positive motion cam是什么意思 positive motion cam的中文翻译、读音、例句

positive motion cam是什么意思 positive motion cam的中文翻译、读音、例句

positive motion cam在中文中有"确动凸轮"的意思,在英美地区还有"确切凸轮"的意思,在线发音:[positivemotioncam],positive motion cam来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到87个与positive motion cam相关的例句。

Positive motion cam的中文翻译


例句:I think it sounds very positive. (我觉得听上去很积极 I think it sounds very positive.)


例句:You're sure this is okay, right? Positive. (我确定 我只是需要她的联系人名单 {\3cH000000}Positive.)


positive motion cam一般作为名词使用,如在positive cam([机] 确动凸轮)、positive motion(强制运动,无滑动运动)、positive drive cam(确动凸轮)等常见短语中出现较多。

positive cam[机] 确动凸轮
positive motion强制运动,无滑动运动
positive drive cam确动凸轮
positive nituib cam[机] 确动凸轮
positive plate cam确动平板凸轮
positive return cam[机] 确动凸轮
harmonic motion cam谐波运动凸轮
uniform motion cam等速运动凸轮
weft motion cam纬纱运动凸轮


1. We must have positive discrimination in favour of women. (翻译:我们必须对女性特别优待 We must have positive discrimination in favour of women.)

2. There is something about fashion that can make people very nervous. (翻译:cam小池 小熊 时尚的某些特质 会让人忐忑不安)

3. An enhanced motion detector. (翻译:An enhanced motion detector.)

4. All right, I got Cam's card. "Training goal: (翻译:好了 我拿到的Cam的卡片啦 正在养成的目标)

5. Indeed, that very night the impossible had already been set in motion. (翻译:the impossible had already been set in motion.)

6. The restaurant where we had our first date... the sunset lighting that Cam loves. (翻译:我们第一次约会的餐厅 Cam最爱的日落...)

7. Will you set the wheels in motion, please, Humphrey? (翻译:你能着手帮我处理吗 汉弗莱? Will you set the wheels in motion, please, Humphrey?)

8. And yet at the same time being a credible person (翻译:the positive virtuesofbeing kept ignorant? 要是他从政xx年连这都不懂...)

9. You just switch from the Sydney web cam to the Hobart web cam. (翻译:你刚刚从悉尼 霍巴特网络摄像头网络摄像头。)

10. Motion sickness and motion sickness, seasickness, etc. , as referred to as motion sickness medicine. (翻译:晕机和晕车、晕船等一样,医学上统称为运动病。)

11. Hey, they have killer robot drones, Cam. (翻译:- 喂 他们有无人驾驶的杀人飞机 Cam)

12. The tox screen came back positive for LSD. (翻译:你的表现真是太不可思议了 The tox screen came back positive for LSD.)

13. The price of rootlessness, motion sickness. (翻译:这就是无根性的代价 晕动症 The price of rootlessness, motion sickness.)

14. Yet when you begin the day with a positive action, even if it's just a little one, you set the powerful momentum of effort in motion. (翻译:然而当你以积极的行动开始新的一天,哪怕微乎其微的事情,将使强大的工作动力运转。)

15. And your motion is denied. (翻译:还有你的请求被否决了 And your motion is denied.)

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