亲。)

11. Or maybe I have the same initials, M.M., as someone else. (翻译:或者M. M. 这个简写重名了 他可以别人 例如...)

12. Legal: Fizzy Cola Bottle. Claim: Peanut M&Ms. (翻译:法律:可乐QQ糖。索赔:M&M花生巧克力。)

13. A diabolical vendetta against the kin of Lawrence Van Helsing. (翻译:对劳伦斯・范海辛家族咬牙切齿的宿怨 A diabolical vendetta against the kin of Lawrence Van Helsing.)

14. These girls are all our kin. (翻译:这些姑娘都是我们的亲戚 These girls are all our kin.)

15. This is sort of the munch of the penguins. (翻译:如果让豹纹海豹来导演,可能就变成《吃企鹅日记》了 )

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