predefined query是什么意思 predefined query的中文翻译、读音、例句

predefined query是什么意思 predefined query的中文翻译、读音、例句

predefined query的意思是"预定义查询",在英美地区还有"预定义查询"的意思,在线读音是[predefinedquery],predefined query常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与predefined query相关的例句。

Predefined query的翻译


例句:What if the query says ROWNUM = 100? (如果查询使用ROWNUM=100,那么怎么办?)


predefined query一般作为名词使用,如在predefined(a. 预先定义的)、query(询问 )、predefined environment([计] 预定义环境)等常见短语中出现较多。

predefineda. 预先定义的
predefined environment[计] 预定义环境
predefined exception[计] 预定义异常
predefined format[计] 预定义格式
predefined function[计] 预定义函数
predefined functions[网络] 预定义功能
predefined identifier[计] 预定标识符
predefined instruction[计] 预定义指令


1. About Optim query tuning solutions. (翻译:关于Optim查询调优解决方案。)

2. But since the temp tables had not been defined and realized in IWA, Informix handled the second query as a normal query. (翻译:但是,由于在IWA中无法定义和实现临时表,所以Informix像处理普通查询一样处理第二次查询。)

3. This applies to a query duplicated in a batch, or to a query in a stored procedure that is called multiple times. (翻译:这适用于批处理中的重复查询,也适用于存储过程中调用多次的查询。)

4. How to write this query? (翻译:怎么写这个疑问? )

5. Query plans will probably change. (翻译:查询计划可能会更改。)

6. Single-query tuning and query formatting, as well as the larger set of advisors, are available in Optim Query Tuner. (翻译:可用于OptimQueryTuner的单查询调优和查询格式、以及较大的顾问集。)

7. Otherwise , the nested query must be processed for each result of the outer query to ensure elimination of duplicates . (翻译:否则,为确保消除重复值,必须为外部查询的每个结果都处理嵌套查询。)

8. If the query fails, the stored procedure is aborted. (翻译:如果查询失败,那么存储过程将终止。)

9. When NOT appears in a position other than the beginning of a query, use AND to connect the NOT operator with the rest of the query. (翻译:当NOT不在查询的开始部分时,应使用AND来连接NOT运算符和查询的其它部分。)

10. To retrieve a specific version of the WDSL, run a query using query Wizard and specify the WSDL file name and version number. (翻译:要获取特定版本的WSDL文件,使用Query Wizard运行查询并指定WSDL文件名和版本号。)

11. The syntax of an MQL query is as follows. (翻译:MQL查询语法如下。)

12. The generated script also contains predefined Ant properties like debug and project1. (翻译:所生成的脚本还包含预定义的ant属性,像debug和project1。)

13. Query evaluation improvement and approximate functional dependencies (AFD) are two important research topics in data query and management. (翻译:查询评估和近似函数依赖是数据查询和管理中非常重要的两个研究方向。)

14. This screen is predefined. (翻译:此屏幕是预定义的屏幕。)

15. The main query does not contain a GROUP BY clause, and is not an aggregate query, or the subquery returns exactly one value. (翻译:主查询不包含GROUPBY子句并且不是汇总查询,或者子查询恰好返回一个值。)

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