particle flow是什么意思 particle flow的中文翻译、读音、例句

particle flow是什么意思 particle flow的中文翻译、读音、例句

particle flow的中文解释是"质点流量",其次还有"质点流量"的意思,发音音标为[particleflow],particle flow在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与particle flow相关的句子。

Particle flow的词典翻译


例句:Another particle whirls around this central particle at a tremendous speed. (另一个微粒绕着中心的这个微粒以极高的速度旋转。)


particle flow一般作为名词使用,如在particle(①粒子②微粒 )、particle particle correlation(粒子粒子相关)、flow by(漏气;流过)等常见短语中出现较多。

particle particle correlation粒子粒子相关
flow by漏气;流过
flow in流入
flow into流入
flow on工资调整
flow to流向
flow with被…漫过; 被…淹过; 富有…
no flow[网络] 无流量;无血流;无再流


1. Now, the particle speed is a measure of the temperature. (翻译:现在,颗粒的速度是 衡量温度的一种方式。)

2. And locally there you could build particle accelerators, and learn elementary particle physics, and chemistry, and so on. (翻译:在你所处的位置,你可以制造粒子加速器, 研究初级粒子物理学,化学等。)

3. Micro particle sizes are as the smoke particles. (翻译:颗粒都是微米级的 火产生的烟基本上就是微米级的)

4. And, all the deals will flow through you. (翻译:所有的交易细节都要经过你 And, all the deals will flow through you.)

5. I think she was a particle physicist. (翻译:我记得她应该是个分子物理学家 I think she was a particle physicist. 她在这有什么朋友吗?)

6. On the Manage tab, click my_wtx_flow. cmf located on the first column. (翻译:在Manage选型卡上,单击位于第一列的my_wtx_flow.cmf。)

7. She was near a particle accelerator. (翻译:她接近过一个粒子加速器 She was near a particle accelerator.)

8. Gonna freestyle flow like a salty lady cracker. (翻译:来个即兴说唱 Gonna freestyle flow like a salty lady cracker.)

9. -Am I feeling a racial flow? (翻译:-flow. -Am I feeling a racial flow?)

10. The mechanism of particle pulverizing dunng pneumatic conveying and the factors which had effects on the particle pulverizing are introduced. (翻译:介绍了物料在气力输送过程中的破碎机理,影响颗粒破碎的各种因素。)

11. If there is a particle, The severity of Pandora pridarpva it. (翻译:如果有颗粒离群出走 潘多拉的引力就会拽住它)

12. Water shutoff agent DSZ-A is composed of inorganic particle. Its specialities are low cost, easily flow, high strength and long valid period. (翻译:DSZ - A是一种无机颗粒油井堵水剂,具有成本低、可泵性好、封堵强度高、有效期长的特点。)

13. Study on Determination of Particle Size and Particle Size Distribution of the Magnesium Ethylate Catalyst Powder (翻译:乙氧基镁催化剂粉末粒度及粒度分布测定的研究)

14. Let us compare the motion of any particle of the medium with that of a second particle to the right of the first. (翻译:让我们来比较一下媒质中任一质点和其右边另一质点的运动。)

15. Laser Particle Size Analyzers, Electrical Resistance Particle Counter(Coulter Counter)Particle Image Processor. (翻译:激光粒度分析仪,电阻法颗粒计数器,颗粒图像处理仪。)

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