例句:Because, if i spend two years in the Nord pas de calais, Im considered as a handicaped person ! (因为要是我在诺尔―加莱大区干xx年的话,我就可以享受残疾人待遇!)
例句:NORD OUTSOURCING provides bookkeeping and tax accounting services in Russia as well as payroll services and HR administration since 2006. (NORDOUTSOURCING自xx年以来一直提供记账和税务服务以及薪酬服务和人力资源管理。)
例句:Nord, C. A Purposeful Action - Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Education Press, 2001. (朱刚.20世纪西方文艺批评理论[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001。)
例句:I prodotti esportati verso il Nord America, Europa, Asia e altri paesi e region i. (翻译:产品远销北美、欧洲、亚洲等多个国家和地区。)
nordholz一般作为名词使用,如在Nordholz([地名] 诺德霍尔茨 ( 德 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Nordholz | [地名] 诺德霍尔茨 ( 德 ) |
1. Nord, C. A Purposeful Action - Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Education Press, 2001. (翻译:朱刚.20世纪西方文艺批评理论[M]。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001。)
2. I prodotti esportati verso il Nord America, Europa, Asia e altri paesi e region i. (翻译:产品远销北美、欧洲、亚洲等多个国家和地区。)
3. The location was EXCELLENT. 5 minutes from both the Gare du Nord and nearest metro stop. (翻译:地理位置十分优越,从巴黎北站到最近的地铁站只需5分钟。)
4. Heavy pressure on China and new regulations in the United States have resulted in fewer toy recalls due to lead, Nord said. (翻译:Nord认为,中国政府面对的沉重压力,及美国政府颁布的新条例,确实减少了因含铅量超标而被召回的玩具数量。)
5. Maritime archaeologist Dr Lucy Blue has been researching the wreck of the Nord, an eighty metre long cargo vessel which sank while trying to evade a violent storm in 1915. (翻译:但是 探险队希望能做到 但是要想去那里 天气一定要很好)
6. But taking 10 minutes to get to the Jardin des Tuileries where the largest concentration of the winged vermin may be found reduces there to one, the Gare du Nord where he will be just in time to catch the 11:04 train to Berlin. (翻译:但能让他花个十分钟跑去杜乐丽花园 去找那群长著翅膀的寄生虫 就只有一种可能, 巴黎北站)
7. Holz said it could take 10 to 15 years for China to remove its capital controls. (翻译:他并称,中国仍需10-xx年的时间来取消政府的资本管制。)
8. It is pressing on with the Opalpipeline to connect Nord Stream to an existing transit point on theGerman-Czech border. (翻译:此刻它正加紧奥珀尔输气工程,使它将北溪和德国捷克边境线上某个现成的中转点相连。)
9. Get a taxi to the Gare du Nord. (翻译:坐上出租车到Gare du Nord火车站。)
10. Other provinces affected were Center, Nord, Nord Ouest, Sud, and Ouest, where the capital Port-au-Prince is located. (翻译:其他受影响的省份是中部、北部、西北、南部以及首都太子港所在的西部。)
11. At weekends, Amelie often takes a train from the Gare du Nord to see her father. (翻译:周末,艾蜜莉经常 到北站搭火车去探望父亲)
12. The captain tried to steer the Nord to safety but huge seas swamped the ship's engines. (翻译:我觉得它是一个独特的地方 要是我们现在抓住机会去那里的话我们应该可以下去 但是与此同时 你们两个)
13. Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Heir to an industrial past, the region has turned towards tourism. (翻译:北部-加来海峡。曾经工业的继承者,而如今这里已转向旅游业。)
14. La casa si trovava a Wood Green, nella parte nord della citta, in una zona residenziale. (翻译:房子位于城市北部伍德格林的一个住宅区。)
15. The price of the toys produced by Holz, Maya Organic and other ethically-minded companies better reflects the true environmental and social costs of production. (翻译:由霍尔兹、玛雅有机和其他重视良知的公司所生产的玩具,其价格能更好地反映其生产过程中真实的环境和社会成本。)