例句:He sees one super fun guy comic, (他要是看到一本逗比侠 He sees one Super Fun Guy comic,)
例句:Well, he knows talent when he sees it. (那是他慧眼识英雄 Well, he knows talent when he sees it.)
1. The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back toh is car and kicked it a lot of ti mes. (翻译:这个父亲非常痛苦也无语;他走回自己的车并踢了它很多次。)
2. Maybe now she sees that she was loved in that way. (翻译:现在她看到大家这样深爱她 Maybe now she sees that she was loved in that way.)
3. My friend, former president Lennart Meri, was at the speech and did some quick research for me. (翻译:我的朋友、前总统伦纳特·梅里也在演讲现场,他迅速帮我做了一些调查。)
4. A madman sees what he sees. (翻译:疯人会看见臆想的东西. A madman sees what he sees.)
5. Given that this was an MES upgrade and that wasn't going to change, I set about planning for the upgrade. (翻译:由于这是MES升级,所以我要制订升级计划。)
6. We've been talking about that-- (翻译:要是他在报纸上看到自己的照片 If he sees his face in the papers,)
7. The way the world sees us. (翻译:世界见证着我们 我们... The way the world sees us.)
8. And what we tried was this; here is a device called the Cadwell Model MES10. (翻译:而我们这里有一个卡德韦尔模型MES10设备,它就是我们根据这一原理做出来的医疗仪器 )
9. Matti Meri, a teacher-trainer at Helsinki University, was a teacher at the time. (翻译:赫尔辛基大学的教师训练师MattiMeri,那时曾经是一名老师。)
10. An MES upgrade includes any server hardware change, which can be an addition, improvement, removal, or any combination of these. (翻译:MES升级包括所有服务器硬件更改,这可以是硬件的添加、改进、移除或这些操作的组合。)
11. The door codes are the same for 10 years. Already forgotten? (翻译:xx年来一直相同的密码 你忘了吗 Les mêmes codes que depuis 10 ans.)
12. This gentle girl She sees no wrong (翻译:这个温柔的小女孩太疯狂 This gentle girl She sees no wrong)
13. And if the hacker sees you moving about, (翻译:如果入侵者看到你走动 and if the hacker sees you moving about,)
14. Mes amis, nous allons jouer la specialite de la maison. (翻译:Mes amis, nous allons jouer la spécialité de la maison.)
15. The problems of the children, the tears, the ailments, anything. (翻译:孩子的问题 伤痛 泪水 全部 les problèmes des enfants, les bobos, les larmes, tout.)