bruces是什么意思 bruces的读音、翻译、用法

bruces是什么意思 bruces的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Bruces'是苏格兰的词语,意思是“对抗、格斗、拼命”。

2. 这个词语通常用于描述搏斗、竞争、格斗等活动。

3. 以下是9个含有'bruces'的例句:

- He's been training in the martial arts for years and is ready to go into the ring and bruces with anyone who challenges him.(他已经练了多年的武术,准备好随时应战与任何挑战者搏斗。)

- The two rival football teams are set to bruces it out on the field this weekend.(两支对手球队将在周末在球场上比拼力量。)

- The professional wrestler was known for his brutal bruceness in the ring.(这位职业摔跤手以他在赛场上残忍的拼搏而闻名。)

- The street fighting gang was notorious for its fierce bruces with rival gangs.(这个街头暴力团伙以与其他对手团伙的激烈对抗而臭名昭著。)

- The two boxers were evenly matched and went toe-to-toe in a brutal bruces.(这两名拳击手实力相当,在一场残酷的较量中并驾齐驱。)

- The martial arts master taught his students to never back down in the face of a bruces.(这位武术大师教导他的学生在面对搏斗时永远不要退缩。)

- The MMA fighter emerged victorious after a grueling bruces with his opponent.(这名MMA格斗家在与对手的艰苦对抗中获得了胜利。)

- The street performer amazed the crowd with his incredible bruces and acrobatics.(这位街头表演者通过他惊人的搏斗和杂技惊艳了观众。)

- The two rappers engaged in a verbal bruces, each attempting to outdo the other with their rhymes.(这两位说唱歌手进行了一场言语上的较量,每个人都试图用他们的韵律打败对手。)

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