photomania是什么意思 photomania的中文翻译、读音、例句

photomania是什么意思 photomania的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Well, it's a mood disorder, as I'm sure you know, defined by extreme swings from depression to mania. (它是一种情绪障碍 我想你应该已经知道了 情绪会出现抑郁和躁狂两个极端)


例句:It wasn't long before the tulip became a nationwide sensation and tulip mania was born. (很快就到了举国上下为之轰动, 郁金香热开始了。)


1. The mania for dinosaurs began in the late 1800s. (翻译:恐龙热兴起于19世纪晚期。)

2. The rising price seems to be fuelling the gold mania in what is, for now, a self-sustaining cycle. (翻译:不断上涨的金价似乎正在助长这波黄金热,目前这已经变成了一个自我维系的循环。)

3. Valproate was FDA-approved in 1995 for treatment of mania. (翻译:xx年,丙戌酸钠被FDA核准用于治疗躁狂。)

4. We got an army of shrinks in here, talks about mania and schizophrenia and multiphrenia and obsessions, and it makes me sick. (翻译:这里有一屋子的心理医生 精神错乱、心神不宁)

5. But the point is, this mania is so deeply entrenched that well-intentioned people like myself don't even realize that we're part of it. (翻译:但关键是,这种 狂热如此根深蒂固, 以致怀有像我一样好意的人们甚至 没有觉察我们是其中一部分。)

6. This is not the British "railway mania" of the 1840s, but the boom is on. (翻译:这不同于英国1840的铁路热,但是兴旺的意味都是一样存在。)

7. Football mania is sweeping the country. (翻译:足球热正风靡全国。)

8. Clyde-o-mania, baby! You ended up with a big dog now, boy. You ought to check my dental records. (翻译:克莱德 噢 宝贝 你栽在你只大狗手里了 现在 伙计 你该去查查我的牙科记录 天哪 这些傻瓜刚还在玩骰子呢)

9. I said: "Is nothing sacred? It's Sunday morning, I'm in the middle of nowhere, and I can't get away from this Mustang mania! " (翻译:我说:“是不是没有什么东西属于不可侵犯的了?星期天早上,不知身在何处,还摆脱不了这种野马狂!”)

10. (Recording of crowd roaring) Sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea -- get the ball in the net. (翻译:体育热 震耳欲聋的人群。都是为了一个目标,要球进网。)

11. Cristina Garmendia, Spain's outgoing science minister, warns that slashing R&D in a fit of deficit mania will harm Spain's prospects. (翻译:西班牙即将离任的科学部长克里斯蒂娜·加门迪亚警示说,削减赤字躁动给研发带来的影响会有阻碍西班牙的发展前景。)

12. Okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions. (翻译:还有,宗教热。有欢笑,也有泪水。还有梦想。)

13. Fortunately, they were wrong, and a hundred years later there was a new mania to bemoan: the hyacinth. (翻译:幸运的是,他们错了,百年之后,引起泡沫经济狂热的另一种花卉又出现了,那就是风信子。)

14. While mania is often portrayed as a pleasurable experience, that is not the case for many people with bipolar disorder. (翻译:虽然狂热往往描绘成一个愉快的经验,这是不是与双极症而言对许多人来说。)

15. Today on UFO Mania, flying saucers and their extraterrestrial pilots." (翻译:今天在幽浮狂热: 飞碟 和他们外星领航员)

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