nordmarkite aplite的中文解释是"英硷正长细晶岩",在日常中也代表"英硷正长细晶岩"的意思,发音音标为[nordmarkiteaplite],nordmarkite aplite常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到68个与nordmarkite aplite相关的句子。
Nordmarkite aplite的翻译
例句:Price: $0.99, Lite version available (价格: $0.99;也有免费版本 )
nordmarkite aplite一般作为名词使用,如在nordmarkite(英碱正长岩)、aplite(细晶岩 )、nordmarkite minette(英硷正长云煌岩)等常见短语中出现较多。
nordmarkite | 英碱正长岩 |
aplite | 细晶岩 |
nordmarkite minette | 英硷正长云煌岩 |
nordmarkite porphyry | 英硷正长斑岩 |
diorite aplite | 闪长细晶岩 |
euritic aplite | 霏细细晶岩 |
granite aplite | 花岗细晶岩 |
kersantite aplite | 云斜细晶岩 |
nepheline aplite | 霞石细晶岩 |
1. Took the AP Physics final. (翻译:参加了物理期末考试 Took the AP Physics final.)
2. - I'm the bake-o-lite girl. (翻译:- 好像小鸟一样飞啊... ... - 不要啊...)
3. Easy Red, Easy Red. Easy Six. Over. (翻译:红E 红E 这里是E6 完毕 这是E6 红E请讲)
4. The most commonly used TEI variant is TEI Lite [Community standard]. (翻译:最常用的TEI变体是TEI Lite[社区标准]。)
5. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)
6. Uniform from alpha papa two one. (翻译:位于AP21 呼叫总部 Uniform from Alpha -Papa -2)
7. Last spring, he took the SATs and eight AP tests. (翻译:去年春天, 他把SAT考试和8个AP考试。)
8. Have to commend you, Mark. (翻译:have to commend you, Mark.)
9. Get a taxi to the Gare du Nord. (翻译:坐上出租车到Gare du Nord火车站。)
10. His special interest lies in the area of lite rature. (翻译:他对文学领域特别感兴趣。)
11. Like the AP Summary Page, the AP Status Page also gives you direct access to the Alarms list for all APFs. (翻译:正如ap汇总页,用户还可以在AP状态页中直接访问所有apf的告警列表。)
12. Mark was the first to leave. (翻译:Mark was the first to leave.)
13. APCs are there to take you to Ap Thanh. (翻译:你要往回走两公里 那里有装甲兵员运输车 有人会带你们去阿普谭)
14. Galactica, Apollo. Bringing Raptor into position at E mark 12. (翻译:卡舰 我是阿波罗 猛禽机横悬在12号过渡舱外)
15. We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders (翻译:We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders)