pork chop是什么意思 pork chop的中文翻译、读音、例句

pork chop是什么意思 pork chop的中文翻译、读音、例句

pork chop通常被翻译为"猪排"的意思,在英美地区还有"猪排"的意思,发音音标为[porkchop],pork chop在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到98个与pork chop相关的例句。

Pork chop的词典翻译


例句:[Speaking Latin incantation] (The trick with pork penis... is to chop it very fine.)


pork chop一般作为名词使用,如在fried pork chop(过油排骨)、pork chop podjarka([网络] 火锅猪排;暖锅猪排)、saute pork chop(炒猪排)等常见短语中出现较多。

fried pork chop过油排骨
pork chop podjarka[网络] 火锅猪排;暖锅猪排
saute pork chop炒猪排
stewed pork chop红烩猪排
no chop不好,不行
the chop(英,非正式)解雇
to chop[网络] 切碎;砍


1. No pork at all…?you give me …mee goreng. (翻译:完全没猪肉阿…你给我…炒面。)

2. Adam's a Coke, full fat, and Molly drinks water, no ice. (翻译:莫莉要杯水 不加冰 快去吧 and Molly drinks water, no ice. Chop chop!)

3. The MRI and patient studies were gathered at CHOP and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Sibley Heart Center. (翻译:核磁共振和临床研究是在费城儿童医院和亚特兰大西布利的儿童心脏保健中心完成的。)

4. Beef, pork fillet, liver, breaded brains, marrow... (翻译:有牛肉,猪肉片, 猪肝,猪脑,骨髓... ...)

5. The minced pork is for steaming with eggs. (翻译:炆好的肉可以蒸鸡蛋 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}The minced pork is for steaming with eggs.)

6. There was also a stir-fried pork and snowpea dish that was a less fatty version of twice-cooked pork. (翻译:也有一种猪肉炒白果的菜,是含有比较少的脂肪酸的经过翻炒的肉做成的。)

7. The pork smells so bad , it's frak! (翻译:猪肉闻起来真糟糕,坏了! )

8. I've ordered savory pork and cole slaw. (翻译:我点了咸猪肉和凉拌生菜丝。)

9. Tasty Heavy Pork Chunk Cereal. (翻译:美味重 猪肉块谷物。2.69 00: 18:)

10. Some of you would eat it if it's pork, but not beef. (翻译:如果是猪肉不是牛肉你们中的有些人就吃了 )

11. Religious Muslims indulging in pulled-pork Cubanos. (翻译:虔诚的穆斯林大快朵颐猪肉三明治 Religious Muslims indulging in pulled -pork Cubanos.)

12. - See? And since when do pork rinds come from a pig? (翻译:since when do pork rinds actually come from a pig?)

13. What did you eat? I ate a pulled pork sandwich and some French fries. (翻译:我吃了一个手撕猪肉三明治和炸薯条 I ate a pulled pork sandwich and some French fries.)

14. Same as usual, sweet and sour pork! (翻译:sweet and sour pork!)

15. Why do you just cook pork for us? (翻译:怎么每一样都是猪肉做的? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Why do you just cook pork for us?)

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