ohmic potential drop是什么意思 ohmic potential drop的中文翻译、读音、例句

ohmic potential drop是什么意思 ohmic potential drop的中文翻译、读音、例句

ohmic potential drop的中文解释是"化",其中文解释还有"欧姆电势降"的意思,发音是[ohmicpotentialdrop],ohmic potential drop常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到13个与ohmic potential drop相关的例句。

Ohmic potential drop的中文翻译


例句:♪ the cities, they all drop ♪ (* the cities, they all drop *?)


例句:Almost finished with the potential disasters. (潜在的灾难已经基本整理完了 Almost finished with the potential disasters.)


ohmic potential drop一般作为名词使用,如在ohmic drop([电] 电阻位降)、drop of potential(位降,电压降)、potential drop([化] 电势降; 电势降落\n[医] 势降, 位差)等常见短语中出现较多。

ohmic drop[电] 电阻位降
drop of potential位降,电压降
potential drop[化] 电势降; 电势降落\n[医] 势降, 位差
magnetic potential drop位降,磁压降
potential drop compensator压补充装置
total potential drop总水位差
drop by drop一点一滴地
ohmic bridge集成电路]欧姆电桥,电阻电桥


1. They were gonna drop bombs? (翻译:他们计划投掷炸弹 they were gonna drop bombs?)

2. So, ohmic heating thawing is superior in thawing time. (翻译:这说明欧加热解冻在时间上有一定的优势。)

3. Professor Henderson might drop in for tea. (翻译:Professor Henderson might drop in for tea.)

4. Yeah, I have to drop it off to her tomorrow. (翻译:I have to drop it off to her tomorrow.)

5. I have to wait for them to drop or whatever. (翻译:I have to wait for them to drop or whatever.)

6. business,development,economics,global issues,politics,potential,technology,third world (翻译:business,development,economics,global issues,politics,potential,technology,third world)

7. ♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (翻译:# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)

8. The drop will put us 10 kilometers (翻译:我们降落的地点约离 The drop will put us 10 kilometers)

9. Asia,TED Fellows,crime,entrepreneur,potential,poverty,social change,society (翻译:Asia,TED Fellows,crime,entrepreneur,potential,poverty,social change,society)

10. Okay, can we please drop the telenovela? (翻译:can we please drop the telenovela?)

11. activism,bottom-up,community,global issues,philanthropy,potential (翻译:activism,bottom-up,community,global issues,philanthropy,potential)

12. Keep on working till you drop (翻译:忙忙碌碌直到咽气 Keep on working till you drop)

13. Why? Because of his influence, you drop out of college. (翻译:Why? 你大学休学 you drop out of college.)

14. Stop right there and drop your weapons! (翻译:站住 放下武器 Stop right there and drop your weapons!)

15. But I would not drop my guard. (翻译:不会放松警惕 But I would not drop my guard.)

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