novatoes是什么意思 novatoes的中文翻译、读音、例句

novatoes是什么意思 novatoes的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:♪ Touch your toes, touch your toes, touch your toes... ♪ (触摸你的脚趾,摸摸你的 脚趾头,触摸你的脚趾...)


例句:- Or tickle us with your toes? (我们腹部肥胖吗 或是用你们的脚趾头给我们挠挠痒)


1. Yes, I have feeling in my toes. (翻译:Do you have feeling in your toes? 是的,我能感觉到我的脚趾。Yes, I have feeling in my toes.)

2. Hang on, so the Fiesta won the supermarket sweep, the Golf won the police chase and the Nova won the hill climb. (翻译:等以下,那么嘉年华赢了超市大扫除的比赛 Hang on, so the Fiesta won the supermarket sweep, 高尔夫赢了警车追逐赛 the Golf won the police chase Nova赢了爬坡赛 and the Nova won the hill climb.)

3. She wriggled her toes. (翻译:她扭动着脚趾。)

4. All Nova pilots, interlock and form a blockade. (翻译:全体新星飞行员 听我命令 互相锁定 建立防线 All Nova pilots, interlock and form a blockade.)

5. We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. (翻译:我们签了和平条约 新星之首 We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime.)

6. Oh, I love my little Nova. (翻译:哦,我爱我的小Nova。这车只关乎简洁,轻量 Oh, I love my little Nova.)

7. The agreement says Nova Investment needs 60% ownership in order to sell. (翻译:协议规定Nova投资公司要有六成的股权才能出售)

8. This beach in Nova Scotia is one of them. (翻译:新斯科舍省的海滩就是这样的一个地方 This beach in Nova Scotia is one of them.)

9. As the marshals recovered the Nova, we were given the results. (翻译:当元帅挪开了Nova之后,我们得到了比赛成绩 As the marshals recovered the Nova, we were given the results.)

10. It goes back to when they bought Nova from the Nordenstrale family. (翻译:目前警方已经追溯到了他们从Nordenstrale家族购买了Nova公司的时候)

11. We thank Robi Brunner for developing the NOVA services framework, which we leveraged in the Virtual Team SA. (翻译:我们要感谢RobiBrunner开发了虚拟团队SA中利用的NOVA服务框架。)

12. Order your men to turn on the Nova Corps. (翻译:命令你的人对抗新星军团 Order your men to turn on the Nova Corps.)

13. I am grateful to Nova Spivack for the inspiration of this chart. (翻译:在此感谢NovaSpivack给予我对这幅图表的启发。)

14. The sky in it reminds me of growing up in Nova Scotia. (翻译:天空看起来常让我想起小时候 在新斯科舍长大的地方)

15. The mogul paid some low-rent private eye to get the dirt on Nova. (翻译:那个大亨雇了私家侦探去收集Nova的丑闻)



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