例句:Got an agitated non-compliant patient. (Got an agitated non -compliant patient.)
例句:You're on antidepressant medication for a borderline personality disorder. (你在做抗抑郁治疗 因为你有边缘性人格障碍)
1. Today the boundary of Songliao basin is structure erodent borderline. (翻译:松辽盆地的现今东部边界是构造侵蚀边界。)
2. Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore! (翻译:Egemus iaculatore, non iacchi latore!)
3. Not the hay! What magic is this? (翻译:不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)
4. No more than in the past ten years, no. (翻译:Hein? Non, enfin, pas plus que depuis 10 ans. Donc...)
5. Well, I felt good that here was a revolution that occurred non-violently. (翻译:I felt good that here was a revolution that occurred non)
6. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)
7. He has no wings or missiles. (翻译:他没有翅膀,没有导弹 ...non ha le ali, non ha missili...)
8. Our provisional diagnosis is Borderline Personality Disorder (翻译:初步的诊断是... ...边缘性精神紊乱)
9. - Camille is for girls and boys. (翻译:-不 是男孩名 - Camille. - Non, un garçon.)
10. At the rate it's growing, that borderline goes away in about one week. (翻译:依它生长的速度 脊椎整个被包覆大概只约... 一周的时间)
11. You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent. (翻译:your self -preservation instinct seems non -existent.)
12. This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction. (翻译:这部传记有时混淆了事实和虚构。)
13. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)
14. Limpidus non carborundum est. (翻译:祸事来了 Limpidus non carborundum est.)
15. At least he was with you thickest friends, right? (翻译:你们俩很情投意合吧 Vous avez des affinités, non?)