nonliquid ratio是什么意思 nonliquid ratio的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonliquid ratio是什么意思 nonliquid ratio的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonliquid ratio通常被翻译为"不能变现的比率"的意思,作为名词时有"不能变现的比率"的意思,发音音标为[nonliquidratio],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到21个与nonliquid ratio相关的句子。

Nonliquid ratio的中文翻译


例句:The effect of water binder ratio (W/C) was studied. (对水灰比的影响进行了研究。)


nonliquid ratio一般作为名词使用,如在nonliquid(a. 不是流体的, 非流动性的)、nonliquid assets(非流动资产)、nonliquid claims(非流动债权)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonliquida. 不是流体的, 非流动性的
nonliquid assets非流动资产
nonliquid claims非流动债权
ratio of[网络] 万元;耳比;岁以上
the ratio of
dichroic ratio二色性比
diffusion ratio扩散比(率)
dilution ratio[计] 稀释度比率\n[化] 稀释率; 稀释比; 稀释比例; 稀释比值


1. Pluse compressed radar has a high pluse compression ratio for target signals, but low compression ratio for not matched jamming signals. (翻译:脉冲压缩雷达对目标回波具有很高的压缩比,而对不匹配的干扰信号则压缩比很小。)

2. The Greek symbol for the golden ratio, the golden spiral. (翻译:表示黄金比例的希腊字母, 这是黄金螺旋线.)

3. FSE can obviously prolong the time of swimming and the ratio is 22.3%. (翻译:FSE能明显延缓小鼠游泳至力竭的时间,延缓率为22.3%。)

4. And, this conversion ratio, the Jacobian, works both ways. (翻译:这个转化率,也就是雅克比,两种情况下都成立。)

5. It's important to distinguish between your overall ratio and the individual ratio on each torrent you may be seeding or leeching. (翻译:把你的整体上传下载比例和单个文件的上传下载比例区别开始是很重要的。)

6. A higher waist-to-hip ratio is an indicator of being less physically fit than a lower waist-to-hip ratio. (翻译:较高的腰臀比 与较低的腰臀比相比, 健康状况更不理想。)

7. the situation of disasters have become severer since 1980, with the greater affected area ratio, suffering area ratio and heavy flood ratio. (翻译:xx年以来灾情更为严重,成灾率、受灾率、重灾几率都较大。)

8. A rodent loses much less, but the ratio is the same. (翻译:当然,啮齿动物的损失会少一点 但是减少的比率是一样的)

9. The overflow ratio is an important parameter of the deoiling hydrocyclone. (翻译:溢流分率是去油型旋流器的一个重要操作参数。)

10. The ratio is about 70% terrestrial to 30% epiphytes. (翻译:比例是约70 %的陆地至30 %的附生植物。)

11. The second-throat area ratio limit, the minimal starting pressure ratio and the corresponding cell pressure were obt. (翻译:采用该方法可以较好地估计第二喉道极限面积比、最小启动压比以及对应的盲腔压力。)

12. The critical thing is the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV. (翻译:其中关键的一点是贷款价值比率,或者简称ltv。)

13. This is the ratio of optometrists to people in sub-Saharan Africa. (翻译:这是在撒哈拉以南非洲中验光师占总人口的比例 )

14. And the blue line is the ratio of American to Chinese. (翻译:而蓝色那条 则是美国与中国的人均收入之比 )

15. These factors include ratio of upper and lower roll diameter , reduction ratio , enterance angle and roll rotation speed. (翻译:因素有上下轧辊直径比、压下率、导入角和轧辊转速。)

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