Keiko Agena是一个日本人名,也可以写作阿源惠子,是一个女演员。她最知名的角色是在美剧《吉尔摩女孩》中饰演的孟菲丽丝·黄,她还在其他多部电影和电视剧中出演过。
以下是含有Keiko Agena的9个例句:
1. Keiko Agena在《吉尔摩女孩》中扮演的孟菲丽丝·黄非常受欢迎。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena's portrayal of Lane Kim in Gilmore Girls was very popular.)
2. Keiko Agena在一些电影和电视剧中都有出演。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena has appeared in several films and TV shows.)
3. Keiko Agena在宣传活动中展现了她的多才多艺。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena showcased her many talents during promotional events.)
4. Keiko Agena曾在《神探夏洛克》中客串出演。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena made a guest appearance in Sherlock.)
5. Keiko Agena凭借在《吉尔摩女孩》中的表演获得了不少奖项。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena received several awards for her performance in Gilmore Girls.)
6. Keiko Agena在社交媒体上分享了自己的生活点滴。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena shares glimpses of her life on social media.)
7. Keiko Agena在拍摄电影时与演员们相处得非常融洽。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena got along very well with her co-stars while filming the movie.)
8. Keiko Agena也是一位有着强烈社会责任感的活动家。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena is also a passionate activist with a strong sense of social responsibility.)
9. Keiko Agena用她的才华和创造力为世界带来了很多美好。(中文翻译:Keiko Agena has used her talent and creativity to bring a lot of beauty into the world.)