porta labyrinthi通常被翻译为"蜗窗、圆窗"的意思,其次还有"医"的意思,发音是[portalabyrinthi],porta labyrinthi在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到23个与porta labyrinthi相关的例句。
Porta labyrinthi的释义
例句:All right. Well, if we do get management to give you girls Porta-Johns what are you gonna do for us? (好吧,好吧 如果我们帮你们搞到了流动厕所...)
例句:Canadian Porta Asiatica Engineering Consulting CO. , Ltd. Project Manager (加拿大亚洲之路工程咨询有限公司项目经理。加拿大亚洲之路工程咨询有限公司项目经理。)
例句:Normal occlusion of porta hepatis can reduce blood loss effectively after liver resecting. (肝门正常闭塞可有效减少肝切除术后的失血。)
porta labyrinthi一般作为名词使用,如在labyrinthi(迷路)、porta([医] 门, 室间孔)、hydrops labyrinthi([医] 迷路积水, 梅尼埃尔氏综合征)等常见短语中出现较多。
labyrinthi | 迷路 |
porta | [医] 门, 室间孔 |
hydrops labyrinthi | [医] 迷路积水, 梅尼埃尔氏综合征 |
trochlea labyrinthi | [医] 耳蜗 |
vasa labyrinthi | [医] 迷路血管, 内耳血管 |
venae labyrinthi | [医] 迷路静脉 |
vestibulum labyrinthi | [医] 骨迷路前庭 |
porta arteriarum | [医] 动脉门 |
porta atrii | [昆] 气门室口 |
1. Normal occlusion of porta hepatis can reduce blood loss effectively after liver resecting. (翻译:肝门正常闭塞可有效减少肝切除术后的失血。)
2. To explore the clinical application of laparoscopic splenectomy with porta-azygos disconnection. (翻译:目的探讨腹腔镜在脾切除门奇静脉断流术中的临床应用。)
3. Giacomo Della Porta, Piero della Francesca! (翻译:雅各柏・德拉・波尔塔,皮耶罗・德拉・弗朗切斯卡)
4. Steve Shulte, CEO of Porta king Building Systems in St. Louis, says he's looking forward to 2011 in a way he wasn't looking forward to this year. (翻译:位于圣路易斯porta King Building系统公司的首席执行官,史蒂夫·舒尔特说,他对xx年的期待完全和今年不同。)
5. It's not like I'm asking you to sleep in a Porta Potti. (翻译:这不喜欢我要问你的 Potti的门在睡觉。)
6. As we wait for the porta potty, we see two ladies in their Sunday best: heels, pearls and lovely, floppy derby hats. (翻译:当我们在等厕所时, 我们看到两位精心装扮的女士, 穿着高跟鞋、戴着珍珠 和可爱的宽大圆礼帽。)
7. Porta Nigra of Trier. Another view. (翻译:特里尔的古罗马城门。另一角度。)
8. If that doesn't work we try Porta Sarno. (翻译:如果这样做不起作用,我们尝试 PORTA萨尔诺。)
9. You have... of course you have, I bade you farewell in Porta Cavena, and I've been pining for you ever since and risk wailing myself to death. (翻译:你去了... 对,我在波特卡云跟你分手 我一直在为你哀伤)
10. She's upstairs sleeping in some dead kid's porta-crib. (翻译:她在楼上睡觉呢 睡在某个死去的孩子的婴儿床里)
11. If only I could sleep with you, fondling the Alps, gazing upon the wonders of Sicily, Calabria and Campania, resting my head between the rich and verdant hills of Romagnese, and then, through the Porta Pia, triumphantly enter into Rome. (翻译:我想的是亲近阿尔卑斯山 看看美丽的西西里 卡拉布里亚和坎帕尼亚 把我的头贴近繁荣富饶的罗马)
12. AIM: To summarize the causes of bile duct stricture in porta hepatis and probe into the diagnostic values of imaging techniques. (翻译:目的:总结分析肝门胆管狭窄的病因并探讨各影像学诊断方法在肝门胆管狭窄疾病中的诊断符合率。)
13. Ladies and gentlemen... the porta-potties are now open for business. (翻译:女士们,先生们... 流动厕所已经可以使用了)
14. Book Porta Hotel Antigua today. (翻译:今天的安提瓜书门酒店。)
15. I walked out of the Porta Garibaldi and headed towards the centre of the city, determined to take in as many of the sights as I could. (翻译:我走出火车站“加里波第之门”,直接前往市中心,决心要尽可能地多欣赏点美景。)