output reference是什么意思 output reference的中文翻译、读音、例句

output reference是什么意思 output reference的中文翻译、读音、例句

output reference的意思是"输出基准",其中文解释还有"输出基准"的意思,在线发音:[outputreference],output reference常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到77个与output reference相关的例句。

Output reference的翻译


例句:Is that a derogatory reference to... (螒谓伪蚃苇蚁蔚蟽伪喂 ?蟺慰蟿喂渭畏蟿喂魏维 蟽蟿伪...)


output reference一般作为名词使用,如在reference output([电子] 参考输出量)、input/output reference(入输出访问)、reference output level(参考输出位准)等常见短语中出现较多。

reference output[电子] 参考输出量
input/output reference入输出访问
reference output level参考输出位准
reference rated output标准额定产量
reference of reference基准的基准
for reference[经] 备案, 参考
in reference to关于..., 根据...\n[法] 有关, 指
reference non. 参考编号\n[网络] 证书编号;参考号;档号


1. I grabbed all the reference, and I found this lovely piece of reference. (翻译:我搜寻所有的参考资料 找到了这篇可爱的材料)

2. The technique reference data comes with WCA and the business reference data is provided during WCA configuration. (翻译:技术参考数据与WCA一起提供,并且业务参考数据是在WCA配置的过程中提供的。)

3. Not Assigned; Digital Input; Digital Output; Analog Input; Analog Output; Totalizer Input. (翻译:未指定;数字输入;数字输出;模拟输入;模拟输出;累积输入。)

4. Now, combine that with the output of all the other volcanic activity on the planet. (翻译:如果我们把 Now, combine that with the output 地球上所有的火山喷发合计起来的话 of all the other volcanic activity on the planet.)

5. Adjust the frequency response of the signals which are about to get in the main output and AUX output. (翻译:用于调节进入主输出和辅助输出的信号频响。)

6. The input and output structure of TWT is the input and output ports of the signal amplified. (翻译:行波管的输入输出耦合装置是放大信号的入口和出口。)

7. This new beamformer minimizes the "geometric power" error between the beamformer s output and the reference signal. (翻译:算法利用输出信号和参考信号之间“几何功率”误差的最小化来求解最优权向量。)

8. A manostat output voltage and maximum output current depends on the selected three end stabilizer. (翻译:一个稳压电源输出电压和最大输出电流决定于所选三端稳压器。)

9. And, yeah, that was a 90210 reference. (翻译:- 对啊,我用了《新飞跃比佛利》里的台词)

10. These have a flux output of n52, (翻译:这些的流明输出跟N52发动机一样 These have a flux output of N52,)

11. I just wanna tweak something with the auxiliary output, okay? (翻译:我调整一下辅助电源输出 好吗? I just wanna tweak something with the auxiliary output, okay?)

12. They publish reference books. (翻译:他们出版参考书。)

13. Output will fall by 6%. (翻译:产量将下降6%。)

14. Make sure you did not attempt to open a read-only file in sequential Output or Append mode. (翻译:确保未试图以顺序的Output或Append模式打开只读文件。)

15. Tree frogs can modulate their infrared output. (翻译:树蛙可以调节它们的红外输出量 Tree frogs can modulate their infrared output.)

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