pregnant glycosuria的中文解释是"妊娠性糖尿",其中文解释还有"妊娠性糖尿"的意思,在线发音:[pregnantglycosuria],pregnant glycosuria来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到89个与pregnant glycosuria相关的例句。
Pregnant glycosuria的翻译
例句:Did you know Nena Pascal was pregnant? (你知道妮娜・帕斯卡那时怀孕了吗 Did you know Nena Pascal was pregnant?)
pregnant glycosuria一般作为名词使用,如在glycosuria(糖尿 )、pregnant(怀孕的 )、pregnant with([网络] 孕育)等常见短语中出现较多。
glycosuria | 糖尿 |
pregnant | 怀孕的 |
pregnant with | [网络] 孕育 |
to be pregnant | 怀孕 |
digestive glycosuria | [医] 消化性糖尿 |
epinephrine glycosuria | [医] 肾上腺素性糖尿 |
emotional glycosuria | [医] 情绪性糖尿 |
glycosuria diabetic | [医] 糖尿病性糖尿 |
glycosuria of vagrants | [医] 流浪人糖尿 |
1. She got pregnant right away. (翻译:她马上就怀孕了 She got pregnant right away.)
2. A counselor will want me to stop being angry. I need my anger. (翻译:马克知道我怀孕了 Mark knows about me being pregnant.)
3. The king told me it was a sign I was pregnant, but (翻译:国王说这是我怀孕的征兆 The King told me it was a sign I was pregnant.)
4. The night when his wife told him that she was pregnant. (翻译:他得知他妻子怀孕的那晚 The night when his wife told him that she was pregnant.)
5. You're pregnant, they're pregnant, you can talk about being pregnant. (翻译:你也大肚婆,她们也大肚婆,你们可以凑在一起大谈孕妇经)
6. According to Arkady, they found out she was pregnant just before he was ordered by the KGB to return to Britain, so they got married in secret. (翻译:they found out she was pregnant 所以他们秘密结了婚 so they got married in secret.)
7. Right. Hey, you don't think, I might be pregnant. (翻译:是的 Right. 我可能是怀孕了 I might be pregnant.)
8. And America loves pregnant women. (翻译:哪个美国人不喜欢怀孕的女人? And America loves pregnant women.)
9. Often pregnant women become ambidextrous. (翻译:怀孕的女人通常能善用双手 Often pregnant women become ambidextrous.)
10. So, when did you guys decide to get pregnant? (翻译:你们是什么时候决定造人的? So, when did you guys decide to get pregnant?)
11. She was pregnant, with me. (翻译:她当时已经怀上我了 She was pregnant, with me.)
12. Your ex-wife got pregnant because my baby died? (翻译:你前妻因为我女儿死了而怀孕? Your ex -wife got pregnant because my baby died?)
13. ANGEL, HONEY, ARE YOU PREGNANT? (翻译:可能是她的吧。Angel, 甜心,你怀孕了?)
14. Maybe lucy got pregnant with someone else. (翻译:也许露西怀的是别人的孩子 Maybe Lucy got pregnant with someone else.)
15. Rosemary, you are pregnant, okay? (翻译:罗斯玛丽 你还怀着孩子呢 Rosemary, you are pregnant, okay?)