plinian eruptions是什么意思 plinian eruptions的中文翻译、读音、例句

plinian eruptions是什么意思 plinian eruptions的中文翻译、读音、例句

plinian eruptions通常被翻译为"火山学普林尼式火山喷发"的意思,其次还有"火山学普林尼式火山喷发"的意思,单词读音音标为[plinianeruptions],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与plinian eruptions相关的例句。

Plinian eruptions的翻译


例句:Anak Krakatau (' Child of Krakatau ') has been growing steadily through milder eruptions. (喀拉喀托之子——阿那喀拉喀托在较为温和的喷发中稳定成长。)


plinian eruptions一般作为名词使用,如在Plinian([网络] 普林尼式;普林尼或布里尼)、eruptions(n. 喷发, 爆发( eruption的复数形式 ))、Plinian eruption([网络] 普林尼式喷发;普林尼式爆发)等常见短语中出现较多。

Plinian[网络] 普林尼式;普林尼或布里尼
eruptionsn. 喷发, 爆发( eruption的复数形式 )
Plinian eruption[网络] 普林尼式喷发;普林尼式爆发
fissure eruptions裂缝喷发
plateau eruptions高原喷发
premycotic eruptions霉菌感染前期疹
skin eruptions斑疹\n皮疹
sudoral eruptionsn. 汗疹
volcanic eruptions火山喷发


1. Small eruptions of resin dot the trunk of the tree evidence of an invasion. (翻译:树干上树脂 的小疹状斑块 是被入侵的证据)

2. Before the eruptions, it was covered by forests of pine trees. (翻译:在火山爆发之前,它被松树林所覆盖。)

3. But what you probably don't know is in the very deep part of the ocean, we have volcanic eruptions. (翻译:在深海里,在海洋里很深的地方 有火山喷发 )

4. The multiple eruptions and earthquakes are linked colonel, there's far more magma, (翻译:多个爆发和地震 链接上校,有更多的岩浆,)

5. The plan of the Civil Protection Agency for Vesuvius is based on the prediction that devastating eruptions might re-occur: (翻译:公民保护局近期就维苏威地区制定的计划 旨在避免民众受可能再次出现的火山大爆发侵害)

6. And then there's earthquakes, and then volcanic eruptions, on the order of one every five years, that completely wipes the area out. (翻译:而且这里还有地震, 每隔xx年就有一次火山喷发 可以把这里的生存环境完全摧毁。)

7. Sporadic eruptions in the banlieues of Paris pose a challenge on his doorstep. (翻译:巴黎郊区偶发的骚动成为他的论据。)

8. Jagged cracks tore between the eruptions and a spiderweb pattern of glowing lava fissures spread over the world. (翻译:喷发形成的参差不齐的裂缝和如同蜘蛛网般的炽热的熔岩遍布整个世界。)

9. All the volcanic eruptions occurred at pyramid sites. (翻译:你什么意思啊? 所有的火山喷发都发生在 有金字塔的地区)

10. The Tungurahua volcano spews glowing chunks of lava during one of its largest eruptions since last Friday. (翻译:从上周五通古拉瓦火山最大的一次喷发以来,火山口喷出大量炽热的岩浆。)

11. They can confirm that there has been widespread destruction of property and lives from volcanic eruptions in the caldera that surrounds Paxton. (翻译:相当大的损害 人已经失去了他们的生活, 火山帕克斯顿 火山口周围。)

12. The eruptions have changed the environment, and also formed the important resources of minerals, geotherm and touring. (翻译:它把地幔和地壳物质喷出地表,改变和影响环境,同时形成重要的矿产、地热和旅游等资源。)

13. Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes or volcanic eruptions, an asteroid impact can be precisely predicted and prevented. (翻译:不像地震,飓风或火山爆发, 行星所产生的影响是可以被准确预测 并预防的。)

14. Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions. (翻译:已有两百多人死于火山喷发。)

15. earthquakes and eruptions occur frequently; and the land above and below the sea is in a constant state of flux. (翻译:地震和火山爆发频繁;而且海上和海下地面处于一个流动的常态。)


plinian eruptions作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、plinian、eruption/1、s等。

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